

Pain of being a soulmate

Pain of being a soulmate

siphosethu_mbuli | Fantasy


When a girls's love story becomes her sister's love story , how much damage will she bring to the land ? Can a heart heal or should it just accept?

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Three is a crowd

Everyday at 18:00 I stand by the garden and watch the sunset, I found my soul attached to what humans have defined as beautiful , I of course agree with the definition. ' How does nature stay so beautiful even when people are dying from emotional burden?' , I thought to myself . I do not know where the anger came from ,my emotions invited strong wind and the sky became cloudy .


That is my name , Sky , I am the second princess of Biaru (Land of Beauty ) . It is a female dominating kingdom , known to be the most peaceful and colourful kingdom. What did just happen? I got a little angry , hence the wind and the cloudy sky . My emotions control the weather. Cool , right ? No , not cool . I am human and it is normal for me to loose control of my emotions , but mother doesn't care nor understand.

People meet my mother,the Queen of Biaru , her name is Roé . She yells my name as she comes out of the castle and towards me in range. Such art should quietly sit at a museum , she is dark with vitigo skin. What's more beautiful than that? Her body , a slender lady with small waist , nice boobs , curved and buttocks. She has to be God's greatest artwork.

"Mother , do not yell at her."

Meet sweet Shine , she is my older sister and one of the people that are patient with me , still training me on how to handle my emotions for the sake of the land.

Roé : (takes a deep breath) Please talk to her , people's lives depend on her.

She walks back inside and Shine comes to stand with me .

Shine: (holding my hand )It is Floyd , isn't it ?

Sky : What am I to do when he arrives tomorrow , hide? I get angry just thinking about his existance .

I take deep breaths to calm down, "People's lives depend on me" as mother said.

Shine : You are not forced to speak or share the same space with him . I am sorry, it is getting dark and my guests are on the way . We will talk about this tomorrow . I will ask Bethly to come keep you company. I love you and please try to stay calm . (gives me a kiss on the cheek)

Shine rushed inside and I stand there taking as many deep breaths as I can . The Kerman royal family is coming over tomorrow , no one wants to tell me why and Shine is a bit jumpy these days ,or I might be overthinking things. The visit is of course a beautiful experience for everyone but I , Queen Raiah's son Floyd is a human that happens to be so close to my heart , the words and actions obviously control my emotions and not forgetting the weather .With love involved , I can introduce volcanoes, tornadoes , floods apon this land. My soul is tied to the wrong being. I finally managed to be calm . Bethly arrives and stands next to me.

Bethly : Princess when it comes to matters of the heart , only you know what is good for you , don't let people tell you what do handle your relationship.

Sky: What if I know what is good for me and my heart disagrees with my decision?

Bethly: A heart is one of the organs that are within you , it's main purpose is to pump blood throughout the body (we both laugh) , the heart doesn't know more than you do . Remember , you always have a choice.

Sky: My role is to stay loyal to the choices I make in life regardless of the circumstances. Thank you Bethly , let me go back inside , it is getting chilly.

Bethly: We all know whose fault is that (laughs and walks away)

I get inside the palace and walk straight to my room , on my way I walk past Shine's room . Thing is she has a gift that associated her with the "demonic world", she says shadows come crawling to her room every evening , we call them "guests" .I wish someone would tell me more about what exactly is her business with the guests but I know that's never going to happen . I continue walking, finally get to my room , lock the door and do my daily rituals . Light impepho (liquorice plat) and praying .I pray to God to give me the strength to accept things as I believe this helps wounds heal faster and I use mphepho to cleanse negative energy .After the rituals , I change into my pyjamas and sleep the night away.

I get waken by a whisper 'Sky, please wake up' , it's Shine. I know that my emotions can either build or destroy the land but she is overdoing it . Okay , truth is she still sees me as her tiny little sister but I am all grown up now.Wait ,why is she here? She gets in bed with me and lays next to me , cuddles with me .

Me : You burnt down the kitchen , didn't you

We laught and the playfully punched my shoulder , she suddenly stops and has a serious face .

Shine: Please do not panick , Floyd's family will be here any minute now. What are we to do about Floyd's existance in this kingdom?I think you should lock yourself in here until they leave.

Are you guys listening to her ?She must definitely be crazy if she thinks I am going to hide because of Floyd , she has a point but her solution to this problem is rather absurd.

Sky: Morning Shine . I do not think I should do that , a month is rather long for me to lock myself in my room and it is disrespectful to his family, don't you think? I should acknowledge them as they are visitors and it's my duty as a princess to do so.

Shine: Are you sure ? Well I for one know that he likes you..scatch that he loves you and he will forever do.

Sky: As you said they will be here anytime , get off my bed and go get prepared. Your look should be enough proof that royalty lives within you.

Shine : No hurricanes?. (does a pinky promise pose)

Sky : (holds her pinky with mine to make the promise official) no hurricanes , now leave.

She gets up , walk towards the door and does a cute twirl. I saw her beautiful smile that was disturbed by laughter. Beautiful soul.

As soon as she steps out reality sinks in. See thing is I love Floyd , his words are strong enough to make me provide the land with rainbows and pink clouds , his actions can push me into flooding the land . If I knew how to control this love thing I would , not for me but for my people. I tidied my room and filled the bath with water as I look for what to wear . On a normal day it takes me a few minutes to choose an outfit but on a Floyd fuvken day ? Something close to years. I believe this is the perfect dress for the occasion . Maybe I am a bit excited to see him *don't judge , I said "a bit " and "maybe" , I know that is bad news for my people. Went to the bathroom ,closed the tap , left my clothes on the floor and stepped into the bath tub .As soon as I knew it I had every inch on me bathed and it is time to step out of the bath. After I was done with the whole bathing experience, moisturised, combed and got all dressed up, I sat on my bed patiently waiting for their arrival. I am very anxious , the waiting for a pregnancy test type of anxious.A voice disturbed me, it's Bethly and she is standing by the door.

Bethly : The Queen asked that I inform you that the Kerman Kingdom has arrived.

She is said to a maid but she is actually one of my favourite human beings in this kingdom. She is a beautiful and wise girl. Wait , arrived?!

Sky : Thank you, Bethyl . I will walk with my sister for today , if you can please do call her for me.

Bethly steps out and my hands start sweating. What's the worst that can happen ? Well he can finally officially friend zone me . What we have is a situationship , we are "enjoying the moment" or we were . I feel like I love him so much that I am willing to agree to whatever as long as he is still with me.

Shine steps in and sits next to me .

Shine : We should get going , you are of course allowed to excuse yourself anytime .

Me : It's just Floyd , stop overthinking this . Let us go please

I give her a tight hug , we get up and walk we downstairs, we walk with elegance as mother taught us . Floyd is here and I can't stop myself from staring into his eyes. He is so handsome.


As Queen Roé welcomes us , the princesses stand next to her with nothing to say. Sky is wearing a short black dress that's had V shape at the back and front , exposing her back and cleavage , it had sleeves touching the gold high heels .Sky the tummy rolls , stretch marks , big thigh and curves type of body . My needs and wants in one person , I am definitely whipped . I personally cannot wait to have a private moment with my Sky.

Queen Roé : Our soon to be King Floyd. Welcome to our kingdom once more .

Me : Greetings your highness . I am grateful to back in my second home , thank you for welcoming us into your beautiful kingdom once more .

Queen Roé : . It took you longer than it should but we are grateful that you have your big boy pants on.

Queen Raiah :Not by choice ,I should mention .

Meet my mother, Queen Raiah ,Queen of the Kerman kingdom , kingdom of wealth . She is light skinned with freckles , she has Sky's body and beautiful ,long natural hair .Our land has all the natural resources , the King or Prince is said to be the holder of wealth as they hold the key to wealth.

Queen Roé :Please do follow me upstairs so that we can discuss Saturday's event in private.

Queen Ziah : Floyd please make sure everyone make sure everyone is at luncy , you present shall avail itself at lunch.

Present ? Why am I even getting a present ?

Me : I will do as i am told , my Queen .

They walk upstairs to one of their rooms and we kids were left there standing looking lost .I guess we won't be having breakfast together and it's up to us (the kids) to make a plan. Anyway,I thank the universal powers that she didn't mention anything about the wedding. Thing is, I am getting married this Saturday and not to Sky.

My name is Floyd the only son and Prince of the Kerman kingdom , this makes me the owner of the snake of wealth,which the people of my kingdom known as the key to wealth. The snake dictates my life and now for the kingdom to be wealthier I have to get married to Ecyl,per snake's wish. My mother knows about me and Sky and she doesn't care , all she wants is to crown me on Monday. Now the question is ,how am I going to explain this to Sky? Wait ,..she is coming my direction .

Sky : Your Prince , we are on our way to burn the kitchen in the name of breakfast . Please do join us

I tried not laughing , I failed and laughed so hard , she joined me . The four of us (me , Sky , Shine ,Que ) have tried over the years to learn how to cook and we have failed dismally. We have gotten into so much trouble but Sky is not the type to give up .

Me : I am not interested in touching anything but I have to make sure no one gets injured . Let's go get ourselves in trouble again Princess

She continues laughing as we walk to the kitchen, I walk and the is ...let's say hopping , kind of floating type of thing. We get to the kitchen and she makes herself a fruit salad to eat , Bethly makes us sandwiches and we move to the dinning area to eat . I am seated opposite Sky , I must mention that this is a beautiful view . She keeps on looking at me and blushing , telling me to stop staring.

Me : I thought we were in the mood of getting into trouble

I say this with my eyes on her , she raises her head and tries laughing . She can't laugh as there is food in her mouth , she finally swallows and laughs.

Sky : I am not a fan of peer pressure King Floyd

"King Floyd" , this changed my mood. Being King is the reason why I will be breaking her heart , reason why I will be losing all of this beauty sitting in front of me.

Me : Can we please talk in private ?

She nods , we leave the kitchen and head upstairs. We get to her room .Why HER room ?She is not allowed to go into any of our rooms. Mine and Shine's rooms are a bit demonic *laughs * ,which is understandable . She sits on her bed and I stand by the window . With my hands in my pockets , looking outside as I try to find an easy way to tell her that I am getting married.

"What is it that has your heart all blue?"

"The universe is not really fair on our love Sky , I love you so much but ..."

I decided to go sit next to her , she looks at me straight in the eyes and I choose to swallow the truth.

"Forever and always?"

She says this and waits for confirmation that I am not leaving her . Well I am not leaving her ,I can't leave her , I love this girl with all my heart. This whole "King Floyd " thing is deep but at this point I am willing to challenge it.

"Forever and always "

We do the pinky promise . We deep kiss, I unzip her dress and it lands on the ground ,with her shoes ,panties and bra. I missed her body , our bodies together , our magic . Everytime we make love I feel like we abandon the bed for a cloud . After the the beautiful love making , she falls asleep in my arms . Did I just make this situation more complicated? Choosing love has never been a bad idea , right?

After an hour , Bethly knocks on the door .

"Lunch is in 30 minutes"

She leaves and I wake Sky up , we bath and get ready for lunch .

Sky and I walk hand in hand to lunch as mother's words keep on repeating themselves , "Your present will avail itself at lunch" , these words give me so much anxiety and especially because I know how cold hearted this woman can get . As we enter the room everyone is already seated .I am forced to let Sky's hand go because my present is indeed present , it's Ecyl . As soon as I see her it hit me that Sky's heart will be broken by this situation any minute now . Mother keeps her eyes away from mine , to say I am hurt by this is an understatement .Sky makes way to her chair which is by Shine and the only sit left for me is next to Ecyl. I smile at Ecyl as a sign of acknowledgement and get seated. One thing that cannot be ignored is the fact that everyone wants to kill someone at this table ,they mostly want to kill me but we know whose fault it truly is .

Queen Raiah : Shine and Sky this is Ecyl , she will be joining the family .

Sky smiles and waves at her and Ecly just smiles back . Everyone can see that one was genuine and the other wasn'tts to kill me ? You can tell by the way she is looking at me .

Floyd : Let's eat before the food gets cold .

I start dishing for myself from the variety of food we have on the table and so does everyone else . I had to say something as the tension is getting worse by the minute . Sky has a lot of questions regarding Ecyl , I can tell by the way she is look at her . One sentence can ruin everything . I hope everyone still has table manners . I don't want anyone trying to give Sky hints or spilling the beans , she has to hear it from the horse's mouth.

Luckily everyone eats in total silence, relief ! Why is Ecly acting like this? Does she know about Sky?

As soon as we are done eating Bethly and the others clean up the table.The Queens go back upstairs to one of the rooms to obviously plan my wedding . Shine shows Ecyl around the castle , my idea. I managed to communicate with her as we were eating using our "demonic" ways and she thankfully agreed . I quickly grab Que's arm as she was walking out of the door .Where is Sky?With her Bethyl in the kitchen .Bethyl is that one person that she confides in and I love the fact that she is not being led astray , they are one intelligent combo.

Me :And why didn't you give me a heads up about your "sister in-law" coming over today?

Que: Stop sneaking up on me! I know nothing about this . I can have her for dinner if you want me to * she gives me puppy eyes*

Me : *chuckles* Don't eat her ...yet . We will go hunting when everyone is asleep. Let me go talk to your mother about this and control your animal Que .

I walk up the stairs and she goes outside . I think I managed to find a way to make everyone happy . I knocked and I heard a voice telling me to come in so I did.

Me : I will get married to Ecyl after getting married to Sky

I say this as I come in and I close the door , stand by it to hear their response.

They both stand on their feet and look at me with disbelief . Did I say something wrong?

Queen Roé: No ,no ,no Floyd you cannot do that

Me : And why not?

Queen Raiah: Floyd , my son I thought you understood the depth of this , the powers you hold are not for the innocent and Sky is not an ordinary girl.

Me: I know , she is the princess of the kingdom of beauty . The kingdom of the month at precious woman.

Queen Roé: Sky is pure and you are dirty , even for her and ...

Me: If she agrees to marry me , we will get married without your permission .Sky loves me and I love her too

Queen Raiah : Sky loves You ! Not the snake? Would Sky sober mindedly date you for who you are? If you love her you will understand that she deserves better that you ! ... *sigh* Sky's emotions control the weather of this kingdom, lives of these people depend on her .

Queen Roé: Your love for one other has brought nothing but terror to my kingdom Floyd . Please , let her go.

Me : Let her go? Why did you allow me to fall for her like this?

I sat on the floor by the door , I have to gather my thoughts about this and they have to give me answers.

I find myself thinking about our childhood and how we were trained to act a certain way around her . I thought it was because she was emotionally sensitive like anyone else , I thought we were being taught of being considerate .I didn't know it was this deep.

I know about Shine and Que , Shine and I have had to work hand in hand most of the time. Que is my sister and we don't keep secrets from each other . How did I miss all of this ?Are they lying to keep me...? What did just happen ? Can I even confront her? Mother looks like she is caught up in between comforting me and sitting down , she finally sits down.

Me : Now what? There is no way for me to break the news to her without breaking her heart . How are you expecting me to go around this?

Queen Roé sits next to mother . This woman is art , a model , perfection. My favourite thing about her is her vitigo skin , she is skinny with your snatched waist and all . She currently has white braids , she is colourful being. She looks at mother for a response but she gets none . They shrug their shoulders and I stare at the ground on which I am seated

Me : I am getting married to Sky.

I wait for their response but they are quiet , I raise my head to look at them and they are looking calm . This is my go ahead and now I know what I am dealing with. I quickly stand up and get out .Where am I going? To the kitchen to ask Sky to marry me . I meet Shine on my way and she pulls me into her room .

Me: Not now , I am on my way to ask for Sky to marry me.

Shine : Over my dead body!

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