Chapter 1: Warm embrace of death
Asahel opened her eyes due to the rain drops that fell on her face, though she was some what surprised but she didn't get up immediately, instead she felt like it was finally time to give up and just lay still on the wet ground. it didn't matter what world she was in because there was really no one who cared for her and whom she hoped to care for
As of now Most people would find it cold in a situation like this but she found it warm, for someone who just died a warm feeling enveloped her.
As of this moment some memories came to mind about her life from the orphanage she grew in. She knew very well how everyone avoided her and the only warm care she felt was from the head Madame who had sincerely tried her best to help her.
The head Madame who loved children felt like she should call an exorcist and one was called.
Asahel was eight when this man was called and after taking a look at her in the presence of the head Madame he told her that the child was not possessed and this brought a relief to the Madame but the next word made her a little uncomfortable
"She's not possessed but she has a heavy burden on her, if she were to realise this burden and work on them it would definitely be a successful path for her but this burden attracts unfortunate events"
The Madame was surprised did she hire an exorcist or a fortune teller and why would the child have unfortunate events when she wasn't possessed
"But priest if she isn't possessed like you said why would she be unfortunate?"
"Hmmmm that I do not know but I would like your help on a request I'm about to make"
"What is it, if it's within my power I'll try my best"
"Alright then my request is this, if this child is not adopted by the time she's thirteen I would like to adopt her but before then I will visit every month to help check on her"
The madame didn't see anything wrong and agreed, if the child would one day have a place to call home so be it.
But who would have thought that the year she turned thirteen the old man died from a very serious accident and this alone brought a negative wave of attention towards Asahel
The head Madame indeed loved children and treated them well but she couldn't let one child misfortune ruin others chances, after so much persuasion Asahel's name was removed from any possible future adoption and she was restricted from interacting with other children.
As for how she died she had gone out as usual to pick cans and sell them and get some change to buy what she would eat, she was still given some food at the orphanage but it's as though she were merely a beggar who had to wait till there were leftovers and the Head Madam wouldn't be around all the time during cases like this
when she went out to pick the cans it started raining but she didn't stop searching for cans, she didn't care about the rain because she wouldn't get sick anyway, after she was done with a dump stop she thought to cross over to the opposite street and try her luck when she saw a little girl crossing the road and a car coming towards the girl.
From where she stood the girl should be able to cross over safely before the car reached her, but maybe because the road was wet the car seemed to have increased in speed or maybe the girl was too slow, at that moment she knew the girl would not be able to make it so she let go of the trash can in her hand and swooped in to save the girl under the eyes of the pedestrians who were already in a panick when they saw the little girl almost getting hit
but before they knew it some other girl had taken the fall.
Laying on the wet ground in the pool of her own blood Asahel looked up and saw the crowd around her
"This feels warm" she said to herself
A woman who was close to her heard her mutter and grew closer while saying to her
"Little girl don't worry you'll be fine the ambulance is on its way just keep talking with me ok?"
Others tried as well to make Asahel continue talking so as not to lose consciousness
"Aunty it's fine I feel really warm"
When the woman heard her say this she felt the girl was losing her mind how could you feel warm when you're dieing it's obviously the opposite you're supposed to be feeling but to relieve the tension she thought of something and said
"It's because we are all around you that's why you feel warm so promise aunty you'll stay awake till we reach the hospital"
Asahel smiled but didn't respond she knew she had been hit pretty bad by that car though she didn't feel any pain she knew she was slipping away but that instant she suddenly felt warm
"This must be how it feels like to be cared for" she said to herself
This feeling wasn't entirely new to her but it's been for ever since she had such feeling.
Everyone at the orphanage avoided her the old man who came to visit her every month and thought her some weird things had died and she was blamed for it but now she felt really warm inside this was because she was emphatic.
With the loss of her pain receptors she gained an even higher level of empathy so she knew that everyone at the orphanage disliked her even from small before the old man died but as for now she could feel the warmth coming from these people and it was strong and genuine.
They were all in a panic mode and tried their very best to keep a conversation with her but the blood coming from her head and twisted leg wouldn't stop flowing and the woman beside her wouldn't stop crying and slowly but surely she kept closing her eyes while kept shouting to draw her back to them but at the end she passed away
Realising that she had indeed died and woke up in someone's else body she let out another sigh and spoke up
"How unfortunate I am"
"You're right you're indeed unfortunate"
Asahel raised her dead looking eyes and saw a butterfly-like creature hovering above her face but she didn't look even a bit surprised.
Though she had no pain receptors and for someone who was an empathy she had no feelings on her face.
Even before she was disliked by others at the orphanage she always had a falling out with the other children because she never cried, laughed, fear or showed concern but the day she laughed everyone ran away this was due to her razor shape teeth, dark grey eyes and her dark skin tone
She wasn't ugly to begin with but she didn't know how to portray herself without looking bad or terrifying
"What are you and where did you come from?"
The butterfly-like creature was stunned as the impression it hoped to get from her didn't come, it then cursed inwardly but still introduced itself
"I'm a space caretaker and you're my master"
Asahel looked at the weird creature and didn't say anything then she slowly sat up on the wet ground and stretched her palm out then the butterfly-like creature flew towards her palm and sat down
"Alright since that introduction is over why don't we leave this dirty rainy place and go somewhere else with better air condition"
With that they both disappeared