

Aithne: Daughter of the Flame

Aithne: Daughter of the Flame


Fantasy Romance



“You are destined for great things, child. Doom is a great thing.”

Aithne is a sweet and adventurous free spirited girl, but she’s also a noble princess of the Megorian regime. Her and her twin sister, Katherine are as thick as thieves, though with often contrasting personalities and beliefs, they would die for each other. 

The century long war against magic has finally ended, though the magic-borne continue to be persecuted, there’s finally peace across the continent of Bermiizhe. The ancient prophecy about ‘The Curse’ is known only to a few who have long forgotten its existence. Minds have become comforted with the facade of peace the people now thrive under, but their blanket of comfort is about to be ripped in the middle.

The fire has begun to rage and rumble underneath Aithne's skin. It's begging to be unleashed. Like a volcano on the brink of eruption, it bubbles underneath her skin and goes unseen. But Aithne is a gentle soul, though rebellious with a knack for breaking rules, the princess is adored by all. This treacherous evil couldn't possibly exist within her. 

But the evil exists. ‘The Curse’ has finally begun to manifest, and the kingdom of Megor is at the brink of a civil war. It's almost naming day, and the next ruler of the West lies between the princesses and their uncle who's the rightful heir to the throne according to the laws of the land. 

The King is at an even greater war with himself. His decision could be the start of a revolution but he has to make the right decision even if it kills him. 

Betrayals and treachery, mixed right in the middle of a far greater evil continue to lurk within the walls of the palace, and the fate of the world rests unknowingly on Aithne's shoulders. But the evil isn't planning on staying hidden. It's brewing, bubbling, waiting to erupt.

The Circle of Five are planning something sinister. The evil brewing within the walls of the Western Megorian palace must be stopped before it grows big enough to swallow them all, and they would do anything to stop it. Or rather, to stop her.

Trigger warnings:

-Violent speech/actions.
-Very explicit descriptions of murder.
-Depictions of suicidal thoughts/tendencies.
-Non-explicit gore.
-Explicit descriptions of a horrific birth.

Top Reviews



Status: c5 1yr
Alright, Hi there! Didn't think I'd be doing this, but here's me leaving a sort of review on my own book. 34 chapters in and I finally think it's time for me to do this. 

First thing I'd like to make clear, is the fact that this book is a Dark Fantasy novel as opposed to what genre it's put in on the app. Webnovel doesn't have the dark fantasy genre option so I put it on the cover instead. This book isn't fantasy romance even though my MC is a female. There is a bit of romance however, but we don't get to that anytime soon as it is not the main focus.

Another thing I'd like to point out is the fact that my writing style can be very different from what you're used to seeing on here but that doesn't mean you shouldn't give my works a chance. A few people have complained that there are too many info-dumps in some chapters but I'd like to remind you that this is a Fantasy novel, therefore everything I share is paramount to my world/character-building and nothing is "unnecessary" 

Furthermore, because my writing style isn't vey typical to the standards of webnovel, it may seem as though my writing is "draggy" but if you're an avid reader of normal books, you should understand. However, if you're not, I'd like urge you to please just be patient and keep reading. I promise you won't regret it. 

Lastly, to my loyal readers and everyone that's been supporting this book so far, thank you so much and I love you!

Thank you again everyone and I hope you have an amazing day/night :)


Status: c11 1yr
I hate that you pulled a 5 star review from me. 

Better then I expected from the Synopsis. Aithne is a wonderful character who I can relate to. The world building worried me at first, but I found myself being sucked into this new world without realizing it.  This last chapter (11) is something that I only half-expected. You never know with this genre. 

I found no visible mistakes with the writing quality which already gets you bonus points. Not sure on stability of updates, but more chapters are required. Seriously, I want like 10 more chapters tomorrow. 

The story development hasn't had time to settle in, but it seems to be progressing well. Characters are well thought out and feel like real people. The World Background is kind of lengthy in the first chapter, but this is fantasy and thus expected.

For webnovel format I would suggest using smaller paragraphs. It is hard to get used to, but necessary in this format. That way it will be easier to read from a glance. Author good job for restoring my faith in good stories on this website.


Status: c41 1yr
Wow, amazingly well written, fantastic characters and plot, one of the best novels I've read! Thank you for introducing yourself to me, I love this book. ^^

Chapter 1: Announcement!

Hey guys! How's everyone doing? Any new exciting things happen to you recently that you wanna talk about?!

I just wanted to drop in quickly to update you on a few things. Firstly, I'm sorry this isn't a new chapter. I know you must be disappointed, but I have good reasons, believe me.

I've decided to take this book down while I correct a few things plot related. I talked about it briefly in my last author's note, but some things haven't been going the way I planned for them to go with the characters.

And I have been working on them so this break isn't going to be a long one, hopefully. I'll take the current chapters down and then begin re-publishing once the re-write is done. I really didn't want to do this. I was holding out till the book was finished but I've realized it's better to do it now than wait until the end. I deeply apologize and I promise to be back soon.

In the meantime, I'll be finishing up my contemporary romance novel that's on here, titled 'Killer Stilettos.' And I'll be releasing a new Urban fantasy novel for WSA. Please be on the look out for it. All your support will be deeply needed and appreciated. And once again, I apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you so much! I hope you have an amazing day/night! <3

With love always,
