Chapter 1: Chapter I : unexpected event
the atmosphere of the seventh heaven at that time was truly terrible. the gods and fairies trembled with fear.
the celestial emperor was enraged, no one would have thought that the Camellia fairy who was renowned for being competent and adept would be negligent in carrying out her level-up examination.
Everyone knows how much Ju Hua wants to be a flower goddess, she already dreaming about that for a long time. A little camellia fairy who wants to be the flower goddess, it's a higher level of the goddess that little fairies like Ju Hua can achieve.
and all felt that she was the fittest of the fairies, so did the emperor. These unexpected turn of events was like a hurricane, the gods and goddesses guessing whose fault it was.
Ju Hua, that girl is not like most goddesses who are born as gods and goddesses or as great humans who rise to the sky, Ju hua is just a little Camellia flower fairy who needs two thousand years to get her human form and needs another thousand years to learn and passed the goddess level-up examination so she could become a flower goddess.
"Ju Hua, listen to the orders of the Celestial Emperor!"
The camellia fairy, Ju Hua, is a fairy who failed her divinity test. knelt and lowered her head tears kept flowing from her pretty eyes. the atmosphere of the Hall of Virtue was tense, no one dared to defend him.
"Ju Hua, as you know a fairy who fails the test will be sentenced to 1000 years of testing and repeat the exam afterward. But Ju Hua, entrusted with great trust and responsibility by the Emperor of the Heavens and failing to carry out the test, disrupts the ten thousand-year cultivation of the twin lotuses resulting in one of its petals falling into the human world
Ju Hua just closed his eyes, waiting for what kind of punishment he would get as a result of the fatal mistake he made.
"Therefore the fairy Ju Hua is given the punishment to face trials in the human world and retrieve the fallen twin lotus petals. Can't return to the sky until she retrieves the petals!"
"Ju Hua accept it," Ming Luo the Heavenly Emperor's right-hand man said
"Fairy Ju Hua received punishment from the Heavenly Emperor," she said in a sad voice.
"Hm? Ju Hua you have disappointed me once, I hope you won't repeat it" The emperor stared at the little fairy in front of him.
"Ju Hua will not let the celestial emperor down a second time!"
"Good, the punishment has been completed I will go back now"
after the emperor left, the gods and goddesses also left the hall of virtue.
Ju Hua! Exactly what happened?!" a goddess ran over to Ju Hua
"Greetings Goddess Cheng Yu"
Cheng Yu is a Rain goddess, Ju Hua's fellow fairy friend. Cheng Yu is a Water Fairy who passes the level-up test to become a goddess.
"Ming Luo! Tell me what happened. Ju Hua would never do something so reckless!" said Cheng Yu did not accept
"Goddess, this incident I Ming Luo also don't know for sure."
"Ju Hua, explain to me quickly! What happened during my absence?" Cheng Yu tightly gripped Ju Hua's cold hand.
"Cheng Yu, I don't know..that night I went out to see the lanterns sent by humans, I didn't check the condition of the twin lotuses but I'm sure! very sure that before I left they were fine! but..but when morning came, the lotus had started to wither and one of its petals was missing.."
Ju Hua's watery eyes looked at Cheng Yu's shocked eyes.
"You gave the Flowers a Purification Spell? You didn't leave them did you?!" said Cheng Yu who felt that her friend would never do something like that
"No! I always do it! Give purification, give strength to help the lotus core not wither. I always do it on time! How come.."
"Ju Hua, now all you can do is carry out the punishment. We will try our best to find out the truth! I will help you" Cheng Yu hugged her friend tightly
"I, Ming Luo will also help the fairy and goddess as much as I can. I also find this incident a bit odd."
"Thank you, Cheng Yu and Ming Luo. Thank you" Ju Hua said to calm himself down.
"I will take the fairy to the pool of life, fairy you can get ready"
the pool of Life is a place that connects the celestial realm and the human realm. the gods or goddesses usually undergo trials in the human world to increase their strength. but this place is also the place where the gods or goddesses who were exiled and released from their divine status live their next lives as humans.
Ju Hua felt a little lucky that her fairy status was still maintained, what would happen to her if she was made into an ordinary human? what if she was banished to the deepest valley, that valley is where gods and goddesses were dumped due to their fatal mistake, down the river for thousands of years until they can be reincarnated.
what happens if she is thrown there, her reincarnation will only become a wildflower or a tree.
"Fairy, this is a pool of life. take off everything related to the god realm before you jump"
Ju Hua looked into the pool, bottomless dark.
took a deep breath and started removing the hairpins and accessories that contained the power
"Just this, how can I survive there.."
Cheng Yu clasped her hands tightly
"Ju Hua you can do it! I'll visit you later!" Ju Hua smiled and nodded at her good friend's words.
"ah! Please bid my farewell to Feng xi. he will be surprised when he comes back"
Cheng Yu sighed and nodded in agreement.
"Fairy Ju Hua? Are you leaving now?" hearing the sound all three turned and looked.
it is Shao Li, Fairy of Wind or now she is Goddess of Wind. Shao Li passed her goddess exam and was appointed as the goddess of the wind, she and Ju Hua would have both been if that had not happened.
"Shao Li?" Ju Hua said slowly.
"Hm, oh greetings Goddess Cheng Yu. I came here to find Ming Luo regarding some matters. Ju Hua you know, I really don't like you but when something like this happens to you I feel a little sad. Keep going, I wish you luck. This is my farewell to you" Shao Li said with a faint smile
"Thank you Shao Li, and Cheng Yu I will go now you take care of yourself. Thank you for your help Ming Luo"
After giving her farewells, Ju Hua jumped into the pond. she had never imagined what it would be like to enter the pool of life, and she knows it would feel like the body to be light like a feather being blown by the wind somewhere.
Hi, dyanne here. this is not the first time i write a story but if it in english? yup this is my first time lol. so, I'm sooo sorry if the writing is messy because English is not my first language. I am also writing to learn my English, please give me some advice and give me your support too!! Thank You <3