

Always loving you

Always loving you





A little sneak peak on the prologue:

You smiled, not to me , to her
You kissed not me but her 
You held hands 
You carried her 
You whispered to her 
You goofed around with her 
You hugged her 
Your eyes shone when you talked to or about her 
You were happy 
 I noticed happy for you was her 
The breaking point for me is our eyes never did meet 
I knew I lost you 
Funny thing is how you were never mine to begin with

Top Reviews



Status: c1 2yr
One chapter so far but it was quite the interesting start. Never really seen a novel start with a poem before, looking forward for more to come, seems like it will be an interesting romance.


Status: c3 2yr
Just to be safe, I decided to give it a 4.6/5. It's a brand new webnovel, but it shows quite the promise with it's first three chapters. Please read it.


Status: c3 2yr
I... I don't know what to say. Maybe I'm too early?? Because... For now, it's just three chapters of prologue, and those three prologues are just poems. Quite strange, honestly, and I don't know how to react...
I'm not sure what the story will look like exactly, so, here's my early review...
Nice poem tho...

Chapter 1: Prologue : part 1

When our eyes meet I feel goosebumps all over me

when our eyes meet I feel complete

when our eyes meet I feel hot as if am burnt by hell fire

but the fire doesn't burn it makes me alive

I wait everyday for our eyes to meet so that my heart can be happy

I wait every day for our eyes to meet for the peace of my body mind and soul

I love you

That I can't say verbally but through my eyes I have told you a thousand times

I just wait for the day I muster courage to tell you ; I love you

my only prayer love me back

I can wait for the rest of my life for you to love me back

but while am waiting love no other

because that will break me and tear me apart