'push !!!' the doctor shouted in terror, sweat rolled down her wrinkle forehead reaching her dried lips.
She has been in the labour room for 1 and a half day, trying to get the baby out but all to no avail. the whole team is quite exhausted but they had to try since the patient refuse to give up...they ain't given up as well, but She was afraid the lady might not make it.
Morgana outside the ward pace up and down. she was drained with worriedness for her bestfriend, she hasn't move an inch from the ward corridor ever since her friend went into labour.
Just then she heard the doctor and nurses rejoicing as the cry of an innocent child echo out of the ward. She immediately knew the baby was out. she opened the door and rushed in.
She ran to her bestfriend side, she gave a quick glance at the doctor and nurses who gave each other a hug and congratulating each other for a good job operation.
She felt pity looking at her pale friend who seems to be dying slowly; tears trickle down her eyes.
"Royce, you gonna be okay, okay?" she tried to reassure Royce.
Royce stayed still staring at the ceiling without moving. it has been a rough delivery for her, she could talk a bit but can't move, as the immerse pain all over her, was pain she can't describe.
She manage to take hold of Morgana hand, giving a smile expressing both pain and joy, Morgana knew Royce is happy about giving birth, she has been waiting for the day to be address as mother..
'maybe kids are blessings after all.'
she dipped her hand into her small pocket and brought out a necklace. design with a name on, "Nathan."
"Remember when you told me if you gave birth to a boy you're gonna name him Nathan, look..." she showed the necklace to Royce who smile on seeing the name on the pendant...
"There's this star guided by the seven headed chimera beast in my realm, i made this necklace out of the star." she chuckles sadly, tears roll down her eyes. she sniff as she adjust herself.
"I know you must wondering if the beast didn't eat me up, funny enough only royalty of the 5th realm has access to it... But it wasn't easy even as a royalty just wanted to give you a surprise. i hope you like it."
Her emerald eyes shifted to the baby cot beside her friend where the Twins were place, she gave a cheeky smile as she touch the opposite gender twins on their cheeks.
Her gaze shift back to Royce who was expressionless, placing her hand on Royce hand, she shut her eyes concentrating on her inner energy but was interrupted by the doctor.
"magic isn't everything, she's weak and her body is too fragile to mess with. i believe you know what i mean" doctor Enadora said.
Morgana turn back to look at the doctor.
"Mind if i speak with you in my office miss.." the doctor stutter trying to remember her name.
"its Morgana Von Viesta " Morgana introduce herself.
the doctor raise her eyebrow surprise "that wasn't on the file" the doctor said.
"Well there's a reason for that, but this is my..."morgana pause then look around observing.
"In my office" the doctor reminded as she leads the way and morgana followed. they got to the office, the doctor offer her a seat and she sat down.
"I like it best when someone goes straight to the point" morgana said straight, she's the type that doesn't like words hanging.
"This sound crazy but there's still one child left to be delivered but what i don't understand is that, that one left child keeps reforming and Dis-forming" the doctor hit the nail on its head.
"Is it gonna cause any harm to Royce ?" morgana ask flinching.
"You seem to care Alot about your friend, it's strange she's still alive, not like am being negative but am stunned"
She sigh heavily, removing her spectacle before continuing "There's good and bad news. which one do you prefer first"
"the good one"
"The good news is that we can her extend her stay here to keep her under tight medical supervision, that is if you approve. And the bad news is we don't know if she would be able to recuperate fast now and if the baby is gonna cause harm" the doctor explained.
"I understand" she stood up and heads towards the exit.
"I find it quite difficult to understand, why you understand everything i said without question" the doctor ask confused.
"I have to leave now. " she opened the door and left for the ward.
She entered seeing her friend fast asleep, she tiptoe to the kids so as not to disturb her friend up.
The kids were place in different cot, surprising the kids were awake. it was a boy and a girl. she walk to the boy first and place the necklace around his neck. she notice something that creeps her out. the kids look just like their father.
Her eyes widened when she notice the tattoo at the back of his neck. 'It was a serpent king with a trident'.
The tattoo was so mesmerizing that unknowingly to her, her hands has reach out to the surface of the tattoo roaming on the soft tender skin of the children.
However, her expression changed when she felt a strange power and aura underneath the tattoo. Whatever it was not good.
After spending time with the twin brother, she place him gently on the cot then she walk to the twin sister.
For the first time in a life time, she felt her heart cover with joy. the kids beauty was immerse she can't seem to let them out of her sight.
the baby girl hold her hair and drag it then chuckles happily. morgana chuckles finding it funny. a nurse walk in and request for an attention at the reception. she place the kiddo close to her big brother and left leaving few kisses on their cheeks.
she head down to the reception she was asked to fill some few forms....while doing that she suddenly heard voices from the ward of her friend.
"why are the kids turning red, is this natural?" she could hear the nurse question herself. morgana immediately left what she was doing and run down to the ward. she knew something was wrong so she needs to get to royce ward.
on the other end the nurse tried to get out of the room but couldn't the door won't open and she's stuck in.
She strode quickly down the hall to the ward... but couldn't open the door, she became anxious and tried to use her powers but then her powers weren't working.
She made physical contact with the door trying to open it but it won't open. on the inside the nurse cried for help. she could feel her blood draining out of her body the room has become toxic.
Morgana knowing she can't do this alone, she scream for help as a lot of staff came to her rescue but still the door won't open.
However, there was a unnatural outburst that swept everything off.
Hours later, morgana woke up in deserted land. the only sound she heard was the sound of the baby girl.
She became emotionless realizing the hospital was no more and Nathan along with her friend was nowhere to be found.
She carried the baby girl with an heavy heart full of guilt, she tried to stop the child from crying but she couldn't hold back her tears. Her silk tears rush down like torrents and she couldn't wipe it off.
She took the baby girl and walk down the desert which was once a town and she Named the child "Natasha" after her brother.
Setting a course to find her friend and her godson.