Chapter 1: Chapter one: First Meetup.
Displaying captivating, azure eyes that possessed an enchanting allure, she possessed the ability to ensnare the heart of any man. Makeup was not a priority for her, yet she endeavored to present herself in the most appealing manner possible for the crucial meeting of today. The company that she now presided over as the newly appointed CEO, Hu industry, was facing precarious circumstances and teetering on the verge of closure. Adorned in a striking red tuxedo, she could only hope to make a resplendent impression. Unexpectedly, calamity struck!
Immediately, she found herself sprawled on the ground, her bag ruthlessly pilfered by a thief. In a state of distress, a young woman with cascading black curls cried out, pleading for assistance, "Help! My bag has been stolen! Can someone please aid me?" Astonishingly, no one heeded her pleas, choosing instead to conceal themselves and offer no assistance. Undeterred, she resolved to retrieve her bag on her own.
Summoning forth her resolve, Nathalia firmly stood upright, enduring the agonizing strain on her arm. She discarded her protective heels which shielded her flawless toes and began a relentless pursuit of the thief. At her current pace, Nathalia's chances of securing a commendable second-place finish in the domestic race seemed within reach. Along her path, she improvised weapons from anything she could lay her hands on, employing them to ward off the bandits. The miscreant wondered incredulously, it was merely a bag, why was she so resolute? Increasing his pace, he assumed she would be an easy target due to her apparent innocence, but oh how mistaken he was.
Unbeknownst to him, fate would enlist a beautiful and guileless girl as his nemesis. Unleashing her might, she hurled a stone at the bandit's left leg, causing him to stumble and releasing her bag from his grasp. Seizing the opportunity, she took flight, only to land directly in front of the sleek tires of a Limousine.
With a sense of urgency, Nathalia observed the vehicle begin to move and pleaded desperately, "Please, no! Stop!" Had she known the identity of the car's owner, she would have entrusted her precious bag and its invaluable contents—the meticulously crafted design collaboration between her and her father—to its care. Crouching down, she grasped at her bag, determined to retrieve it. In the distance, Mr. Li, the esteemed proprietor of Li Electronics, approached his car, only to be greeted by the sight of a young girl situated right in front of it, visibly straining and contorting. Squinting his eyes, he entertained a singular thought, wondering how such an inconsequential individual had managed to infiltrate his domain.
Assuring his boss, Secretary Liang Chen reassured, "Boss, fear not, I will handle this matter." To alleviate his own vexation, their boss perpetuated a cycle of torment upon his employees. Hence, Liang urgently sought a solution. Approaching the lady on the ground, he gently tapped her, urging, "Miss, you must move. You are trespassing on private property, guarded by security forces."
For her, the bag was not solely a possession, but a conduit to obtaining invaluable treasures such as the phone, the result of her and her father's collaborative efforts. Rising to her feet, she scrutinized the spectacled, blond secretary. Their eyes shared the same hue, yet did not carry the same intentions.
If one were to search for a term superior to wonderful in order to depict the qualities of her eyes, it would surely be employed in this context.
"Sorry, sir, I only wish to retrieve my bag that happens to be beneath your automobile," she spoke with a gentle and velvety voice, yet it possessed a noticeable sense of female determination.
Mr. Li became disinterested in observing the spectacle from afar and proceeded to move closer. The object of his welcome was the car.
His secretary grew apprehensive upon witnessing his boss's proximity to a woman. It was only natural, as prior to engaging in any discussion with a woman, his boss would invariably command her to remove all traces of makeup.
"Boss, your relocation was unnecessary. I am fully capable of handling this situation."
Liang was well aware of his boss's aversion to lower class individuals, particularly those garbed in the color red.
"Liang, are you supposed to dictate to me what I can or cannot do?"
The secretary restrained himself from expressing what he truly wished to say and instead took a few steps backward. The atmosphere surrounding his boss turned chillingly cold; a single glance had the power to freeze anything.
The woman before him donned a red tuxedo intended for females and lacked footwear. Her disheveled hair bore the marks of a hasty run, while her skirt bore the scars of minor calamities.
All he felt when gazing upon the lady was disgust.
"Have your parents not taught you that adorning makeup on a pig merely leaves one with a pig?" Was he truly addressing her? Did she genuinely resemble a pig?
She was a former student of Miming University, having claimed the title of school beauty on three separate occasions.
Some people never acquired basic manners during their formative years. At the very least, I can teach him a lesson or two.
"Before directing your attention towards a lady such as myself, proper greetings are in order."
Who was this girl who spoke to his master with such confidence? Most girls became dwarfed in his presence alone.
Li sneered, emanating a chilling and dangerous aura that was all too familiar to Liang.
I must assist this young lady, otherwise she will surely perish.
"Boss, there is no need to converse with such trash. We have an important business meeting in thirty minutes."
_Trash? _
Liang Chen did not view her as trash; he acted in such a manner merely to come to her aid.
"I simply wish to retrieve my_"
The CEO entered his vehicle, followed by his secretary Liang Chen, and with a gesture, he directed the driver to proceed.
Her bag was obliterated, along with its contents.
She gazed at the expansive floor-to-ceiling glass window in front of a nearby establishment, which reflected her appearance rather haphazardly. Nathalia couldn't help but conclude that she resembled a clown, with her makeup smudged and large beads of sweat dotting her face.
Miss Hu picked up her high heels and pounded the bag with them before making her way back to the beauty salon.
"What happened to you, ma'am?" inquired the salon workers.
"Oh, nothing. Everything's fine. My phone is in a critical condition and I've had the unfortunate encounter with an affluent gentleman. Don't you all think this is a great way to start the day?" she sarcastically remarked.
_Fingers crossed that my business proposal doesn't get turned down._
She thought anxiously.
Perplexed, the employees exchanged glances.
On the motorway, a sleek black Limousine glided towards its destination.
_Who does she think she is, speaking to me in such a manner? I will make her face the consequences_
Mused the CEO.
The boss emanated an unchanged atmosphere, while a constant chill sent shivers down everyone's spines in the car as he shifted slightly. Even the elderly driver clung to the steering wheel, trembling ever so slightly.
"Conduct a swift investigation into that person," the boss commanded, breaking the silence in the vehicle.
With his silvery white hair and piercing honey brown eyes, concealed beneath long lashes, he possessed a determined aura reflected in his firm lips, as if to say, 'Kiss me at your own peril,' exemplifying his dominant presence.
The secretary scoured through every available platform until he fortuitously stumbled upon a picture of the young woman. He continued his search, unearthing all of her relevant information.
Turning his gaze to the secretary, the CEO patiently awaited the delivery of the gathered intelligence.