

Entangled With Darkness

Entangled With Darkness

Dream10a | Fantasy


'Hell is empty and all the devils are here.' -- Williams Shakespeare --- "Should I dip my hands in holy water so I can touch you?" His breath fanned her neck as he spoke close to her ear, causing an anxious shiver to run down her spine. Her eyes widened before narrowing slightly. "You are crazy." She whispered back with a shaking voice. "Why?" He asked, awed. His eyes now staring at her. "Because you would get burned." --- Opposites attract. That’s what everyone says, but light and darkness are two very contrasting entities. Annabelle is the perfect definition of pure and innocent, while on the other hand, Kione is the opposite of that—dark and a devil with an angelic appearance. Too forbidden to be a perfect match.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Fluffy sweets

In the crowded street of Fogstown, where one could easily differentiate between wealthy folks and commoners, a little girl walked alongside a man. His large palm wrapped around her tiny hands.

Her golden blonde hair danced along with the wind as she wore a bright smile on her face, making her face even more radiant than it already is.

"Mr. Edward," one of the townsmen greeted with a bow, "I didn't know you were coming to this side of town."

Edward returned his greeting and replied, "I wasn't planning on it, but my princess," his eyes meeting the little girl's grayish ones. "wants to see the fair."

The man hummed in response before looking at the girl and saying, "Have a wonderful time at the fair, Miss Annabelle." He bowed again before leaving them.

They both walked further into the street where the fair was being held. On the sides, different stalls were set up where merchants sold items to make their profits.

"Papa!" she called. "Can we bring Mama some beautiful flowers after watching the fair?"

He answered, "Of course, my dear Belle. I'm sure your mom is going to love it." She beamed with excitement upon hearing his response. "But first, let me get you some fluffy sweets."

His eyes moved around the stalls, looking for the ones that sold sweets. On seeing that the stall was too crowded, he turned to look at his daughter. He had meant to tell her that he would not be able to give her the sweets he promised, but seeing the longing look in her eyes, Edward heard himself saying,

"Belle, now be a good girl and stay right here while I bring your sweets." The little one nodded her head vigorously, as if she couldn't wait anymore.

Edward let go of Belle's hand and walked towards the stall.

On the other side of the street, away from where the fair was being held, a young boy walked with a younger girl, neither of them uttering a word. But merely looking at them, one could easily tell that they were from a wealthy family.

The girl walked with grace, as she must have been taught to do by her governess. Though none of them uttered a word, the girl had been trying to get him to talk to her while he walked with a dull and uninterested look on his face, paying no attention to the young miss.

Being a wealthy vampiress she had always had whatever she wanted, including the attention she desired, but this one was too charming and annoying for his own good.

If not for the fact that she had found a liking for the young lord, her family's hard work in trying to form an alliance with the Reigns would have been a disaster.

Her eyes fell on his face, where some strands of his black hair lay because of the light wind that blew. But not once did he turn to look at her, even if he had noticed the young Miss staring, making her grit her teeth in annoyance.

Though she was just a young girl about seven years of human age, she was as cunning as any vampiress would be.

Not giving up on her quest for attention, she threw away her handfan, which she had been holding when she felt he wasn't looking, making it seem as if the wind had carried it away. She was hoping that the boy would act like a gentleman and bring it to her.

She shouted for his attention while looking at the fan to see where it would stop. He did follow her line of sight to look at where the fan stopped, but he didn't make any attempt to help her.

Her servant, who walked some distance behind them, made an attempt to go pick up the fan but stopped when he felt the glare from his mistress.

When she saw that he wasn't going to bring it, she asked, "Aren't you going to help me bring it, Kione?"

"It's Mr. Reign for you, Miss Olivia. And I believe you have your servants to do that." A blank expression on his face as he gave his response.

Meanwhile, Belle, who stood waiting for her papa, felt something lightly touch her calf, making her turn around to see what it was when she caught sight of the fan that lay on the ground.

Picking up the fan, she looked around to see if she would find its owner.

Olivia's servant, who saw this, tried to secretly tell Belle to drop the fan back because he knew his mistress wouldn't take it nicely if she caught a human who was below her status holding her stuff without her consent.

But innocent Belle looked at him and mistook his actions to mean for her to bring the fan to the miss.

Belle walked towards where Kione stood; once she was in front of them, she stretched her hand that held the fan towards Olivia.

A surprised look took over her face on seeing her handfan before her, but it was quickly replaced with one of distaste on seeing the human. Most vampires have been taught that humans are lowly beings with selfish intentions, so vampires should not bring them too close.

And Olivia wasn't an exception to these teachings. Olivia rudely took her fan away from the human's hand without saying thank you.

Still angry, she wanted to teach the human a lesson, as she had dared to come this close to her. It would certainly make a good point in front of Kione. She thought.

She raised her hand to slap Belle but only ended up hitting thin air because, at the same time, Belle had decided to clean a speck of dust she noticed on her shoe.

At this point, Miss Olivia's face could only turn red with embarrassment. Kione, who had been watching the scene unfold, though entertained, didn't smile or laugh. Instead, he observed the human, who was completely oblivious to what the vampiress had almost done to her.

When she stood up, his eyes locked with those of the girl, and for a moment they stared at each other without saying a word until the young vampire furrowed his eyes over something.

"Belle!" she heard her father call from behind.

"Papa. Did you-"

"It's time to go." He said in a hurried tone while looking behind him as if someone was chasing him.

Olivia harrumphed at seeing the girl go scot-free without a punishment before quickly following Kione, who had started walking away.

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