I like the good representation of a single father. Wise words delving in the realm of discipline and morality. A finesse of pleasantness, harsh deceit, and just enough suspense. The mystery of dreams in a world where destiny and prophecy are common talk. Keep it up, I look forward to reading the rest of this tale.
The freezing night didn't affect the pair of father and son as they sat in front of the fire, the hot scorch chasing the frosty night breeze away. They sat there talking in light voices, spending the evening in pleasant conversation on the knit rugs, and the pieces of sheepskin under them kept them warm. The tent, over their heads, is of old rags and animal skins that warmed up the nights and protected them from the day's sun and the harsh blowing sand.
The atmosphere was harmonious and anybody in the neighboring tents could see the deep love this pair has for each other. Joseph, Jacob's son, was a boy of 8 years old. He was the apple of his father's eyes. He was a brave child that was brought up in this desert solely by his loving father, since his mother had passed away when he was young.
Everyone knew how much Jacob loved his two young sons the most. Benjamin, Jacob's youngest son, was still an infant. Therefore, Jacob specially doted on this son, Joseph, and favored him. Benjamin was still in need of tender care and was, most of the time, with the infants at the wet nurse in the clan. Leaving Jacob to care for the growing Joseph.
It's almost impossible for anyone not to notice how the elder's eyes would always seek Joseph wherever he goes. It was really hard for him to let Joseph out of his sight for a long period of time.
Joseph, on second hand, couldn't also be away from his father, his only parent left. He always tries to make sure his father eats well, sleeps well, is satisfied with whatever he is doing, and is always pleased with him. Joseph's features that held beauty also held maturity that is like no others among his peers.
Close to the fire, voices can be heard. A delicate voice of a small boy sounds calmly, while deep in thought, "father, can I tell you of a dream I had?".
"this dream… I have been seeing it for several nights now, and I don't understand what it means."
Jacob, the elder, has lived many years in this life and saw many things that built up his prudence like the wrinkled lines on his forehead. And thus, reading signs sent by dreams is not something he can't do.
A wrinkly hand, full of tenderness, patted Joseph on the shoulder and slightly embraced him closer. "You know you can talk to me about anything, dear joseph. Dreams, sometimes, are signs of that which we are ignorant of, or memories of what has already happened, sometimes, it's a warning. Other times, however, it's a glimpse of the future. And some many times-…."
The silence caresses the boy's curiosity and he couldn't take it for long till he asked, "many times what?."
The father smiled, pinching his cheeks playfully, "some many times, dreams are sign-less, meaning they hold no meaning at all…"
"How do we know how to differentiate? How do we know which dream is a sign and what is void?"
"It's something that I had been taught from a very young age, son. Are you interested?"
Jacob didn't really need an answer, the gleam in his son's eyes is a sufficient answer. The boy sat straight and answered with enthusiasm, "Yes, father!."
The elder laughed while tenderly patting his child's soft hair. "Fine, fine. Now tell me what was this dream that frequented your sleep?. Come tell your father."
The boy significantly calmed down and straightened, as if the matter in hand was serious, and so, the father, seeing his son's behavior, took his hand back and looked solemnly at the dunes in the distance. Thinking. His dear son is growing up quickly, maybe it's time to pass his teachings onto him? His son interrupted his swirling thoughts as he started narrating his dream.
"Father, I saw eleven planets aligned in the sky, along with the sun and the moon. I saw them all prostrating in front of me!"
The father turned fast, in a shock, to his son. The father looked very deeply at his son, a helpless sigh went out as his shoulders slumped slightly. He closed his eyes before glancing at his son. He carefully advised, "Joseph, this dream… do not tell any other about this, not even your elder brothers shall know about it. It's indeed a good sign, however, not all good signs are joyful. Let's keep it between us. Will you son?."
The boy looked thoughtfully at his father while inquisitively gauging his father's reaction. Not able to fathom the insistent warning his father made, he obeyed and nodded in a silent promise. His father definitely knows what this dream means, but why include his brothers? So he calmly asked, "Why not tell my brothers, father?"
The father has raised all his sons in this desert, he knows them like the back of his hand. He sighed, remembering how much they can be…hot headed? How many years has passed since they matured and grown up into fine young men? Yet they are still in the age of acting out on their desires to reach self-satisfaction, regardless of many things they were taught.
Sighing again, "Joseph, I taught you to always own your words, and to never tell a lie. I have no way to explain it to you now, but all will clear away at the right time."
The little boy wanted to insist more, "but they are my brothers!?" However, he talked no more and complied sweetly, "Yes, father."
The elder stroked his son's shoulder, calming him, "I want you to understand something, Joseph."
tilting his head up to face his father's faraway look, the boy hummed, "hmm? What is it father, I'm listening."
"Know that feelings are what make us, humans, do beautiful things in the lives we live, Joseph. Just like loving you, caring about you and feeling happy being around you. However, there are bad feelings that make us want to do bad things. Jealousy, greed, hatred, wrath…are feelings that will cause harm to the beholder. Now, I'm not saying to never feel jealousy, anger or hatred. All I'm saying is to never let it control you. Never let it consume your heart. Be forever forgiving even when you are able to avenge. Be forever patient even when you have the right to. Be forever loving even when met with hatred. All bad feelings will become good, only when you overtake it and use it to be an overwhelmingly disciplined man…"
Joseph, who was focusing on his father's words kept silent for a moment or two, finally spoke, "yes, father. I understand."
The father embraced him to his side, smiling lovingly at him. Both were happy and comfortable, not noticing the flapping of one of the tents nearby, where the brothers slept.
"Look how father treats Joseph. Why doesn't father spend time with us like he does with little Joseph?."
"Stop your nonsense, father favors the younger sons due to his old age. Even Benjamin, the youngest, is more favored than us. We are his support and the sons he should be proud of! Why bother with the younglings who don't understand anything!"
"You said it yourself, *little* Joseph. You are not young anymore to need your father to put you to sleep, are you?"
"That's not what he meant. I know we are grown up and are able to work and help our old father. But he still prefers Joseph and chooses him over us!"
"Whatever, Joseph won't stay young forever. In a year he will start working and father will look at all of us the same."
"Will you all leave him alone, he is your younger brother! He lost his mother, too! Of course dad will treat him softly, so stop complaining like whiny children throwing a tantrum and go to sleep, we have a lot to do tomorrow!"
"Do you think father's love has anything to do with 'prophecy' not being bestowed upon any of us? Does he really expect it to befall upon Joseph?", apprehensive voice sounded out and all fell silent in trepidation.
An infuriated voice denied fast, "Baloney! It has to be one of us the recipient of the prophecy, or-" fire that burns with rage can be seen in his eyes, as he looks at his kin threatening, " or none at all!"
And so went that dark night and came the day, a year or two went by. And little Joseph, the beautiful preteen, started doing some work to help around with his brothers. And coming back to his father's side learning many things.