

Rebirth of the #2 Deck God

Rebirth of the #2 Deck God

BlackenedSky | Urban


Noah March, a 23 year old high school dropout who dedicated his life to playing esports hoping to earn the big bucks. The game “Deck Destroyer” was the most popular game in the world at the time, and he spent all his time and money playing the game eventually reaching the top. But his dreams are quickly crushed when he is easily surpassed by a player he simply cannot defeat. The now top ranker, Silver, is an anonymous player of “Deck Destroyer” absolutely nobody knows who he is. But he is purely unbeatable. He dawns the best cards in the game including secret and mythical cards. Noah March is devastated as his dreams are crushed. Driving him to lose all his worth in life. And one thing I forgot to mention. This world is one of hunters and goblins and ghouls. Around 30 years ago before Noah was born the first outbreak renamed the “Aether Phenomenon” was a large rift in space time containing monsters from another land. When nobody else came to help, the first awakened arrived, with the help of what we call the system. A digital orange screen only visible to the user. Each hunter is said to be given a special class, and personal attribute. Noah absolutely crushed, opened his phone once again. He spent his last Chrono (the currency in “Deck Destroyer”) and suddenly opened a secret card. “The Deck God” when Noah went to look out the window he found himself falling to his demise. And a mysterious figure assumed to be the one pushing him out. After falling he woke up in a somewhat familiar place…

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Prologue- The Deck God

I stared at my phone in the dimly lit room of my apartment, I had closed the shades and was hiding under a blanket as I went through my favorite game "Deck Destroyer". If you're asking why I'm under a blanket well…my life really sucks. I recently was topped by some random dude on "Deck Destroyer". And if you're asking, "why are you so hung up on some game?"

Well there's a simple answer to that actually, I abandoned my entire life for that game to become #1. I spent all my money and was barely able to scrounge up some rent after my parents died, I barely mourned. I didn't have enough money for a funeral so my sister did it herself. But when I attended it my sister personally disowned me herself. Not sure what I expected. I'm a pretty bad person.

I shouldn't have dropped out of that prestigious school for soon to be hunters. I haven't talked to my childhood friends since I dropped out. So around 8 years ago. Both of them are famous hunters. Blake Grenich, and the girl I had a crush on, Angelica Sinthard, she is quite literally an angel. I dropped out for a good reason…it was a school for hunters yet I couldn't awaken and be a hunter. Better than being shunned for my whole life…

Well since I practically abandoned everything for it I should tell you about my favorite game, "Deck Destroyer" it's pretty much your average card game but with a bit of a twist, kind of like a rogue like with some extra benefits. If you're beaten once, you're sent straight to the bottom. And I've been beaten so many times by the new top ranker "Silver"

I've wasted so much time trying to beat him it's not even funny. I'm lucky it's not an actual rogue like where I have to get all my cards again..I regret a lot of things to be perfectly honest. But the one thing I barely regret is dropping out of that school. They made a complete fool of me because of how weak I was. It doesn't even matter at this point.

Why I am even so hung up on this…? Whatever. I took the blanket off and got up from my bed, I made my way to the kitchen and boiled a pot of water to make ramen. While I did this from an event of deck destroyers introducing Secret Cards. If you didn't know already, deck destroyer has several rarities, it goes from common to recently secret. Common goes to Rare, Rare goes to Epic, Epic goes to Unique, Unique goes to Legendary, Legendary goes to Mythical, and finally Mythical goes to Secret.

While making instant ramen and stirring the pot I entered a special event battle. My deck consisted of mostly mythical cards with some legendary cards all maxed out in level. Of course that's not the only reason I win so easily. Strategy. A good deck doesn't always win. Though if your a solely common deck fighting against a legendary or mythical deck strategy isn't gonna win. But. I somehow always lose against Silver…I don't even know why. He doesn't have a single loss in his record book. And his deck is solely mythicals. Except for 1. A secret card. Called "Fire God".

Whenever he plays it on the field the field changes into a volcano area. The volcano area is probably the most overpowered thing in the game. It deals constant fire damage and launches several fireballs that pretty much insta kill everything. Along with that "Fire God" does a massive amount of blast damage. Which can hit all of my cards on the playing field. Which just completely destroys me…

I finished up my plain instant ramen, and dumped it in a bowl. I haven't even had a haircut in probably a year…my hair always clutters my vision and I don't have the energy to cut it. Let alone make myself a proper meal, I almost spit out my food because it was way too hot, I grabbed some milk and drank it because my tongue was practically burning.

After I did that I opened up Deck Destroyers. Before I got a number from a number I was very familiar with, my sister. Now be in mind my sister was around 3 years younger than me. So 20 years old, I answered the call, "Hello?" "…hello Noah." "Uh yeah that's me, what's up?" "Listen I know we've been on bad terms, but. I wanted you to come to my wedding this weekend."

Shes getting married?! At 20?! "You're getting married…?" Honestly I really can't talk but isn't that too young? Our parents got married in their early 30s. "Uh yeah…I'm getting married, I know we haven't talked in years but I really want you to come. Just to see you. You'll probably get my invitation soon…goodbye." She hung up.

I almost cried. "Dammit." I looked back at my phone, the now black screen felt so bright in the dimly lit room in the night. I wasn't going to run away this time. Hunter or not. I should be there for my sister. She had the courage to even call me, I wouldn't be able to do that. I'm just a coward, who hides away from reality in games.

I shouldn't get too hung up on it. I sighed and opened up Deck Destroyers again. Using the last of my Chrono Currency. Which is the currency used to buy card packs, I opened the last event pack I could and the last one I would, this game cost me too much. Here we go.

Rare, Epic, Common, Rare again…And? Oh? A secret card?! The deck god?! The black card shone on my screen and my jaw dropped. Goddamnit right when I was about to quit! I looked at the black card. It was quite detailed. The outline was black with a white string curling up and down side to side. The illustration was of a man wearing a black top hat and a tuxedo. His face was covered by the hat but you could see the distinct shine on his gloves as he tipped his hat.

Odd card…I read the description. It read "The manifestation of the deck, they say in the legends whoever discovers this card is a sign of luck and glory for future days. Though this card was discovered in the ancient of the past in the world of the deck gods. Was he the first?" How cryptic. Most of the lore descriptions are very straightforward. After I finished up the plain instant ramen I was washing the small amount of dishes in my sink and I just stuffed in the dishwasher and ran it. I looked out the window in my apartment.

I forgot I lived in New York…if I don't find a job soon I'll be screwed. I put my hand on the large glass window before I felt a cold hand on my back. The glass shattered as I found myself falling out of my apartment. I looked back up as I was falling to my death. I was scared. I didn't want to to die. A man with a black top hat and a tuxedo stood where I used to standing, smiled, and tipped his hat, before I found myself hitting the cold floor.

Beep Beep Beep. "Hm?" What the- I woke up in a bed that was somewhat familiar. I didn't set an alarm…where am I exactly? I looked around. Is this…my high school dorm?

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