

Unpredictable Decisions

Unpredictable Decisions

CatLadie26 | Fantasy


Al has been haunted by her nightmares of someone coming after her since she was a little girl. When her best friend Marco helps her travel to the devilish man to save her parents, Al is faced with a terrible secret. Will she accept her fate or fight for the life she dreamt of?

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Before The Run

The light at the end of the tunnel got brighter as Emily took each step closer to it. The cave walls behind her got darker and damper as she ran for her life towards the light. She could hear two other sets of foot prints behind her, she could hear the sound wasn't too far from her. As she reached the light she could see a tree and a Bush a few feet away. Only hiding place she could see after exiting the cave. Once behind the Bush Emily crept her head around the bush to see someone stepping out of the cave. Before she could make out the man's face, she watched as a potato bag was slipped over her head as if it went in slow motion; not being fast enough to stop it.


Al's alarm clock went off, the first of her 5 alarms set within the first 15 mins of 8 o clock. Al's body soaked in sweat while the morning sunlight shines through her blinds.

"That damn dream again! Why won't they just go away?" She muttered to her self as she got ready for her day. Ever since Al was a little girl she would always have nightmares of a girl who looked just like her but older of someone chasing her or capturing her. They never got further than that since she always woke up in fear.

Before leaving down stairs, Al made a pit stop at the computer hoping Marco made an attempt to contact her.

"Ugh! Damn! You would think in the two months he has been gone he would have contacted me even just once."

Marco moved two months ago after living next door since they were 5 years old. He always came over and never let Al in his house or met his mother, but he was always there when the school bullies wouldn't leave her alone or if her parents started fighting or when the dreams got too much too handle. He was always there, but one day Marco told Al he had to move and before she knew it he was gone.

Al kicked the bedroom door on the way out to let out a little aggression.

Her mom, Samantha was cooking up breakfast as fast as sly bandit coop would steal his treasures. Al watched her mom as she gracefully placed the table and breakfast before sitting. She looked at her mom, getting ready to ask her mom something that has been on her mind for awhile now.

"Mom how did you know this is what you wanted to do with your life and not from what someone else wants?"

"Well honey, you get this feeling in your stomach, it can usually tell you if you're doing the right thing or not."

"But mom how do you know the feeling is good or bad?"

Samantha placed her hand onto Al's hands, picking them up and holding them in her hands.

"Babygirl, the good feelings are butterflies racing each other throughout your existence and bad feelings are like cold chills throughout your body"

Al looked into her mother's eyes knowing she wouldn't stir her wrong. She felt better than before she came down for breakfast.

"Thanks mom, I'll be right back."

Taking some turkey bacon with her upstairs, she sat at the computer to write Marco,

"Dear douche! (Not that you are),

Where the heck are you? These dreams are only getting worse every night. The thought of someone could be after me scares the living hell out of me, I'm trying my hardest to hold onto these days, but the nightmares only make it worse. It's been two months, no reply, no letters nothing. I am not strong enough to deal with these mental issues.. I need you now.. I've always needed you. Why did you have to leave me? Why couldn't you just have stayed with me and just protect me for the rest of time?" Yours truly.


Al moved to her bed and sat close to the window. As she looked out the window she watched as the beautiful field of pink, purple, and yellow flowers waved to her as the wind blew. She followed the flowers to the tree line with her eyes. Something was moving out of the trees, as Al squinted her eyes to get a better look, she realized the dirty figure was no other than Marco his self. Like a flash of lightening, Al was out the room, down the stairs and bursting out the back door. Staring from the porch she could see the disturbed flower field was peaceful again. Al fell to her knees tears flowing like two small faucets out her eyes. She felt like she couldn't handle this anymore, that she had finally lost it, seeing things that aren't there. She begin to rub her tears away when someone behind her asked,

"Are you really crying over little ol' me?"

Al paused in the position she was in, slowly turning her top half to see Marco sitting in the chair behind her, tearing still falling down her face. Al got up and raced to hug him. He wrapped his arms around her back, both taking in this moment, Al could feel the wetness on his clothes yet the warmth of his body. She let go to take a closer look at him. His clothes torn and covered in blood, not sure if it's his or someone or something else's. His hair was covered with leaves and twigs, one shoe and two socks. The story behind this should be a really good one, Al thought to herself.

She smiled a half evil grin and punched him in the chest as hard as she could possibly do. Marco managed to catch his self by stepping back. He felt his chest where she hit him, rubbing out some of the pain.

"You would do that to an injured man?" He managed to say while catching his breath.

Al rolled her eyes,

"And YOU left me alone and broken, so who really wins here?"

Marco walked towards Al pulling her into his embrace.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I had to do that to you. I won't let it happen again."

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