In the year 556 of the Runtallian Calendar, a war broke out in the eastern frontier of the Kingdom of Runtallia between the eastern overlord, Duke Gaverone Walruse of Regalia, and the barbarian chief-thane known as Dariun Drunzelle of the Shiradonii tribe, one of the Four Great Tribes of Norsmund, a nation that borders the Kingdom, deemed to be the land of brutes and savages. As the Duke of Regalia marches with his army to defend the disputed land of Kurlon, the barbarians have taken such an opportune moment to launch another incursion near the eastern border of Regalia near the town of Flendle, with the intention of dividing his army. However, despite accepting the town and the surrounding local lords' territories as lost cause in the war in favor of Kurlon– a newly discovered territory bountiful with veins of iron and other minerals– the Duke tasks his third son, Lord Velmund Walruse, along with his retinue, the Order of the Raven Knights, to fend off the attack. Now faced with the plight of defending the border town against a 5,000-strong Norsmundi army with his few yet skilled knights, along with an ill-equipped and undermanned militia, Lord Velmund has no choice but to fulfill his duty as a noble, relying upon his wits and his few but capable retainers to survive his first battle at the tender age of sixteen summers and winters. Contrary to his timid, youthful, and innocent appearance, however, lies his sly and scheming nature, evident by his fondness of dark magical arts specializing in illusion spells. Nevertheless, he himself has no idea of what he is capable of, and what he is destined to become. Meanwhile, further east at the frontier with Norsmund, a plot hatches to ensnare the Duke within the clutches of his treacherous vassals. Not only his life is threatened by these schemes, but his sons Theo and Varus as well. With this scheme put into motion, the Duke and Velmund's siblings, Varus and Theo, would taste fate's twisted humor, with the former meeting his demise in a blaze of glory amidst the field of battle, and the latter two vanishing in incidents shrouded by mysteries. With the death of the patriarch of Regalia and his heirs' disappearance, the young lord who was initially third in line for the succession of the ducal seat became its temporary occupant. And thus, the tale of him and his court begins… CHAPTER RELEASE: January 1st at 12:00 UTC
Yahallo, readers! This is the shameless newbie author of this novel rating his own work. I hope you support this endeavor of mine because I really do like writing and reading medieval stuff, and I'm a weeb, so why not add some fantasy too? Anyway, I hope you enjoy my work, and please let me know how can I improve my writing. It will be greatly appreciated by me! P.S: For those readers who first saw the older draft of LRC, please re-download this newer version as I'll be deleting the old one in a day or two. I made a new one because I am participating on thr WSA Contest, so please do support me if you like my work!
I came into this book when hunting for books with #Historical tags. When I read the prologue, I wasn't anticipating much, but little did I know it would hook me. I enjoyed the novel's depiction of war preparations, as well as the realistic description of topography and defensive fortifications. I also admire how meticulous you are when it comes to details. I felt sorry for the peasants harmed by the battle, which is fantastic because I enjoy a scenarios that allows me to get part of it. I am just looking forward to seeing the outcome of the impending conflict. [img=proud]
Volume I. The Siege of Flendle
Prologue: The Duke's Tale
Chapter I: Dreams of Eventide
Chapter II: Tribal Champion
Chapter III: The Shaman of the Celbriac Horde
Chapter IV: The Order of the Raven Knights
Chapter V: Subterfuge
Volume II. The Great Eastern Rebellion
Chapter VI: Cloaks and Daggers
Chapter VII: Discretion
Chapter VIII: Slavery
Chapter IX: Spymaster
Chapter X: Inner Circle
Chapter XI: The Siege of Regalia
Chapter XII: The Madmen of Fenyard Domain
Chapter XIII: Blood Oath
Chapter XIV: The Battle of Kurlon
Chapter XV: Blaze of Glory
Chapter XVI: The Candle and the Sun and Moon
Chapter XVII: The Knight Lord and the Jester
Chapter XVIII: The Battle of the Orc Fort
Chapter XVIV: The Infiltration of Folksteadheim
Chapter XX: A Vile Man
Chapter XXI: An Unrequited Affection
Chapter XXII: The Battle of Sasbury
Chapter XXIII: A New Contender
Chapter XXIV: The Battle of Regalia
Chapter XXIV: Reason, Treason and Execution
Volume III. Records of the Interim Duke's Lordship: The Hero of Anarchy
Chapter XXVI: The King of Outlaws
Chapter XXVII: A Game of Generals
Chapter XXVIII: Raiders and Emissaries
Chapter XXIX: The Mistress of House Bloodfallen
Chapter XXX: The Second Seat
Chapter XXXI: Espionage
Chapter XXXII: The Vengeful Witch
Chapter XXXIII: A Clash of Ideologies
Chapter XXXIV: A Brush With Death
Chapter XXXV: A Feast of Poison
Chapter XXXVI: The Bearer of Mirim's Mark
Chapter XXXVII: Lord Raven's Plot
Chapter XXXVIII: The Battle of Lenden Hill
Volume IV. Records of the Interim Duke's Lordship: Wolfmen Invasion
Volume V. Records of the Interim Duke's Lordship: [Input]
Volume VI. Records of the Interim Duke's Lordship: [Input]
Volume VII. Fifth Annexation War
Volume VIII. The Great Faction War
Volume IX. First Imperial Crusade
Volume X. Epilogue
Author's Note