


Alexander Hunter is completely normal teenager. He may be a secret agent protecting his homeland, and other lands these days, from unimaginable monstrosities, and he may have a couple of nasty nicknames under his name, but he is completely normal otherwise. His completely normal life is about to get even more normal as he travels to Egypt in hopes of finding something that doesn’t, and shouldn’t, exist. ————— Code 107 is going to be around ten books series about ice Magician born in family of fire Magicians. He needs to hide his powers from his family, fight monsters and prepare for college. Follow his adventures as he learns the truth about magic and maybe, just maybe, finds happiness and peace he has always wanted.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Prologue

In a dark place, where the only that could have been seen after darkness was more darkness, stood a man. Not much could have been seen of him in the dark, but a small ball of light that floated above him made his handsome face visible.

He was moving towards a figure, also cloaked by darkness, with a similar ball of light floating above its head. It had a normal human face, but its skin was completely gray.

"Did you bring it?" The gray-faced figure asked silently.

Tension filled the dark room after those words were spoken. The handsome man slowly nodded and simultaneously two items, seemingly of same appearance, floated just below a ball of light. Both of the items were around quarter of a meter long and made from some sort of wood. Their appearance didn't differentiate them from a simple wooden stick.

"Finally." The figure said, in a voice neither masculine nor feminine, and stopped for a little bit before continuing. "Young one, you went beyond all my expectations. Soon, when we get the third part of the Staff of Tyrannus, all the land around the length of the Nile River will be mine to rule with you as my right hand."

The man answered hurriedly, his voice shaking. "It was my pleasure."

The inhuman figure nodded satisfyingly at the fear that handsome man was showing and said with finality. "Go back to your post, you will be needed soon."

The man just nodded and quickly did something with his hand that was covered by darkness. Soon after, the handsome man disappeared.

A moment after, the gray-faced figure turned to a blank spot in the seemingly endless darkness and snapped his fingers. The snap was followed by an emergence of a light ball that lightened up the spot where inhuman figure turned to. It revealed a tall, seemingly unconscious, humanoid figure covered up in linen. A mummy.

Gray-faced figure sighed and asked. "Where did you hide it? You already know that your army of undead is no good against the staff, even incomplete one."

It waited and waited for an answer, but no answer came.

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