

Rise Of Extincted

Rise Of Extincted

CaziX_Live | Sci-fi


John and James the Yin and Yang, The swordsmen who wield Plasma Blades, Those who instead of being assassins of the darkness, Fight in the front, But one has a grave secret, None know off, The condition of the war seemed that The UFP Would win yet it only took one thing for the Grim Reaper to unveil himself, The Grim Reaper's identity which was his greatest secret comes to be known by his trusted comrades but troubles arrive, multiple times they were stranded on planets and in situation which would be impossible to survive, but if you were with the Grim Reaper it would be quite the opposite, through thick and thin they fought, arriving on a planet and they had to face one of the greatest oppositions. Harlord The First, creator of the immortal Legion and the one who spearheaded the invasion of Earth, It was a battle not for survival but for vengeance. A battle to avenge all who died a gruesome death long ago

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Prolouge

Many Years Ago the covenant first attacked without warning nearly most of the population was killed out of the eight billion population only one hundred million survived which was considered a miracle but among all the deaths one man stood he was knowns as the saviour the destructor and the true founder of the UFP and he was the one who found the laster tech we now use well most of us after the first attack we found out the covenant only wanted to grow strong they took over galaxies to find the strongest species and make them join from our galaxy it was us but unlike the many others humanity refused and went on to start the UFP United Federation Of Planets we found all the species we thought were advanced enough and recruited them and now we have more then 10 species and complete reign over our galaxy but at a cost the UFP and the covenant has been stuck in a war for far to long but recently a new laser blade came out a blue blade that can cut through the strongest of tank and robots,even the mechs are not safe on the Frontline is a duo called the yin and yang a man with dark hair and eye colour and a man with yellow and red colour eyes and hair this duo has made a name for themselves but recently somme of the storage houses were taken and the enemy has their own laser swords now the battle has truly begun the covenant has seven species of seven empty galaxies none other species of those galaxies survived the main character is a private swordman same with his partner the yin yang duo

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