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This is based on a goofy storyline,just funny and childish events discussed.The Storyline is A World of ghosts governed by their gentle king who believes in symbiotic relationship between humans and the Jinns or the ghosts,looks forward to the issues he has to face,because of his men.

Top Reviews



Status: c1 2yr
What a nice story it is! That is I give you five stars. I hope you will do your best. Your story idea is very nice. Keep writing.  Thank you for your amazing story. 


Status: c2 2yr
Dear Author, the overall idea of your novel sounds interesting, I mean it is something different, while reading I felt like I live in that ghost community and do know their secrets, keep writing 


Status: c4 2yr
This was a really interesting read for me. But The characters were too crowded. As in no space after comas, quotations and such. Otherwise I have no flaws to point out. It was an interesting and fun read

Chapter 1: Make The Law For Us:

Long ago,lived a Ghost community.They lived,enjoyed and also,even prayed,when it was time.They were never interested in,interacting with humans,nor they do,now,expect for some,who love to bother humans.The Community have survived many falls.In a Forest,a such a dark night.A whole group of ghosts,terrifying creatures,having a meet-up,like conversation.

Bud:"Hey! You know what humans think,they think a man,when dies,turns into a ghost."

All the others:(brust in laugh):"Ha,Ha,Ha,what a stupid statement,like we are dead humans,huh!."

Mud:"Right! How can humans be that stupid,we are a totally different beings,made of fire."

All the others:"Yeah! Ofcourse,now that's a right thing to say!."

(Their King "Jabar Alabad" Standing in front of them)

The King:(raises his voice):"Stop it! My gentle fellows,we are not here to giggle and all that,perhaps,I have called this meet-up for a honourable reason,from many years,we are having sereval falls in our government."

Bud:(laughingly):"Yeah! Like Mud fell on a cactus,yesterday."

All the others:(again brust into laugh):"Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha!."

The King:(Looks at his horrifyingly moving his cloak in a pretty gentle way):"Silence! Hmmm...like yours are not afraid of me…or looks like you hate to live.Well,don't worry,as I was saying,humans nowadays are inslaving our fellows and did they not inslave your brother too,Bud? Soon they will reach you and then someone else and none of us will survive."

Bud:(aggressively):"Dead Right! Let's finish them,as much as,we can,before they inslave us all."

All the others:"Yeah!."

The King:"No! You punk,we have to settle this,in a gentle way,we are not of those ghosts,who bother other humans or etc.We are from a gentle party and we should deal with this matter gently and nicely and that's why,I believe we should call a presendencial meeting."

All the others whispering:"What how is that even possible,he is out of his mind….."

The Kind:(again rasies his voice):"I know you find it not pretty obvious but weird.But the way I see it,this is how we are gonna do it.So the plan is we all are going to turn our shapes into humans and then we will reach to the primeminister of the state,ofcourse,the human and then we will dicuss it like gentlemen."

All the others:"What? But,why do we have to change our shapes into those ugly humans?."

The King:(frustrated):"Shut-up and stop behaving like kids,you all are above 500 years old! Aren't you? Now,I have brought you here,you are members of our,respected,Presedencial community,so,behave likely.This is the only way,we can stop humans,inslaving us.So tommorrow is the day,I have already made many contacts to humans,in the human form and I have now reached at the point to meet the prime minister of humans in person,alone.So be ready in your human shape."

All of them including the king of them were presented infront of the president,sitting on the best and soft,expensive sofas in a great hall alone with the human prime minister:

Jabar The King:(refering to the human prime minister):"Mr president! As we have contacts for a long time I want to discuss with you,an important issue for my men. "

Bud:(looks upon to the royal table and the food items on it,picks up a leg piece and starts eating it very very awkwardly)

The Human Prime Minister:(looses his focus on Jabar's talking and starts staring Bud,fearfully)

Jabar The King:(looking at Bud whispers):"Bud you son of a human being,you can hear me,right! I will kill you right now,you'll be like fire turned into ashes,if you didn't put that back."

Bud:(listening very properly sitting very much far on his seat puts it back politely and fearfully swallowing,what he already had in his mouth)

The Human Prime Minister:"Is this gentlemen of your's,okay."

Jabar:(quickly grabbing his attention):"Yes! Yes! Mr President he is,he just loves meat! He really can't control it when it's about meat,so I am wanting to tell you a secret,which will remain only between us."

T.H.P.M:"Yes,well,I think we are pretty good at keeping secrets,even at international levels."

Jabar:"Yeah! Sir,so the thing is,…huh.we are ghosts."

T.H.P.M:(laughingly):"Yeah! Surely! And I am a Dracula!."

Jabar:(looking at his men):"Fellas!."

All of them turn back into their real shapes, very very much terrifying and the Human Prime Minister totally loses it falls down, unconscious on the floor of the royal hall.

Jabar:(yells):"Turn your shapes back, quickly."

(He also turns his shape back into a human and his men too follow him.They put some water onto the face of Prime Minister)

Prime Minister:(wakes up):"I think I was hallucinating."

Jabar:(getting him into his chair):"Certainly not sir,the scene,you saw was as real as your expensive shoes."

Prime Minister:(looks down,Bud bitting his shoe):"Ahhh!."

Jabar:(gets him up and punches him hard,he turns into smoke and then back into the human form,and gets on his chair):"I am so so sorry,Mr Prime Minister,the thing is there are some men of yours who inslave us,with no authority at all,look we are ghosts also known as the Jinns normally or in Arabic or whatever.The thing is we have no issue with humans,inslaving the bad Jinns but the good ones,now that is a thing we would certainly not tolerate."

Prime Minister:(gets himself back in his senses):"What do you want from me!."

Jabar:(politely):"We just want you to indose a law for your men,demanding a hard punishment for,commiting a kind of thing or reciting such spells,which they use to inslave our nice men and that is for now we are talking,their are more ways,we can get what we want,but I believe love is the key of all the door locks,and it must be the solution of this problem too.So we are giving you time till tommorow,and if after tommorrow,I heard any news like that,I mean not pleasing me,you won't live to see the day after tommorow.But for now let's eat and drink and remember Mr President,we are not the bad guys,if you want help in return any time,just made it an announcement,we'll be there for you."

(They all start eating and the king also gets himself calm down.Just after some hours the king tells his men to get his galsses checked and certainly makes an announcement for the king of savages or Amil that if anyone of them or not one of them,tries to inslave a nice and peaceful gost will be inslaved himself for atleats 20 years and may face even more horrifying circumstances.The second day in the king's bedroom)

King:(enters to sleep)

Jabar:(appears from nowhere):"PeekaBoo!."

The King:(terrified):"Ahhhh!."

Jabar:"Calm down,I am just here to thanku and even not in my real from but a human one,and here is my stamp on a wooden piece for your daughter,just one night put that near her pillow,I know it's a bad ghost bothering her,it will let him know my order to leave her alone and if it doesn't bothered him,I will,so either way your daughter will be okay till tommorow,who is sick."

The King:(amazingly takes it):"How did you...."

Jabar:"Oh! Come-on what do you think,I am,I know about you very-well."

The King:(whispers cryingly):"Thanku!."

Jabar:(disappears just by saying): "your welcome! Just remember the oath,and we may be in touch."

The King:(calmly):"I will."

The P.M goes to sleep and The King celebrates with a party,with his fellas their achievement.