Chapter 1: Chapter 1 _ the coming of age ceremony
" Her Royal Highness, Princess Lydia El Alistair the second princess of vanov has arrived " I held my head high as I descended the stairs gracefully holding up my skirt, just like I had practiced. The silence of the entire hall at that moment made my breath stop and I could hear the sound of my own heart threatening to tear out of my chest. I sighed and continued strolling down the stairs carefully, I especially didn't want some humiliation to transpire today.
I walked towards the table meant for the royal family and did a Curtsy as a sign of respect for the king and queen of vanov and proceeded to take my seat, the king then cleared his throat as he spoke "Let the celebration of the coming of age ceremony of the second princess of vanov, princess Lydia El Alistair commence. " the king broke the pin drop silence as he spoke loud enough for the entire guest in the ceremony hall to hear.
The hall which was once filled with decorum went on with its loud chatters as the music also began to play. Most of their attention was still diverted to me and I felt oddly uncomfortable.
"Good evening princess, seems you've wowed the young men that attended your banquet tonight. " Lazarus, the first and only son of the king and also the crown prince of Ivanov whispered to me teasingly." they all just can't seem to take their eyes off you." he smiled and bent closer to my ear making sure his hot breath fanned my skin, " you're looking super attractive tonight princess"
My face instantly turned bright red at his comment, I quickly prevented my eyes from colliding with his pretending not to have heard what he said.
He noticed my reaction and a slight smirk appeared on his face as he continued, "Not only young and eligible and handsome lads but also married old men with visible wrinkles all over can't wait to add you to their hundreds of collection of beautiful women."
I turned to him and gave him a hard glare he chuckled lightly and looked away satisfied with my reaction, I felt so galled! he had just ruined my mood urg just thinking of old men coming court me made me nauseous, never will I be a mistress for wasted, old and greedy power-seeking hags.
I pouted my lips in disgust.
After a while the King stood up to address the guests, holding up a spoon and a golden wine cup bearing the crest of the royal family, clinging the spoon to the cup thrice to gain the people's attention, the noise filled hall became dead silent as all attention was now diverted to him. " first of all I would like to thank the guests for attending the coming of age ceremony of the princess " he paused and looked around for a moment and then continued.
" As you all know, the princess is of the right age of being courted by princes and Nobles from all around so I'd like for the guests to introduce themselves to the princess. "
" But first, according to tradition, I the king shall have the first dance with the princess before any other. " he nodded toward me and I understood that was my queue.
I stood up and walked towards him and did a Curtsy as I looked up to meet his fatherly gaze that sent warmth into my heart as he smiled and extended his arm "Shall we?"
I nodded my head nervously and took his extended hand into mine, this would be the first dance with my father or rather a man as I had been practicing with the help of my female tutor that had been helping me to prepare for this day.