Chapter 1: The Hidden treasure:
In The Depth Of The Ocean
( The unknown treasure )
A man whose name was Ali decided to go on a journey to find the treasure on a Island :
When he reached the Island,he fond himself alone but just after some time a man with a long beard and a wooden stick in his hand and a turban just appeared from nowhere,and then the conversation started between them:
Ali : ( shocked after seeing the man, screams ) : "Oh! Man,I mean sir,from where did you appear."
The Old Man : "Well,as a matter of fact,I live here,and the question,by the way actually fits on you,after so many years,I have seen a man on this Island,so have you lost your way?."
Ali : "No Sir,I am here for a certain purpose".
The Old Man : " And that is…."
Ali : "Oh! It is that I want to find the treasure ".
The Old Man : "The treasure?."
The Man : "Yes Sir,my ancestors thought me about this,as they also left a map for me to find this Island or (Magical Island) as it is written on the top of the map,they left for me." ( He takes out the map from the bag and shows it to the old man)
The Old Man : ( taking a look on the map ) : "Oh! I see,so you have came to find the treasure,for which many people died and some of them left disappointedly?."
Ali : "Yes Sir!."
The Old Man : "Okay,so get ready then."
Ali : "Umm! Get ready for what,sir."
The Old Man : "For the journey to find the treasure,ofcourse.I will help you in this."
Ali: "Wait a minute! So you are going to help me find the hidden treasure,is that what you just said?"
The Old Man : "Yes,well."
Ali: "But I don't even know who you are and I mean,why would you do that for me."
The Old Man : " I am your mentor,from now on and I am willing to help you because you'll also help me find me my treasure."
Ali : " I'm actually confused,by now."
The Old Man : "Look boy,you are here to find the treasure,right,so I am just going to help you in this and in return you just have to follow my instructions and just by the time you get your treasure,I'll also get mine,you understand."
Ali : "Okay sir,I mean Master."
The Old Man : " So we are ready now."
Ali : "But wait! I don't their understand one thing that if you can guide me to find the treasure, then why didn't you helped those men who came before me? ."
The Old Man : (with a smile on his face) : "Well,I was not interested in them,they were just boring,but you are different and I am interested in you,in other words their destiny led them to death or to their home back,but your destiny is to find the treasure,you'll ofcourse get the treasure."
Ali : " Ookkaayyy! So,now from where do we start."
The Old Man : " Well,we start from,you jumping into the ocean."
Ali : " Okay,then what after that."
The Old Man : " First you will go to the depth of the ocean,and you'll try to clear your heart and your soul once you did that you'll get out of the ocean and if you succeeded you'll see the treasure on my place,and if you fail you'll jump again,and as it is written on your map,it is actually a magical Island,so be careful and remember if you fail and jump again,the depth of the ocean will increase and you'll have a new experience,every time you jump."
Ali : "Okaaay! So let's just start the journey with the jump." ( After completing his sentence Ali jumped into the ocean,while leaving the old man waiting for him)
Those who came before him and didn't succeed :
Harris Ali was one of those divers :
A man who went in to the depth of the ocean and going deeper, he closed his eyes and began to suffocate,It became difficult for him to breath and because of its turbulence in the ocean , he also started to hurt other fishes and other ocean creatures . Who told him to go so depth?.From within,he began to feel afraid because of the darkness in the ocean.He refused to acknowledge the beauty of the ocean.He was not fortunate enough to understand the beauty of the ocean and he went out and cursed the ocean but how was it a fault of the ocean?.Then he started to spread bad suspicion about the ocean among the people,but why, he was not supposed to be afraid of the darkness in the ocean,he should have taken giudence from someone, he was supposed to have a torch with him or some tools like that to help him there,atleast . He destroyed himself and deprived himself,and then he put all the blame on the ocean and then he even started scaring people from going into the depth of the ocean . Was he supposed to do that ?,ofcourse not,then why ?. Just because he was not able to manage himself in the ocean,just cause he didn't understood the beauty of the ocean,he decided to stop other people too,from getting into the depth of the ocean.
Faraz razzak was one of those divers :
A man who jumped into the ocean just to show the people on earth,that how much brave he is,just to prove his worth,was his purpose of diving into the ocean,and when he got into the ocean,he didn't cared about anything,that whether he had the equipment or not,whether he had someone to guide him or not,he didn't even thought that whether it was safe for him or not,yes,what did he deserved,afterall,well,when he reached into the depth of the ocean,he also faced the darkness and wasn't able to go further into the depth of the ocean,nor he had anyone to guide him,yes he ran like a coward,as he feared the darkness and then he realized,how stupid he was,as he didn't even had a good purpose for risking his life into the ocean,as he did.He was just saved,afterall,just because he realized his stupidity on time,but well,he didn't got anything at all.
The Begining
The Beginning
This is a story about the importance of a mentor in Islam :
and it begins a long time ago,when many people saw it to be a challenge for themselves to reach in the real depth of the ocean and everyone had their own reasons,ofcourse.So two of those divers,also include Ali and Ahmed,who hated each other,as Ahmed's arrogance was the reason,Ali hated him and Ali's being so decent and naive was the reason Ahmed hated him.They both decided to dive into the ocean as they both wanted to get into the depth of the ocean in order to find the treasure,Ali also to witness the beauty of the ocean,while Ahmed's only purpose was to show his superiority on everyone else.
When Ahmed reached into the depth of the ocean :
A man who went into the depth of the ocean,and as he reached in the real depth,he felt very much arrogant and also that he was the only one who had reached in this much depth,he saw himself better than anyone else,as he let his ego drive him crazy.But why he had to be so arrogant,uh ! Right he didn't had anyone to guide him,that's why.He was ofcourse,supposed to have someone to guide him,uh ! He was such an idiot,but what happened after that,after that he became arrogant enough that he even started thinking that he was the king of the ocean.
When Ali reached into the depth of the ocean :
A man with a great sense of humility in his heart,a man of principles,a kind hearted person,he also dived into the ocean and when he reached into the deep he had all the equipment he needed,he turned on his flashlight,he remembered the teachings and the guidance of his experienced mentor,yes,he had someone to guide him.So as he went deeper he saw the most beautiful sea creatures swimming into the ocean,oh! Yes,he also had to face the sharks,but he was not afraid he had the teachings of his mentor and he acted upon the teachings and guess what,he survived,he also understood the beauty of the ocean,he also understood the beauty of the darkness,in the ocean,he got himself in extreme love with the ocean,with the darkness of the ocean,which he saw beautiful enough.
What Ahmed thoughts about the ocean :
He had actually no value at all in his heart for the ocean,he only saw himself,he just focused on one thing that he was the king of the ocean,and though he was unable to see the beauty of the ocean.He just wanted everyone to kneel before him,just as he gets out of the ocean,he didn't even cared,that he actually didn't had covered that much distance at all,but still he felt like he had,and thus he let his ego drive him crazy.
What Ali thoughts about the ocean :
Ali's thought was,that he felt himself so small and so powerless in front of the ocean,he saw the beautiful,colourful fishes swimming into the ocean,he saw big and bigger fishes and also small and smaller fishes,and as he was witnessing the beauty of the ocean,his heart was filled in love for the ocean,he understood the value of the ocean,and thanked God for such a great experience.
Harris Ali's stupidity :
The man who had no one to guide him,the man who had no equipment at all,he didn't even had a nice purpose for risking his life into the ocean.He had nothing to protect himself, to breath freely,into the depth of the ocean,yes, it was just a suicide act,ofcours,his stupidity had made him go so much nearer to death.
Faraz razzak's stupidity :
The man who had a purpose,but a very silly one.Just to show others how brave he was,he jumped into the ocean.What if he had not realized his mistake on time,he could have even died,because of his fear of the darkness into the depth of the ocean.
Ahmed's behavior :
Ahmed was just now enjoying,he didn't cared about anything,he was just being destructive to every sea creature,now,he was behaving like a wild animal,in the ocean,he didn't even had gone that much deeper,but he was just actually fooling himself,after a little time had passed,he noticed a shark coming near him,but he was just drunk,in his arrogance and he didn't cared about anything at all now,he remained calm,in front of the shark,as it was nothing to him,and the shark,which doesn't seemed to have any interest in attacking him,just passed by.
Ali's behavior :
Ali was not proud at all for being in that much depth of the ocean,he wanted to go much deeper and he also wasn't afraid, because he knew that he has the teachings and guidance of his mentor with him.So Ali decided to go much deeper and just focusing on his purpose,he saw,what he could not believe,a large broken ship,was there.Ali was stunned,he was really shocked of what he was just witnessing at the movement,he decided to go inside the broken ship,and as he went inside the ship,he was now more amazed,he saw a wooden box,in the broken ship.
Ahmed realized :
He realized suddenly,that he didn't had gone much deeper,and he thought that,in order to have much more control on the ocean,he had to go much deeper so went much deeper and deeper,and after all he also reached near the broken ship and he also decided to go inside the ship,and as he went inside the ship,he saw Ali,as he was examining the wooden box.He realized that Ali was just gonna stole his reward.
When they met :
Ahmed gave Ali a sign to get away from the wooden box,Ali was shocked,and he replied him with the same sign which meant to get away from the wooden box,Ali actually understood that opening this old box,which had been in the ocean for 100s of years or more,could be very dangerous,but Ahmed just thought that,this box has to be filled with gold coins and chains,and he had only one thought in his mind that the treasure now belonged to him,Ali tried to make him understand,but he ignored and pushed him away from the box and hurried to open the box,but Ali then also managed himself and then he pushed him away from the box,Ahmed thought that Ali was just greedy of the treature,and that's why he was fighting,but Ali just don't wanted him to get into a trouble,but at last Ahmed managed to open the box,and just as he did,a snake appeared from the box and bit him,and he now ran away by himself from the wooden box and just after some time he died because of the venom,which was spread in his body,and just at the time,Ali came closer to the box and what he saw was that,all the box was filled with gold coins and gold chains,Ali then decided to take it with him and he thought that what happened to Ahmed was just what he deserved,but then a thought came in to his mind that was it the end of the journey?,he then remembered the teachings of his mentor and realized that his journey had not actually ended till now so he decided to travel more and more into the depth of the ocean and as he went further he was grateful for his decision,as he get to see kinds of different and beautiful animals and after he had been there for a long time, he finally decided to take the treasure and get out of the ocean.
He Got out of the ocean :
When he got out of the ocean, surprisingly he saw a big Island just in front of him and there he saw a man with a white beard,with a wooden stick in his hand,and just as he saw him,he said " Master ". He realized that it was none else but his mentor, who was standing in front of him and then their conversation begin.
The Mentor : "So you are the one who got the treasure, right."
Ali : "Yes Master …"
The Mentor : "Were you supposed to do that."
Ali : "What do you mean,master."
The Mentor : "This was not your purpose,boy,it was just a trap to misguide you from your purpose."
Ali : "But this treasure ..."
The Mentor : "Oh this is not a treasure,why don't you just open it."
Ali : ( Opens it and sees it empty ) : "What ? But how?."
The Mentor : "As I said,it was just a trap and nothing else."
Ali : "So I got misguided."
The Mentor : "Oh yes,you were not supposed to do that,but anyways,now you have to get in again,but this time you have to know your purpose,well."
Ali : "So, what is my purpose, master."
The Mentor : "Your only purpose to get in,is to clean your heart and to clean your spirit and nothing else."
Ali : "I understand master."
The Mentor : "Good."
Ali : "But how will I know when I succeed in my purpose."
The Mentor : " Oh! You'll know,because when you'll succeed, you will not see me here,but your real treasure would be waiting for you."
Ali : "I understand master." ( Moves back and again jumps into the ocean )
The 2nd Time Journey :
The man,this time more attentive,goes deeper and deeper into the ocean and then,begins to relax himself and to take all the negativity out of his body,and tries to meditate,in order to be successful in his journey,and after 1 or 2 hours decides to leave the ocean,and the time when he reaches at the top and gets out,he just watches his mentor,again with the same stick in his hand and with the same style,and then again the conversation starts :
The Mentor : "So,me again."
The Diver : "Yes Master."(says with a sense of disappointment)
The Mentor : "Look,you have to believe ,boy,you can't be successful in your journey,until you believe" .
The Diver : "Yes Master,you'r right I understand." (again turns back and jumps into the ocean)
The 3rd Time Journey :
Again he goes into the depth of the ocean and repeats the process,with more belief and trust in his heart,and then again he decides to get out of the ocean and surprisingly,again he sees his mentor there,and this time he gets very angry but he hides his anger and bows down to his mentor and the conversation begins :
Ali : "Huh!".
The Mentor : "Oh! What happened you look more dissapointed and angrier,this time".
Ali : "Yes … Yes …..Master".( says more dissapointedly controlling his anger )
The Mentor : "You are missing something,aren't you,you just forgot about it" .
Ali : "Forgot about what,master"
The Mentor : "The man who you left dying,and he died in front of you".
Ali : "Master,do you mean that arrogant idiot".
The Mentor : " Well,You left a man dying in front of you,so now,who seems to be an arrogant idiot" .
Ali : " Master,I tried to save him from the trap,but he didn't…. " .
The Mentor : "It doesn't matters,it was just your anger,that stopped you from helping that person,yes, ofcourse,he deserved what happened to him,but on the otherside,if we see,it also shows that how much anger is there in your veins,you have to get rid of it,well,so now,what will you do".
Ali : "I don't know,Master " ( says in a rage,but still trying to control his anger".
The Mentor : "Go again !".
Ali : ( looses his patience ) : "What! that's enough,old man,I don't know,why am I even listening to you ".
The Mentor : "Yes,that's the anger,which I was talking about".
Ali : "Just,shut up,Oh! I am bored of your stupid teachings".
The Mentor : " Well that's not how it actually works,If you will choose the hard way for yourself now,it will hurt in the future, trust me " .
Ali : " I will find the treasure by myself don't need the giudence of a crazy old person".
The Mentor : " Well,I guess you have chosen the hard way for yourself,okay then,good luck"(The old man snaps and just disappears)
The man worried,but in a rage, decides to jump again,into the ocean and to find the treasure by himself and thus he jumps again,but this time he sees many sharks in front of him,and he suddenly realizes that there were no,such sharks in the ocean before the old man had disappeared,so he,as fast as he can leaves the ocean and then sitting on the sand he wispheres: " Okay,Okay I'm sorry I accept my defeat,I need your help", and just as he completes his sentence the old man,again from nowhere,appears and says :
The Old Man : "Oh! This was real quick,I thought you will die,but like I said before,you are different,so ..".
Ali : "I need your help,master".
The Old Man : "Thats right,so now the question arises,how,how should I help you?how should I teach you,ummm,yes,I think this would be better for you,right,so now I'm gonna teach you outside the ocean and it means that I will now teach you proparly and give you a proper training".
Ali : ( whispers ) : "The Proper Training?".
The Old Man : "Yes,so I see, you are hungry,let's get you some food,first,right,".
Ali : ( with a sense of happiness on his face ) : " Yes…yes …. master".
The Old Man : ( in a laughing sense ) : " Alright then".
Then the old man took him to a cave and light fire there,as it was the night time and as they both were sitting near the fire and Ali was just starving,the old man raised the stick in his hand and suddenly some food appeared in front of the both men.Ali was shocked after seeing this but he managed himself and remembered the verse written on the map,which considered this Island (a magical Island).Then he just started eating, whatever he got his hands on and after eating the food he just took a breath of relaxation and then just slept,the old man just after watching him sleep,smiled looking at him and then he also closed his eyes.When the next day came,Ali felt like someone poked something in his chest and when he opened his eyes,the same old man was standing before him,with a stick in his hand,and was poking it in the chest of Ali,Ali woke up suddenly the old man gave him some fishes,and told him that,it was his food for that day.Ali,now actually had,a lot respect for the old man than he had before,as the old man had saved Ali's life when he was starving,and that's why Ali had also decided by himself,that from now on,he was gonna do,whatever the old man would tell him to do.So after the old man gave the fishes to Ali,Ali just took these fishes and cooked them on the fire,and when they were properly cooked,Ali asked the old man to join him too,but the old man with a smile on his face replied "I don't actually eat that much,boy".Ali felt like,it was strange,but anyways,he finished his eating and then was just,waiting for the old man to say something,and just after some seconds the old man started to talk and he said : "So,looks like you have enough food for today,so we are ready for the training", Ali replied,(with generosity). :"Okay,master".The old man then started Ali's traning,like,he told him to balance some big stones,on his shoulders,and also with that,he told him to stand in a half-sitting position and also told him that if the stones fell,he would be punished with a hit of the old man's stick on his back.Ali managed himself very difficultly to do that,after all he made some mistakes and also was punished sometimes,then the old man told him to eat much lesser food in a day,As Ali had to follow his commands,as he wanted to find the treasure,he didn't complained.The Old man also told Ali to recite something,on a tasbih (made of a small rope and some stones) which he also provided him,and finally he also told him to meditate,at the time,when the sun was just about to rise.After a week Ali had mastered a great control on his anger and also had noticed a lot nice changes in himself,he noticed that he was actually getting better and better,spiritually.On a night after seven days,Ali and the old man,both were eating some food,the old man told Ali that he had to start his journey again,which meant that he has to jump again,to go into the depth of the magical ocean,in order to clean his heart and his spirit properly,Ali after listening to that,just nodded,that he would do whatever he has to do,in order to find the treasure.When the next morning came,Ali got up earlier and got out of the cave and was very very surprised to see that a ship had arrived near the Island,and he also saw a man on the Island with a eye patch on his eye and an old fashioned revolver in his hand,he seemed to be a pirate,when they both had seen each other, the pirate, jumped of his ship on to the Island and came closer to Ali and pointed his gun at him, and then the conversation started:
Ali : ( afraid,shouted ) : "Hey,Hey,lower your gun".
The Pirate : ( Whispered ) : "Hmmm,afraid chick".
Ali : "What do you want?".
The Pirate : "I want my treasure".
Ali : "The treasure?".
The Pirate : "Are you deaf?".
Ali : "No Sir,just lower your gun so we can talk about it".
( Just at the time the old man came running and reached to them )
The Old Man : "Ahh! Badross "
The Pirate : (then pointed the gun at the old man and said ) : "So, you know me".
The Old Man : "Ofcourse I do,so how are you here today".
The Pirate : ( in a laughing sense ) : "You know my name,then you should probably know,why I am here".
The Old Man : "Well,You are after the treasure,right".
The Pirate : "Yes the treasure,many few people know about it right?".
Ali : ( afraid and confused ) : "Umm..,may I say something ....".
The Pirate : ( Again pointing the gun at him ) "You wanna die first?".
Ali : ( more afraid ) "No,okay,I'll keep quiet".
The Pirate: "Good".
The Old Man : "Look Badross...".
The Pirate : ( Again pointing the gun at the old man ) "First of all,my name is Badaross,and secondly,I want my treasure anyhow or else I'll shoot this man over here ".
The Old Man : "look Badaross,it is not your destiny,and you can't change your destiny".
The Pirate : "Not my destiny,I lost my family,looking for this treasure".
The Old Man : "Family?".
The Pirate : "Yes,those men,were more than my family to me".
The Old Man "Well,you can get them back,by the way."
The Pirate : " How?".
The Old Man : ( raises his stick higher to the sky and a blue light appears on the top of the stick and just at the time the ship of the Pirate is filled with his men ) "Just,like this".
The Pirate : ( surprised,the gun his hand falls off )" What! How,wait,no you can't be,are you..".
The Old Man : ( Completes his sentence ) : "The Great Samos,Yup,that's me".
The Pirate : ( kneels down,and says ) : "Thanks master,how should I thank u,well,I am ashamed for my behaviour to you".
The Old Man : "It's okay Badaross,we all do mistakes".
The Pirate: "I may leave now,master,but I will be back".( The Pirate then on his ship,leaves the Island happily )
The Old Man : ( refering to Ali ) : "Ah! These men, so what do we do now,that's right your journey is started from now,so jump again and remember the rules".
Ali : ( confused ) : "Well,who was he?".
The Old Man : "Oh! He,he was just a man like you, here to find the treasure,and he got the treasure".
Ali : " He got the treasure?,what does that mean".
The Old Man : "It means that,for him it was his treature,he got his men back,which he had lost in a fight,now,you have to get your treasure,then I will get mine,So when are you going to jump".
Ali : "Ah! Well,Okay,whatever".( After completing his sentence he got himself ready to jump into the ocean again )
The Old Man : "Oh! Wait,wait,wait,before you jump,always remember what you learned from this journey,from the beginning,till now,and also remember,you may experience,very much new and strange things this time,and also the depth of the ocean,would have been increased,so be attentive and never ever you fall for anything".
Ali : "I will remember these things,Master."(after that he finally jumps into the ocean)
After jumping to ocean,Ali realizes that the beauty of the ocean has now much increased,no sharks appeared this time, so he went deeper and deeper and he noticed that this time the depth,actually had been increased,he closed his eyes and tried to focus his mind,and suddenly he heared a voice : "You really think,like this,you will get the treasure",he suddenly opened his eyes and he saw that it was Ahmed's voice,as he was now in front of him :
Ali : "Ahmed? ."( Then he suddenly realizes,he was actually back in time,every thing looked the same )
Ahmed : "Just get off my treasure,it's mine".
Ali : ( saw the same wooden box there and realized what was gonna happen,and what he has to do now)
( Ahmed tried to push Ali back and but this time, Ali very quickly moved and he"Um.mthis time pushed Ahmed away from the treasure and then opened the box and then also moved himself away from the box,Ahmed saw by himself that the snake just got out of the box )
Ali : ( just at the time said ) : "Look! it was a trap".
Ahmed : ( stunned,and embarrassed ) : "Oh! Ummm I'm sorry man,I didn't….."
Ali : "Its okay,mate,we all do mistakes."
Ahmed: "I can't believe you saved my life,I think getting rid of my arrogance,was actually the treasure for me in the ocean,thanks man."
Ali : "Umm….,your welcome,but,are you leaving."
Ahmed: "Yes! Ofcourse,but I'll never forget this,you just saved my life and also changed it,thanks again,I must leave now,after getting,the treasure,which was in my destiny."( Just after that he got his way out of the ocean and leaved)
Ali : ( Felt a lot relaxed after that,as a big burden was taken off from his heart,after that,he closed his eyes again and this time he had the most beautiful feeling after closing his eyes,and he got the best focus and concentration,then he asked himself ) : " Where is my treasure,now."
Just by the time the answer came in to his mind,he was a lot excited and happy at the same time,as he had got his answer,he ran back and got his way out of the ocean,as fast as he can and just after he got out,he saw,his mentor,and he kneeled and said :
Ali : "Master, I've found it."
The Old Man : ( smiling ) : "Yes you have,boy,surely you have."
Ali : "I can't believe,after all this time it took me more than a week for me to understand it, that…you …you were my treasure,you saved my life twice,you guided me,you cleaned my heart,you saved me from every thing that could kill me or destroy me,you completely changed me in to a better person,you are my treasure master".
The Old Man : ( tears in his eyes ) "Well,looks like you've really got the answer now,it took you a lot time,after all".
( Again the Pirate appeared with his ship and a wooden box,filled with gold coins )
The Old Man : "Bring it Badaross".
The Pirate : "It is all you'rs my master".
The Old Man : "Not actually,this young man deserves it now".
Ali : "But…. me …."
The Old Man : "Yes,boy ,you deserve it,once you have succeeded in your journey,you think it will just benefit you from the inside,spiritually,nope you deserve it".
Ali : "Thanks my master,thanks".
The Old Man : "Your welcome ".
Ali : "But I didn't understand one thing master,you said that once I'll get my treasure,you'll get you'rs,so what treasure did you got".
The Old Man : "What do you think,son,what is the real treasure for a teacher for a mentor,it is ofcourse,a student who understands his worth,you are my treasure,son".
Ali : "Oh! thanku master".
The Old Man : "No son,thanks to you".
After that Ali took with him the wooden box of gold coins and took his way back to home,after kissing the hands of his mentor,and thanking him,the Pirate went on to his way in the ocean,and the old man started to walk to the Island,in order to wait for an other person,to reach him,in a need for guidance.