

Rise like a phoenix

Rise like a phoenix

Turquoise24 | Fantasy


Phoenix; no one has ever seen that mystical creature with their own eyes, but she is as real as paradise, a symbol of immortality, rebirth and renewal, a one of her kind. She lives a hundred years, but comes across once in a lifetime. She dies in fire majestically and rises from the ashes magnificently. But this time she is reincarnated into a human being, a powerful female, with a feisty temper, fierce personality and intellectual mind. She has got fire in her heart and sparkles in her eyes. She has walked through hell and still managed to be an angel. So, don't you dare underestimate her when she looks into the fire straight in the eye and gives it a wink. Would she be able to live an unforgettable life this time? Would she show the world what it's like being an immortal in a world of mortals? Would you like to go on with her on this journey of a lifetime? Hop along. You don't wanna miss this. Let's begin the tale. A tale transferred from generation to generation and still captivating.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: That day of Fall

Phoenix; no one has ever seen that mystical creature with their own eyes.

But she is as real as paradise, a symbol of immortality, rebirth and renewal.

She is one of a kind. You'll never find something like her in a million years.

She flies beyond the heights and crosses endless oceans, lives in a land unknown to us mere humans.

The God of Sun admires her melodious voice, a melody known to hypnotize even the God of Sun; Appolo.

She lives a hundred years but comes across once in a lifetime.

She builds a nest for her every time.

She prepares for her own death ceremony in her own nest and then dies in that nest just to be reborn again from ashes.

She dies in fire majestically and rises from the ashes magnificently.

But this time she is reincarnated into a human being, a powerful female, with a feisty temper, fierce personality and intellectual mind.

She will do whatever it takes to take revenge on all of them who made her life miserable. And this time she will not spare anyone.

Do you think she has got what it takes?

Nobody is more powerful than a woman determined to rise. And you will all witness her glorious rise.

Let's begin the tale. A tale transferred from generation to generation.





















As October was approaching, she felt sadness in her heart all over again. Falling leaves were a weakness of hers. Yet she loved seeing them.

Autumn had his own appeal. She would look at the leaves falling from the trees mesmerized. The colour ash-orange, yellowish brown attracted her and hypnotized her every time.

Sunset scenes and falling leaves were dangerous combinations for her personality. It always made her feel like she is losing something but don't know what it is.

And that thought always troubled her. And then she'll spend all autumn crying without any reason. It just made her cry. Maybe it was the sunset, the falling leaves or the orange colour that dominated that scene.

She was alone and that made her lonely. She couldn't deal with that loneliness. it was new to her. Everything was new to her. She felt overwhelmed. She felt depressed. She felt lonely and she didn't even know the reason.

That day of Fall, the first of October, she cried all day, her heart was empty, her eyes were filled with tears and she didn't know the reason.

Or maybe she knew the reason.

And the reason was.............................. It was her Birthday.

Today was her birthday.

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