

The Making Of A Man

The Making Of A Man





In a world where evil thrives and crimes are largely perpetrated and accepted, Pisces sees himself caught up between a choice that is conflicted with his principle and ideology, but because of his strong belief in God, principles, and philosophy about life, he tries to be good and live an honourable life, but he soon realised that the world does not reward good neither does it reward righteousness.

This is the conundrum of Pisces, an ambitious and proficient man whose dreams keep slipping away the closer he thinks he's getting. And when nothing seems to be working out for him, his whole world falls apart as he loses hope and starts questioning his moral values, purpose, and existence. He then thought to himself, would he eventually choose the evil he has long been running away from, or keep chasing the good that has always been running away from him?

He knew once he chose evil, there was no going back. Because he's going to be unimaginably evil as he would have been unbelievably good.

Top Reviews



Status: c7 1yr
The novel is a very cool novel having a very cool atmosphere, the vocabularies are really really great and I like how the author uses them, the timing is just there 
Good job!!!!!
Although I feel the chapters are longer than expected and the story is lacking a prologue  buh still a very nice work 

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

It was on Saturday afternoon, the clime was idyllic, and the boulevard was swarming with crowds. Particularly, uninhibited teeming youngsters, who were outdoors gamboling and kibitzing as they enjoy their weekend.

There was a private bar called the Acapulco Gold Lounge also known as Gusty that was adjacent to a restaurant, which was often frequented for drinks and also for social sports and activities such as Pool, hand soccer, karaoke, and of course to watch live football matches.

Theodore, a plenipotentiary, and spectacularly wealthy businessman sat unnoticeably at the extreme nook of the bar, as he was virtually indulging in his habitual leisure-binding self-obligated task, where he ingests the atmosphere and spewing it aesthetically as an act of Hedonism.

A skill he has masterfully perfected and considered an art, thus earning him respect and admiration even from the Acapulco Gold powerhouse Stoners and fledgling habitues.

He had the most expensive wine and bottled water served exclusively to his table, while classical live cabaret music was playing in the background, with a peppy upbeat piano accompaniment, and a syncopated vivacious tune as crowds can be heard cheering. It was a live performance of "Mississippi Goddamn" by Nina Simone, the legendary U.S. singer and the high priestess of soul.

Theodore who has been utterly immersed in the emotional song and the melancholic lyrics overheard the expostulation between Man 1 and Man 2 as the song fades out.

Man 1 had initially demanded to be served a drink, but Man 2 forbade his request, noting that he should clear his old bills before buying on credit which accumulates his debt every time, saying," A real man doesn't owes without paying, doesn't default on debt, and doesn't buy things he can't afford twice, he jokes.

"What makes a person a real man? "

Man 1 impassively asked

Theodore who has been observing the situation, expended his attention on the anticipated response from Man 2, as he sip his wine unhurriedly while crossing his legs.

Man 1 asked again, "Do you think that being a real man is all about having free will and the liberty to do anything? To be rich and successful with an unlimited financial capability to afford anything in the world?

Man 1 further emphasized that the availability of resources, social status, influence, and financial capability is what empowers a man, not what makes a person a real man, and that everybody owes, so there isn't any real man anywhere in the world, they are either indebted to banks, stole from people, government and private organizations.

Man 2 chimes in, Please Pisces, I do not have the patience to tolerate your syllogism and philosophical erudition today. I'm already overwhelmed at the thought of the drama and histrionic shmaltzy awaiting me at home.

What happened my friend? Asked Pisces

My wife just came back from a business trip, today is her birthday and also our anniversary. I was supposed to pick her up at the airport, but I got caught up in an unfortunate event. And she has been calling repeatedly to be sure that I'm okay, and have also texted to know why I haven't been picking her calls. But I haven't call back and I can't even call her back because what exactly am I going to tell her?

What do you mean you can't call her back, What happened man? where were you that you couldn't go to the airport to pick her up? And what is preventing you from picking up her call or even returning it now?

Just call her back and give her a reasonable and highly convincing explanation, why make a fuss about it? Pisces calmly said.

"I couldn't pick up her call because I don't know what to say, she knew how odd it is for me not to have called since morning.

I haven't even posted her pictures on social media or texted her.

I mean... I celebrate her every day, but her birthday usually comes with a premeditated celebration and indefinite revelry.

It's been over 24 hours since the last time we spoke and chatted. I can't even think straight".

Said Kyrios who is utterly pullulated with worries as he strives to delineate the event that led to his apparent despondency.

Theodore stood up and signalled Kyrios, he demonstrated a nonverbal expression to connote he was leaving.

Kyrios approached Theodore and walked him outdoors. The paintings you got for Lore are still in the car, said Theodore.

Oh! Yeah!, thanks for reminding me, I had completely forgotten about it, the past 24 hours have been hell.

I just need to figure out how to make things up to Lore, and I need to do that fast.

Said Kyrios as he expressed himself with a woebegone face. He's without an argument very disappointed in himself.

You are going to be alright man, Theodore assures and patted him gently on his back as they both embraced and shook hands.

All the while, Pisces could not stop thinking about who this mysterious man is. Everything about him is likable. His demeanor, zing, manners, majestic appearance, ritzy habiliment, and designer moccasin. Everything about him reeks of royalty and class. While the conversation was going on between Theodore and Kyrios. Pisces was observing them. As Kyrios was heading to the trunk to carry the paintings, a Prado car came to park directly outside the ingress of the bar, thereby blocking the passageway. Four hefty men alighted from the vehicle dressed in all black. Kyrios approached them and pleaded for their car to be moved up front to prevent it from being parked proportionately, hence obstructing the entrance of the bar.

After so much appeal and persuasion, they got in, reversed, and parked perpendicularly next to Theodore's car.

Shortly after their indistinct breviloquent and zippy interaction, Theodore walked a few meters to his 2023 Range Rover Velar, got in, and drove off.

Pisces who has been furtively looking at both Kyrios and Theodore through the extensive glass wall, and translucent frameless door at the facade of the bar, accosted Kyrios immediately he walked in and asked, who is your mysterious friend?

Oh! That's a real man that can afford anything, and he doesn't even have to pay for them. Kyrios replied sarcastically.

Pisces looks at him in total stupefaction, Afford anything and don't have to pay for them? He asked again.

Looking at Pisces derisively, Kyrios couldn't hold his laughter because of the reaction on Pisces's face, why do you like to overthink things and probe too deeply?

Alright, I was just bantering, that was my best friend from the University, his name is Theodore.

Theodore? The one you used to tell me about?

Yes! Replied Kyrios, and he really could afford anything and don't have to pay for them, and those things don't mean much to him. According to him, "They are just things and that is all they would ever be".

Pisces sighed and remembered Kyrios was talking about his dereliction, and ad-libitum to unintentionally make no effort to celebrate and wish Lore on her birthday.

He has been ignoring her calls because he failed to pick her up from the airport. He knew how much he loves her, how much they both love and cherish one another. Pisces catechizes Kyrios for further explanation. What were you caught up in that made you forget Lore's birthday, and your anniversary, and what made you fail to pick her up from the airport? And why have you been ignoring her calls and not even making any effort to call her back?

"It wasn't intentional", said Kyrios. I had a plan put in place for her, a surprise birthday party even, but this is exactly what happened.

Theodore just got back in town, and we haven't seen each other for a while. He invited me to the new club he just opened.

It was Friday, Lore wasn't around and I didn't have anything to do, so I went.

We partied like old times, but I was very mindful of my inhibition and perceptive enough to deter any form of inebriated circumstances. So we left the club for his home because I had bought a painting for Lore from Theodore arts collector, and three others at an exhibition center which was delivered to his place.

We got in and Theodore immediately went upstairs. I was thirsty and hungry. So I went to the kitchen to get something to drink and eat. That was when I met a chap in the Kitchen, he had an apron on.

Obviously, he was Theodore's newly hired Chef who is also a professional mixologist. He has worked at some of the most popular and prestigious hotels and clubs in Lagos.

From Eko Hotel to Lagos Continental, Movenpick, Four Points, and clubs such as Pablo, Quilox, Ember Creek, and Club X.

We exchanged pleasantries as he was making breakfast. He offered me cookies and some brownies and went on to ask if I cared for tea. I acknowledged affirmatively, took a cookie and was masticating on it and asked what he was making," Medicinal Herbal Tea, but I call it Elyssium Assortment", he said enthusiastically.

I have heard and drank all sort of things drinkable in Lagos, you name it. The famous herbal Monkey Tail Gin in A.J. city, and "Skuchie" cocktails that is also called "Elle" at the African Shrine. But traditional medical herbal tea called Elysium Assortment I have never heard of, talk more of drinking it.

So I was curious to know what this Elysium Assortment does. A notification hummed from my phone, I unlocked my phone to check it, it was a text from the baker I contracted for Lore's birthday cake.

I called her back immediately, but as soon as I was done talking to her, he handed the tea to me and said it was ready. I collected it with gratitude. It smells so refreshing, I took a sip and could not believe it could have tasted that good. I asked him for the recipes. I had noticed earlier all the array of items he had tabled on the kitchen peninsula. A Green Powder, Honey, Pineapple, Coconut Nectar, an ewer filled with Apple juice and a gallon of milk. I took the first sip, and immediately took another after another. Then I traveled, I left this world Pisces, and that was the last thing I remembered before waking up at the hospital.

"So you mean you were out partying with your mysterious friend who just came to town, after so much drinking and convivial merrymaking. You didn't go home but went with your mysterious friend, what's his name again"? Asked Pisces.

His name is Theodore and he's my intimate friend, we both went to the same university, replied Kyrios.

Alright, so you went with him to his apartment, got there, went straight to the kitchen, and met his domestic live-in servant that was making a never-before-seen wonderland tea. Saw a branded receptacle with "Green powder" labeled on it, and a bottle of honey, coconut nectar, orange, pineapple, and apple juice inside an ewer and a milk jar. You watched him heat the water, took a meager portion from the Green powder as he poured it into lusterware, effuse the hot water, added some honey, coconut nectar, orange, pineapple and apple juice with a milk.

You watched him infused and hybridized the purported Elysium assortment, saw him picked an empty mug, rinsed it thoroughly, grabbed a ladle, stirred the voodoo-infused tea, and poured some inside the mug for you. You collected it, took a sip and eventually gulped it like a cold Heineken beer, without asking about the content, use, and benefits of the supposed "magic potion" tea, and that was the last thing you remembered? Pisces asked Kyrios after perusing everything he had said.

After the incident, Kyrios could not remember anything. It was C.J. and Theodore who told him about his irrational display according to their statement to the police after he drank the tea.

Pisces was unhappy that the police were involved. He expressed his uneasiness obstreperously as Kyrios continued with his narration.

"You do know I do not want to have anything to do with the Police. I secure my own home, protect my own life and that of my family and loved ones. I abide by the law, I'm inherently aversed to crimes.

I am a real man, my own man and my "own" government." He said as he threatened to keep his distance from Kyrios. But insisted that he should serve him a drink first.

"Aren't you going to keep your distance away from me again? If you truly want to keep your distance, you would have been on your ten toes, not on your Gluteus Maximus. When you are ready to drink, you will go into the bar to serve yourself. Kyrios told him as he would not stop laughing at him because of his resentment and exacerbation against the police.

Pisces looks at him furiously, and told him when he's done laughing, he should serve him a drink. "Or do you by chance still have the Elysium Assortment or whatever you were given that altered your consciousness?

(Pisces laughed) Maybe it can at least take me out of my misery.

"What misery? And are you sure you want that? Kyrious asked, he apprised him again that when he was ready to drink, he would serve himself.

"I want it. Said Pisces, I would love to have a taste of it and the life-changing personal experience, but only with one exception.

No police involvement. And no, I do not hate the police. I just have a distrust for them because of their proclivity and notoriety for human rights abuse, sordidness, illegality, bribery, treacherous repute, and roughshod corrupt practices".

Kyrios sighed and told him that not all police are bad, and that some are upright and have moral integrity. Pisces didn't waste time to tell him that he hasn't met those. "My table is still empty Kyrious, attend to me. I am a Customer and a dear friend, a real man. Offer me a moonshine, don't be ridiculous." He said

Kyrios paused for a minute and remembered Pisces said something about take out of my misery earlier and ask Pisces what he meant. Then tell him his only attending to the table that guarantees the disbursement of legal tender, but because he is his friend, and a real man, acclaimed, (grinning mischievously), "when you are ready to drink, you will go into the Bar to serve yourself.

Pisces expressed his interest in Kyrios's divulgement and asked him to continue with his recital, and that they would talk about his conundrum later.

"They told me I had a successive change in mood and suddenly went into a frenzy the moment I drank the Medicinal Herbal Tea.

And became super active and at the same time unaware of my social sphere while attempting to make sense of everything.

Which got even scarier when I began hallucinating and while experiencing a brisk palpitations at the same time.

Pisces cuts in, this particular traditional herbal tea made you hallucinated?

Yes, Kyrios replied and continued, that wasn't all, I was said to have had some sort of phenomenon reawakening with vehement spiritual revelations and manifestations, with some acute feelings of detachment, objectivity, altered consciousness, and in-depth knowledge of myself and the Universe, and then passed out and was immediately rushed to the hospital.

Still feeling uncomfortable sequel to the revelation of C.J constabulary statement, and the involvement of the authority.

Pisces thought about going because according to him, the Police are one of the most dangerous criminal institutions on Earth. But they are too ignorant to realize how powerful they are if they truly chose to be prudently noble and ethical in their respective line of duties, because they are the only constitutionally empowered institution in the government that is legally sanctioned to make, and effect an arrest, carry out an investigation, ensure the safety, and protection of life and properties of the people, as it is their sole responsibility and duty to the populace. And it is the civic responsibility of the people to cooperate and work collectively with them once they have cohesively earned each other's trust through moral rectitude and social probity.

He will often argue and say "any Country that can get its law enforcement agencies and judicial system right, has solved 99 percent of its problems and would by degree eliminate corruption, fight and reduce crime rates to the barest minimum." Remarking that you can't employ the service of a cat in your home and still have to worry about rodents.

So he asked, how did the police get involved?

Kyrios impulsively told him that it wasn't the Medical Herbal Tea that got the police involved. This further got Pisces confused, "it wasn't the Medical Herbal Tea?

He exclaimed and asked, "so what was it?"

Kyrios told him It was because Theodore dogs attacked C.J. "Although, the Medical Herbal Tea too played a part, because it also has some psychoactive ingredients in it. He said

"Are you kidding me??? Pisces opened his mouth to express his shock, he was dumbfounded.

Kyrios continued, it was alleged that during my frenzy and delirium episode, I went outside to release Theodore's dogs from their cage and started talking to them with fervent admiration. You know he always leaves his dogs with me whenever he's travelling out of the country.

Theodore was reported to be taking a shower when C.J when to call him, so immediately he came outside and the dogs sighted him, Daemon charged at him.

Then I attempted to rescue C.J from Deamon, and take Zeus back to its cage, but Zeus instantly lunged after C.J as they both started attacking him. C.J has only been hired as a short-time cook. It was his third day on the job, so the dogs aren't familiar with him yet. It's believed that the neighbours were the ones who called the police because of the unusual raucous and strident snivelling as C.J. was shouting in pain, Theodore was compelled to come outside and save C.J, he took Zeus and Daemon tooback to their cage.

"My goodness, that's the most tragic and pathetically grievous thing I've heard in a long time. How's C.J.'s health? I hope he wasn't badly injured. Asked Pisces

"He's fine, he sustained quite the injury, Theodore took us both to the hospital, with the help of the police of course, and went to the airport to help me pick Lore up, but unfortunately, Lore had already taken an Uber home before he got to the airport having waited for hours.

Kyrios's phone rang immediately, he was skeptical to pick up, "is that Lore? Pisces asked. No! not love as Kyrios picked up the call and said hello while walking away.

Theodore told Kyrious that he has gotten home and planning to rest for a while, he asked Kyrious to reserve five bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon wine for him as his birthday gift to Lore. They both said goodbye to each other before ending the callml. Kyrious immediately remembered the painting, he had forgotten to carry the paintings because of the distraction caused by the hefty men that came in a Prado prior.

"Oh! oh! Oh!" They both exclaimed contemporaneously in regret. "I'm going to bring them over", Theodore assures him and ended the call because he has a flight to catch later in the night. Pisces pressured Kyrios to call Lore and explain everything to her, he was certain Lore would understand and forgive him. He proposed the idea of planning a surprise birthday for Lore at the Gusty bar. Kyrios did as advised and thanked Pisces for the great idea. He admitted that there wasn't anything Lore loved more than surprises and gifts as he grinned from ear to ear decisively.