Chapter 1: PROLOUGE
The morning was cold the sky was dreary but inside he was smiling, his face didn't show it hell it never showed it but those who knew him could tell despite the mask of apathy that adorned his handsome face he was practically beaming.As he walked into the neat and orderly building he came into view of the people within, it was chocked full of full of men and women, their grizzled features and unsavory temperments constrasted with his delicate apperance and nonchalant demenor the only threathing thing around him was a sword in it's scabered but ut was so thin one would expect to break on collision with the great axe of the warrior next to him, one would also expect him to berrated for coming into the wrong place losing his way and other jabs at his masculinity but no.
Instead the people inside broke into wide grins and boisterous laughter un pom seeing him
"well look who it is i thought you'd sleep in today Kalen" said a balding man in his forties with a white beard so long it could be repurposed as a mop
"you think he's like you old man we all know you only come here for the free booze" said a massive bear of a man with an even larger broadsword on his back
"we all know Kalen's and early riser" the warrior continued
"uncle Kalen uncle Kalen do you need a porter today" a boy i had 5 years on making him 13 yelled as he ran up to me but before i could reply his mother grabbed his shoulder while replying
"hector you know you have to have a combat ability of at least C class to voluter as a porter for an S class mission
"but mother"
"no buts young man"
she said before turning to me and apologizing then turning her son around.
Yep S class i was an S class mercenary the highest rank there is which means everything from my experience to my combat ability was top notch as such i was besseched by many other mercenaries to work with on quests there were not sure their abilities were cut out for, i wasn't adverse to anyone of them but i had other objectives in mind so i made my way to the counter where the person i wanted to see most dusting said counter, although a bit late in day no one really cared about that after the girl was Lorain, the most wonderful person any of us had ever met, her honey blonde hair and petite frame gave her an adorable look that made you want to simply hug her which would prove difficult since her chest was massive, her smile tkradiated cheerfulness and positivity and her counternace was even better and when she saw me her smile grew even wider
"ah Kalen welcome"
it was then that my face finally displayed and expression, a smile so small It was barely visible but it was a smile nothenless as i answered
"hello Lorain, its great to see you".
That was my life back then, one of Tridents mercenaries i took coin for jobs and killed monsters because i was told to, back when my blade was solely for beasts on all fours before taking the lives of my fellow man wasn't compulsory before i lost her, but reminiscing won't dull the pain if anything it will only inflate it and remind me of my choices those i'm proud of and the ones i regret, but, this isn't the story of my regrets it's the story of how i rose to one of the most important positions in the world and what came after the story of me proving i'm not cursed or at least as cursed as i believe the story of a man trying to abide by a promise he made to a dying friend.
The life of a Don.