


With a sharp pain all over my body ,a pain anybody in my shoes would wish for death instead, I opened my eye but everything were blurry,with more extreme pain on my head , couldn't even remember what happened . I closed and opened my eye again but this time my sight was getting visible and I could see myself on the ground in a pool of blood. My body was still very weak but I could still see a massive building right in front of my blood baptized body and just assumed I must have fallen off it. I couldn't take it anymore ,my heart begun beating slower,sight shook and couldn't even see anything anymore,felt like death and I didn't want to die yet. Finding myself in the presence of death offering me another chance.Well I accepted making a deal with death itself. Am pissed right now, I was deceived and still have a contract to fulfill.this is messed up and I can't even remember what happened in my past life . Join me in my journey to conquering death in this world I know nothing of and getting my old life back. >>IN THIS WORLD OF MYSTERY,MAGIC AND SO MANY THINGS, I WILL STRIVE AND GET WHAT I WANT NO MATTER WHAT. [ DISCLAIMER: RATED 18, LANGUAGE,SOME CHAPTERS MIGHT CONTAIN DARKER CONTENTS]

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here story begins

Chapter 1: It's Raining Moon Gems At Home

I got out of the library with the books the only problem was

"how stupid have I been, the only person that could have taken me home,I sent the person away"

So it Sha be known or unknown that I have missed road back home.

"oh where cold I start from now,maybe I can ask someone"

"excuse me"I saw a pass-a-by and I called to his attention.

"sorry for disturbing but please can you direct me Amelie and Jonah's house"

"Sorry but I don't know who you are talking about"

"wow so this is good bye"

I looked up and saw that is was about raining and was drizzling already.

"why ain't I surprised,when a bad thing happens to me another follows and it continues like that ,the rain will even benefit me,maybe I should just lay down and enjoy the rain pour all over me"

"I will just read the books when the rain is over..the books....rain....no this bad"

pass-a-by"this rain that will fall seems to be an heavy one let's get to the town hall and get shelter for now"

pass-a-by2"yes let's hurry"

"maybe I should join them in the hall and wait till the rain is over,in the hall,something sounds familiar about that hall...ohh..yes I got it,Teresa gave me a way back,her too much talk paid off after all".

"let me just get into the town a

hall first and the rest will be decided when the rain gets lesser".

I hurried my way in with others but unfortunately the town hall was locked,it was still drizzling so I had to some time to get home before it fully starts raining.i and other people rushed out.furstly I have to remember all the check points.

For someone that wasn't paying any attention to what she was saying,remembering it will be very burdensome.

"oh I can remember she showed me her house first then their towns famous baker shop but what is next maybe I should just ask..."

A giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere stroke and coming after was a very loud banging sound,I was frightening for a moment,it came as a shock,it was a a cloud to cloud lightning,I quickly ran forth to the nearest person.

"hello mate,please can you tell me where the baker shop is?"

we were but jogging to avoid the rain but him,he could say he knew where is was going to.

stranger"I don't have any money"

"I don't understand,I just.."

stranger"I said I don't have any money!!"


"can you please leave me sir"stranger said.

I stopped pursuing after him"wow,that was not nice ,at all"

I noticed another person running behind me and I followed"sorry for disturbing you,can you tell me where the baker shop is?"

pass-a-by"the baker shop?"

"yes,the baker shop"

pass-a-by"I have heard a lot about there but sorry I live at this other side of the town so I don't know where it is"

"oh thank you"I was already tired and from the looks of it,it would probably start raining in two minutes.

I didn't know what to do but all I knew was I was at the opposite side of where I wanted to be and I started running back with no direction of where I was going,I passed the town hall of before,all hope were almost lost until what u saw next.

It was the elementary school Teresa showed me earlier.

"wow how did I forget about this School and it is the closest landmark to the town hall".Drops of water started landing all over me and I looked up to see it has started raining,I have to be quick before it is heavy.

I noticed someone in a long robe backing me ,a woman I presume,she may know of the location of the baker shop,I hurried to call by holding on to her shoulder"can you please tell me where the baker shop is?"

woman in robe"and you told me you don't need my help again"

she turned and it was Teresa,AGAIN!!

"why do we always bump into each other"she said

"just take me home,I don't have time for your questions"

"you are lucky,I am done with what I came here to do"

"okay let's move,even run,I have no time to waste"

"so you aren't going to ask me what I came here to do?"

"do I look like I care?"

"Why do you have to be mean"

"REALLY!! you are asking me that,let's just go!"

"okay if you say so"

We started running,for a woman she was fast and quick,I could barely catch up to her,after minutes of running we got to her house.

"okay this is my house, I am sure you know your way there"

"yes thank you"

"or you can come in for a tea"

"I hell I will want to die again"

"haha good bye,oh before I forget I saw Amelie and Jonah and I told them you went to the library,they were looking for you"

Anon"oh okay"

The rain has already gotten heavy and I ran and ran as fast as I could and I got there on time before the book could get completely wet.

I entered in motive to go to my room and start reading.

Amelie and Jonah were sitting,facing the door.

Amelie"where have you been Anon?"

Jonah"we came and didn't see you"

Anon"em...I went to the library"

Jonah"and you can't tell us before we left"

Anon"am sorry,I didn't initially have any intention of going,I just got bored and Teresa told me about the Libra,so I went there with her"

Amelie"you got us all worried,so Teresa was with you and she didn't tell us anything when we saw her"

Anon"she didn't?but she told me she saw the both of you and she told you both that I was off to the library"

Jonah"she didn't tell us anything,are you sure,hope you aren't using Teresa as a cover up for what she did to you?"


Anon"no I am not lying,she told me,it was her that showed me the Library"

Amelie"okay we trust you,but which books did you get"

it is be a bad idea to tell them and a very bad one for them to know what I am planning to use the information I will get from the books to do.

"they just some fantasy romance novels"

Amelie say cheerfully"wow,I love romance can I see it..."

"No!!"I replied before she could even her sentence.


"I don't mean to be...rude but.. it's just.....the book.....is..is not

How will I get myself out of this mess now.

Jonah"oh hahaha I get it,you are a big man now,you are trying to say it's not the type you share with adults right"

What does he mean by the....oh!!

"emm....yes I sorry but I can't give it"

Jonah"it's okay I totally understand".

Amelie"what do you understand?"

Jonah"just leave the poor kid,he is growing you can go to your room,you can lock your door if you want to"



Amelie"hmmm, boys"she shook her head.

Amelie stood up and went towards the kitchen.

Amelie"Anon,I am preparing porridge,you care for some"

"yes thank you,I will be in my room"

I quickly ran up to my room and yes I locked the door behind and I started my research.

"wow,each book has its own special names*mystical magical locks**dark magical locks*cosmic magical lock**elemental magical locks*,hmmm this is amazing but too much,oh this one is small I should start with this*gem magic*,with the cut outs I think I have gotten the right book it can only be this"

I opened the book to start reading,the things there were truly amazing"light gem lock..no,crystal gem lock....no,trinity gem lock,oh this one sounds interesting but no, moon gem lock..yes I think I have gotten it,YES!!"I yelled


"yes everything is perfectly okay".

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