

A Single Step Into Darkness

A Single Step Into Darkness





For most, the world was a horrific and disastrous place. For most, the world was filled with all different types of horrors, ones people can’t forget. For most, the world would burn in a matter of days without rules. It was a horrific premise to think about. A horrific idea. For someone to believe that all of the world was evil. That there was no one in the world, that was good enough to save it.

But Jingfei wasn’t most.  

A Chinese vampire romance about love and blood

Top Reviews



Status: c1 2yr
this was a great one indeed , loved the first chapter and i think that the story is going to be compelling  can't wait for the next chapters


Status: c7 1yr
I enjoyed reading it. Writing is great without any noticeable grammar mistakes. Story is neither too slow nor too fast. Good transitions between chapters and obviously the content entertaining, so looking to read more of the available chapters. Story reminded me a little of Tokyo Ghoul, prob because of coffee. Good job Author!


Status: c2 2yr
Everything is great, the characters, the details, writings, i love it.

Chapter 1: Chapter One: The Dawn

For most, the world was a horrific and disastrous place. For most, the world was filled with all different types of horrors, ones people can't forget. For most, the world would burn in a matter of days without rules. It was a horrific premise to think about. A horrific idea. For someone to believe that all of the world was evil. That there was no one in the world, that was good enough to save it.

But Jingfei wasn't most.

Jingfei was more optimistic than most. Happier. His friends would say he's a mood maker. Well if he had friends. Others would say he's downright annoying. Jingfei however, had one goal in mind. It was a silly goal, and an improbable, unachievable goal. But Jingfei still tried to achieve it every day.

So here, the eightteen-year-old sat by a tree with a book in his hands. A squirrel sitting right beside him, nibbling on the crackers Jingfei had given the animal. It was going to be a snack for himself. But the bird seemed like it wanted it more than Jingfei. He could just get something at the coffee shop.

Jingfei silently listened to the different animals that created a habitat in Hollywood Road Park. It was almost time for Jingfei to go back to work. He had only left for a lunch break, but since his lunch was eaten by squirrels, he had to get back and make a drink for himself. Jingfei slowly stood from his spot at the tree, stretching out his limbs. He folded the book under his arms, before beginning to walk out of the nature park.

Jingfei had to say, Hong Kong was a very backward place. Nothing wrong with the country, but it was incredible how Hong Kong could be so many different things. Is it the suburbs, or the rural part of China? Is it populated or sparse? Jingfei seemed to not be able to give you any answers. As soon as he left the silent park, hje was greeted with busy roads, tall buildings, and many people, all going to different places.

Jingfei's destination was right across the street. He carefully looked right, left, then right once more before stepping onto the crosswalk. A quick jog landed him in front of his second home. His second l;love, his fist being stuffed animals. His second, well, life. At first, being a high schooler, it was the one place he could get a job, but now it was the one place that he wanted a job at.

Sweet Serve Coffee Shop.

It was a simple coffee shop and bakery. A small one in a million on Hong Kong's streets, but it's the best in the world, Jingfei knew. He pulled on the metal door, swinging it open. He grabbed his apron that had been hooked onto the rack, before walking into the small store. He saw someone he knew very well at the counter, wiping down the marble topping. As the bell from the door rang, he looked up.

"Jingfei, you're late." The man said simply, throwing the wipe away. That was always the first thing the man said to Jingfei every morning. Every time Jingfei had a shift. At first, Jingfei thought he was actually late. He was worried that he would get in trouble. Worried that he would be fired, but now it was simply an everyday occurrence.

"I know," Jingfei starts. "I am a terrible employee." Jingfei sighed, slipping his apron on. The man only glanced up at him for a moment, before looking down at the register. "Why are you here so early?" The man asked. Jingfei smiled, grabbing a small cup. He was going to make his favorite drink. "Kai, why do you care so much? This is the first time we have ever had a conversation."

Kai stopped talking after that, only typing things into the register once in a while. Jingfei sighed, going back to his drink. Daydream Peaches and Creame. It wasn't his favorite to make, since it had a complex recipe, but it was delicious, so in all everything was worth it. Jingfei looked over at Kai.

The two weren't friends. Jingfei first understood that when he met Kai. It seemed Kai didn't want any friends. He didn't start up conversations, instead deciding on staying quiet. The most he would say was hi. Well, unless it was Jingfei. Then he would say 'you're late.' But still, it['s only two words.

"I actually gave my food to the squirrels at the park outside. They seemed hungry." Jingfei explained, beginning to pour the dried peaches into his cup. Kai didn't say anything, keeping quiet. Well, he did for a moment. "Of course, they would be hungry, it's springtime. They just got out of hibernation." Kai pointed out, before going back to his typing. Jingfei frowned slightly. "I know that, but still."

A young girl walked him, barely over the age of five. She skipped to the counter, peeking over it. Jingfei looked up at the glass doors, waiting to see a parent walk in, but no parent did. Kai looked down. "Can I help you?" He asked politely. The girl smiled, a tooth missing. "Can I have a white chocolate macadamia cookie?" The girl asked. Kai looked around confused. "Is your parent here?" The girl only shook her head.

Jingfei smiled and nodded. He held his cap in his hand, grabbing plastic gloves before sliding the glass display open, grabbing a white chocolate macadamia cookie. He places it in a brown and white bag, before handing it to the girl. She smiled, bowing softly before skipping out the door. "Weird," Kai muttered to himself. Jingfei smiled. "So, why are you so talkative today?" Jingfei asked, turning back around to Kai. He hadn't added whipped topping to his drink, so he simply sipped it from the rim.

Kai glanced at him, rolled his eyes, before turning to go to the back.

Well, Jingfei will try again tomorrow.