

Return of the monkey king

Return of the monkey king





The world is no longer what it used to be before, humans, vampires, werewolves and celestials are now aware of each other's existance. Will they adapt and learn to cohabit in this new world or will be the end of planet earth
Hensui, a rank E student is awarded the monkey system and everything about him changes from that moment
Join him on this adventure as he uncovers the mysteries of the great Sun-Wukong that may put the survival of mankind at risk
Hensui and his group of friends go on a journey to sace earth and and get revenge on the gods that connived against the great monkey king

[Congratulations, you have been awarded the monkey king system]
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Top Reviews



Status: c3 1yr
Hi all, author here giving a biased review😁
Keep reading and sharing so that I can create more content for you. A huge thanks to those who have shown their appreciation so far


It Seems nice...the character development the storyline and the name also the cover...I took an overview and it was worth it .....


Status: c5 2yr
The story seems to be good so far, i have been looking forward to a monkey king system book. Cant wait for more chapters. The writing quality is great but could use some proof reding here and there

Chapter 1: Final moments

Standing around 6 feet tall, the figure casually walked into room, he only had a pair of trousers and his chiseled body was on full display. The bald head and bulging muscles gave him the appearance of a seasoned warrior and the scar that stretched across his toeso was a further testament of this. He bare feet made the slightest of sounds when they made contact with the ground and his fiery red eyes illuminated his bold head. A deep frown was embedded on his face.

"Is this how you thank me?" he said, the voice deeper than that of a normal man than anything else. Strangely enough though, the person in the corner could understand this very well. "Shit, how did i get myself into this?", he muttered, suddenly images started flashing into his mind. Humanoid beasts had poured into the settlement and slaughtered the inhabitants mercilessly, what was strange though was that all the people inside the walls were highly trained and had supernatural capabilities of their own. And yet they dropping one by one like a bunch of helpless kids.

This was why Hensui decided to run to the to the far side of the settlement in order to escape, he had had avoided most of the fighting as he know that combat was not one of his strong points. He jumped across the roofs and cleared the distance in record time. The wall was in sight but just before he could reach it, a man in animal skins emerged out of nowhere and swung his clawed hands at him.

Sliding down at the last minute, Hensui managed to avoid the blow but the momentum carried him forward and he crashed into a nearby wall. Quickly getting up he darted to the side and jumped back a meter. Before he could collect his thoughts though. The man was upon him and clawed at Hensui's face. He manged to put up his hands in time but quickly regretted his decision when he felt a searing pain where the clawed has cut into his flesh, drawing out blood. The man stepped back and started laughing hysterically. "No human has ever dodged my attack before, and as a reward I will make you one of us" his voice resounded across the street. Suddenly his face started to elongate into a snout while his ears were growing pointer. His body size was also growing and his eyes turned into a deathly red colour. "And I thought I stood a chance against such a monster, this guy will kill me if I don't think of something soon" Hensui darted his eyes across the ground and quickly scooped up a metal pipe which was nearby. "If i remember correctly, werewolves get stronger when they transform into their true form so i dont think there any way im getting out of this alive, well if I'm gonna die, then I might as well die fighting", he declared as he covered the distance between them in one leap. He lifted the pole with both hands and after aiming carefully swung with all with all his mind, however he felt no resistance whatsoever. He could only see a blur in front of him before he felt his face being bashed in, the hit sent him plummeting across the street. The werewolf approached slowly, taking his time.

"I guess this is it for me" Hensui muttered as he struggled to get back up on his feet, he stumbled and fell back on one knee. Using all his willpower, he got back up again but he felt as very weak and know that he would not survive other hit. Closing his eyes, Hensui waited for his end. Thud!! A headless body crashed into the ground, blood spewing everywhere.

Was this the end?


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[This is a novel that updates daily. If you have any ideas for my story feel free to comment and let me know]