Chapter 1: Calm Before The Storm
It was just your typical kinda life of a teenager. Recently turned 18, nothing to look forward to but to get my education and get out of school, start working somewhere like a shopping market or something. I just really hated school, but not this day.
I wasn't exactly slouching down and sighing out loud, I was happy. Sitting down in class, all the students in the classroom looked at our teacher with bright smiles on their faces, preparing for him to say it. Say what exactly?
"Hello students, today we will finally be able to… MAKE OUR WAY TO THE DRAGON FESTIVAL!!!"
His name was Kuro Hidachi, or Mr. Hidachi. He was our history teacher… and oh boy did he love his history. He was pretty much shouting louder than the other students around me right now.
"Mr. Hidachi, on our way to the festival, can we bring our iPhones?! Pleaseee I want to take so many pictures!"
The one speaking to Mr. Hidachi was an tall brunette, with a pretty face and preppy attitude. Her name was Anna, she was quite popular among the boys especially. Don't ask me why… I really don't wanna know.
"Oh my… thank you Mr. Hidachi, you're so nice to me."
"Of course my dear Anna, I'll do anything for you."
The way they were talking to one another started to creep me out… I turned away from their conversation and looked at the girl next to me who was drawing.
"Pssst… Sakura, do you think that Anna did something to Mr. Hidachi?"
I whispered over to her quietly as I can, and she turned to look at me, raising her eyebrows from my question.
"Anna? Doesn't she always do something to the teachers? Why do you think they let her off the hook all the time?"
Sheesh… she was right about that. Every class she's in, Anna always gets left off the hook. Talk about manipulation.
"Also why didn't you bring anything special Habiki? You know that today is the celebration of the Great Dragon, Fafnir!"
Sakura seemed mad at me.
"…Hahaha… yeah, I don't really celebrate that day like everyone else. I'm just excited that we have no work."
Sakura sat down her pencil and turned to face me in her chair, crossing her arms.
"You're an Otaku and you can't even believe a dragon? Seriously? That's so contradicting!"
Eh? What does me being an otaku have to do with anything? Did she even know what "Otaku" meant??!
I asked her but she threw her pencil at my head, causing me to flinch.
"Chill out—!"
It bounced off my head, and fell right back into her hands.
"Do you even know what the Great Dragon Fafnir has done for us in legend?"
I shook my head slowly… preparing for another pencil throw. Of course I knew… but she was gonna explain it anyways.
"Fafnir long ago was said to come from another world, and into ours. He blessed many kingdoms and even helped restore humanity to their former glory during the battle between humans and the entities who calls themselves the Supreme Gods! Humanity thanked him for his efforts and worshipped him as their idol. This is the day that he helped humanity beat the supreme gods, and also prevent our extinction."
Yeah… so I heard.
"R-Right… yeah his story is great! I heard lots about it. Who wouldn't wanna worship him?"
"You don't."
She pointed.
…Well she was right, I didn't.
"Alright students, get your belongings, we have no time to waste. We need to make our way to the bus, before the bus driver gets annoyed from waiting out in the hot sun."
"Isn't that their job? Maybe we should stay longer and let him sweat some more. Our bus drivers fat and ugly, he needs to sweat some of that fat off, hahaha!"
There goes that annoying voice again. This guy went by the name of Daisuke. He was tall and had the good looks, perfect build, but lack of intelligence, and personality. At least in my opinion. I felt like he acted as a dickhead just to gain attention, rather being himself.
His other friends were also with him, some cliche trio who always follows his orders and looks up to him like some sort of god… eugh, kill me.
"Watch your mouth Daisuke, you know our Bus Driver drives hundreds of miles to just pick us up everyday. Be thankful for such a kind man who has patience like him!"
Mr. Hadachi was right, our bus driver had more patience than any of us could ever have. Daisuke stood up in his seat and grabbed his backpack, and so did the other goons around him that followed him around.
Daisuke only scoffed at Mr. Hadachi before walking out the classroom, being the first to leave to the bus.
"Wait for meeeee!!!"
Other students soon left the classroom, or rather the girls did. They all had a crush on Daisuke.
"Alright Sakura, you ready to leave?"
I turned to face Sakura and she finally finished her drawing.
"Mhm! Yep, I'm all finished now."
She always looked so accomplished after finishing her drawings. It put a big smile on my face. No, I wasn't in love, she's just my friend. We've been friends every since middle school, and I can't think of a moment without her.
Sakura grabbed her bag and placed it around her shoulders, walking over to my desk to give me her drawing.
"Check it out Habiki!"
I looked at the drawing slammed on my table, widening my eyes in disbelief… it was… incredible!
"It's beautiful… you drew this? From scratch? No copying? Nothing?"
I grabbed the paper and looked up at her.
"Yep, it was all me… and my imagination of course."
For some reason the drawing felt really nostalgic. It was a beautiful scenery of vast mountains in the distance, and birds flying in the sky. Deers walked on expansive green lands of grass, and fairies flew through the air.
"…It somehow touches with me… and gives me this nostalgic feeling."
I would hand it back to her and smile.
"For some reason I feel like you should keep this. Why give away such a great drawing to me? Hang this on your wall when you get back home."
Sakura widened her eyes and looked down at her own drawing.
"…This is the first time you've ever given a drawing back to me. Are you sure?"
"Yep, I'm positive. Besides you can always draw me another one! Just keep your first one as a memory of improvement."
She nodded her head.
"Umu. Will do, Habiki! Thank you for your kind words, I'll be sure to pay for your lunch after we get back from the festival."
"You say that like all the time and never do it."
"No seriously, the excuse is that you always left your wallet at home or something. Do you even have your wallet on you right now?"
She crossed her arms and tapped her foot onto the floor.
I caught her red handed. She didn't know how to reply at all… and I knew what was coming next.
She attempted to slap me with her right hand, but she missed, ending up hitting nothing but the air in front of her.
I managed to duck under her slap, quickly sprinting over to the door, and towards the exit of our school.
"Let me hit you! Get back here and accept your punishment Habiki!!!"
Some time has passed now, and I was sitting inside the bus next to Sakura. I was the first one on, therefore I got to sit by the window and look outside. My favorite spot! Who doesn't love the window spot on the bus? If you don't then you're a psycho.
"…To the Dragon Festival we go."
I mumbled to myself and closed my eyes, leaning back into the seat and finally being able to enjoy the bumpy ride that always puts me to sleep.
"I'm gonna take a nap Sakura… wake me up when we get there…"
"Seriously? A nap!? It's not that far away Habiki."
"…Of course it's not, but you forgot traffic exists, and the crazy people that always come out during festivals. This is gonna be a loooonggggg rideeee!"
I exaggerated in my voice and yawned out loud, leaning my head against the window.
"I guess you're right… but that means I'll have no one to talk to?"
Sakura sounded sad in her voice, so I decided to reach down into my backpack that was resting between my legs on the floor, unzipping it.
"Use this then…"
I pulled out my Nintendo, handing it over to her. She widened her eyes… surprised to see me bringing something like this on a special day.
"You were gonna play this during the festival werent you?"
"Bingo! Now you can use it to clear your boredom. I will sleep now!"
She closed her eyes and huffed a sigh, looking down at the Nintendo in her hands.
"…I should slap you to sleep instead."