

The secret power

The secret power





In this 15 years of my life I have never stepped outside of this mansion because I posses purple magic, powerful enough to destroy the whole world. But now I am going to attend a magic Academy.I am going to hide my power from everyone.It will be a secret forever.

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Status: c2 2yr
This story is so good. Been looking for such an awesome story like this and here it is.
This book is good.
The story line is awesome and the writing style is easy to understand. Great work author Keep it up.

Chapter 1: Starting a new life

My name is Lian. I am 15 years old.Today is my first day at Rokshana Megic Academy. This is an Academy where students learns the proper way to use magic.

I am sad. I Don't want to go there.Everything would have been ok if I was a normal boy just like others, but I am not.....

Lain! Lain! Come down to eat with me. The dinner is ready. Your favourit foods are cooked to night. Yes grandpa coming. Don't shout it's not good for an old man like you. Here you are Lain come and seat. Are you ever going to talk to me politely! It's not like it brothers me anyway,hahaha! I have told the servants to bring your uniform in your room. You will look really nice. It's hard to believe that my tiny little grand son has grown up. I am really happy for you. If Only your parents were alive to see your lovely face. This old man has only few years to live. How time does fly!

Grandpa what are you talking about. I told you so many times I don't want to go there. I am doing just fine at this mansion, you are also here to teach me. So,why do I need to go to the Academy! Lain,there are children Your age. You can make new friends. But I don't want friends, what if they are hurt because of me!

Lain trust me nothing is going to happen. Moreover, you also know how to control your Purple magic very well. Don't worry.

[Next morning...]

(It's my first time going outside of this mansion.I am really scared.Because I posses Purple magic.This Purple magic is really powerful. Powerful enough to destroy the whole earth.This magic is prohibited.Any one with this magic is ordered to be executed right away.

So me having this magic is a Secret to the whole world. Only may grandpa knows about this. I will pretend that I don't have any magic. The Academy is divided into two parts. The students who has powerful mana are in magician section. And those who have low mana are in swordsmanship section. I am going to hide my mana and attend the swordsmanship classes.It's the best way to avoid troubles.)

Young master, we have reached....

.....To be continued.....