Carl Anderson is a young man in his twenties born in stolkom to a Dana scott and Anderson Holmes at the age five carl's whole family was murdered by burglars while he was hidden in a closet thanks to such a traumatizing event Carl strives to graduate from detective school at the age of Twenty five becoming a detective deciding to keep the street clean with the help of his partner Jones maclain who happened to live with Carl but was absent at the time of Carl's parents murder having been sent out by Dana for bad behavior
Chapter one
[Stolkom city]
It's another Monday morning just like any other day in the summer, hot, vibrant, and beautiful with pedestrians moving at a slightly above average speed. Everyone trying to get to places as fast as possible, tall buildings shielding people from the hot scotching sun and taxis giving colour to the streets, traffic seems slow and congested. Carl and Jones sit next to their policie cruiser outside their favorite Café with the normal morning donuts and black coffee.
Jones: don't you just love Mondays the fresh air, beautiful weather and the swarm of humans going around trying to get to their respective possibly shitty businesses by any means possible.?
Carl: would it kill you to be nice to people even for two minutes Jones.?
Jones:it probably would considering how shitty the human race has become man, I mean look at the bullshit people come up with everyday, most of these people believe they used to be monkeys or their ancestors were monkeys can you believe such nonsense.? they come up with absolute bullshit and give it fancy names like evolution.
Carl: (chuckles) it's okay to disagree strongly but without disrespecting people, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I can't believe you're still holding on to an argument you had yesterday, if he wants to be an animal let him be one what's the big deal ? besides it's more realistic than believing some sky daddy decided to create us out of boredom.
Jeff: yeah well their opinion sucks whatever (yawns)this peace is killing me brother what I wouldn't give to get a little action (reaches for Carl's last donut)
Carl: hands off! you just ate yours.
(Police radio): attention all units be advised there's a robbery in progress at the community bank....
Jeff: alright.! Some action let's go!
Carl: no coffee in my car!
Jeff: our car!
Carl: (tsk) jerk.
Few minutes earlier [stolkom community BANK,]
Outside four set of ATM boxes can be seen set up for the convenience of the bank's customers. The parking lot is filled with vehicles of different types belonging to individuals who have Businesses to tend with inside the bank, rows of chairs and tables used as waiting areas for customers can be seen neatly arranged inside, bank logos and ads are visible on screen while people can be seen moving in and out of the waiting line, some people patiently waiting for their turn with staffs carefully tending to complaints or enquiries.
(Clank)(the door swings open violently)
(The security knocked out cold from the contact with the bottom of a shotgun to the head)
robber1: alright everybody on the floor! with your hands behind your back, look at me and get a free bullet to the skull do what I say and this will all be over soon.
Robber4: everybody down!!!
Robber2: (grabs the manager) hello good sir would you be so kind to open the safe for me I promise I'll try not to shoot you, that is if you cooperate with us.
Manager: please I don't know the combinations to the safe I swear!!.
Robber2: Bullshit!!!.
robber3: we're running out of time bro make that dude spit!!.
Robber2: (punches manager twice ) are you sure you wanna be a hero? That's a stupid choice to make with a gun on your face.
Manager: okay okay I'll do as you say just let me live.
Robber2: that's a wise decision, now get to work.
Random guy: (whispers)hello there's a robbery in progress at the community bank
robber4: What the fuck Sam!!! No killing you idiot!!!
robber3: he called the cops!!!
Robber1: hey shit heads no names!! What's taking so long? we have little time before the cops show up, let's wrap things up people.
(Few seconds later)(POLICE SIRENS)
Robber5: shit...! cops are here!!!!
Robber2: alright I've got the goods let's roll...
Robber1: fuck!! We're surrounded round up hostages. Alright everybody up, do as we say and you won't get your head blown, garry barricade the doors nobody gets in anyone misbehaves shoot them!!.
Sam(robber3) :with pleasure!!.
Garry(robber4): what happened to no names Ray?.
Ray(robber1): wanna get out of here alive?.... just do what I asked you to do alright?.
Police cars cans be seen lined up from a normal cruisers to s.u.v used as shields in case a gun fight ensues and different news channels on the scene waiting to get the ongoing situation out to the people.
Pedestrians are being urged to stay away from the crime scene while the police prepares to deal with the situation in a way not yet disclosed to the Public.
Carl and Jones can be seen exiting their black customized cruiser with a little white stripe in the middle.
Carl: (shows badge) detective Carl Anderson and this is my partner Jones maclain, what's the situation here?
Policewoman: from what we've gathered so far there are hostages inside held at gun point, there's been no form of communication between the police and the robbers so far.
Jones: alright pull up blueprints of the whole area I want every entry point covered, no one comes out without being spotted.
Policewoman: with all due respect sir, it's going to take a bit more doings to get everything in order, shouldn't we be more worried about negotiating?
Jones: what's your name?
Stephanie: Stephanie, Stephanie Garret sir.
Jones: alright Stephanie look at me. Do I look like I'm the kinda cop who gives a shit about paperworks? Stop asking stupid questions and do your damn job.
Carl: Stephanie we need those blueprints to find an entry point that's not the front door, they might be escaping as we speak do us a favor and get it done please.
Stephanie: alright I'm on it.
Jones: you and your little humble hero shit, acting all cute and cuddly you do know you've killed more people than I have right?
Carl: you mean killed more bad guys in a gun fight what do you expect from a gun fight tacos and chicken wings?
Jones: stop acting like you ain't enjoy it you shot a guy in the nuts once who does that?.
Carl: it was a ricochet.
Jones: ricochet my ass you definitely aimed for his nuts, I saw you shoot him with a smile on your face.
Carl: are we seriously gonna start arguing instead of focusing on the situation?.
Jeff: sure Mr nut shooter let's get this over with I'm itching for a shot or two at these guys.
Carl: there'll be no shooting this time we just need to negotiate with the criminals and make sure the hostages are alright.
Jeff: (laughs)yeah you're right cause a few bank robbers robbing a bank close to a police station are just gonna give up and surrender everything because they aren't prepared for the police, that makes sense. How do you feel listening to your own bullshit? You think they're just gonna release the hostages cause you asked them to? hah! I bet they'd put bullets in those people if they found out we're handling this situation.
Carl: (sighs) how did I even end up with you.
Stephanie: these are the blueprints of the bank and the surrounding area we've managed to block every entrance but I think it is possible to get access to an opening at the back from inside the main building which leads to a parking lot and from the parking lot one can easily get to the subway station in just few seconds.
Jones: alright Carl your call, maybe we should get in from the back.
Carl: not yet they may not know about the back door, I want eyes on that parking lot if anything moves I want to be notified, first let's contact the bank and find out what we're really dealing with.
Jones: always making it look like I'm the crazy one.
Carl: maybe that's because you're the crazy one, Starting to have guilty conscience?
Jones: hah! Never!.
Carl: alright I want snipers on that building over there and ground team ready to move at my command.
(Phone rings) brrr brr
Stephanie: sir it's the robbers they want to speak to whoever's in charge.
Carl: Hello.....detect...
Ray: you listen carefully, there are 20 hostages inside this building we have little interest in any kind of negotiation that'll end up with us coming out and surrendering. Tell your team to stay away from this building and nobody gets hurt, if they don't I will kill everyone.
(Phone call ends)
Carl: hello?..... This is bad.
Jones: what is it?
Carl: they know about the back door.
Jones: what makes you say that?
Carl: normally they'd ask for a vehicle of some sort to be provided for them to escape in, in exchange for the lives of the hostages you know that kinda thing, instead they just want us outside the building. the only possible explanation for such a stupid request would be a second way out.
Joe: they probably beat the truth out of the manager, what's with all these managers being not able to take a beating huh? Just one punch in the face the son of a bitch starts spilling like a punctured water bottle(sigh). Can we stop wasting time and go to the parking lot now Mr whoever's in charge?
Carl: alright Steve and Nash you're with me the rest of you stay here with Jones alright? Just in case they decide to charge through the front door.
Jones: alrighty everyone, I hope you brought your big boy pants to this scene my advice? shoot anything that shoots at you.
Sam: that was awesome!!
Garry: we still need to make it to the Subway station alright it's not over yet kiddo
Sam: I know, I know but they can't possibly know we're here cause cops are stupid.
Ray: hey kid what'd I say about no killing no matter what huh?
Sam: come on ray he called the cops what was I supposed to do?.
Garry: oh I don't know. maybe smash his phone, hit him in the face, kick him in the face that sorta thing.
Sam: alright, alright look ray so I'm sorry I feel bad about it and this is my first time of killing someone, atleast we got the money right? Bro...
(Sudden click)
Brodie: about that....
Ray: what is this?
Garry: double crossing that's what it is.
Ray: I know it's a double cross you idiot!, Brodie why are you pointing a gun at us?, There's no need for that lets just share the money and go our separate ways like we actually planned to, there's no need to get all greedy now.
Brodie: oh no you're getting it wrong mate. It was never about the money, I only used you bone heads as escorts to get into the bank's vault. you see there's a special package waiting to be delivered to a special client who's gonna pay me a huge sum of money for my trouble, more money than these little biscuits we've gathered here.
Sam: what the fuck is he talking about?
Ray: that's great, really but you don't have to do anything to us you just need to give us the money take your package and we'll be on our way.
Brodie: oh I'd love to but you see, few minutes ago while I was inside the vault they specifically ordered me to ice you out, all of you. I was planning to from the beginning at least now I have good reasons to do it, I mean think about it that idiot killed somebody what do you think? they're just gonna forget about it? They're going to find you guys and we both know little Sam here loves to run his mouth.
Sam: look man I swear it was all a fucking mistake man, he grabbed his phone I panicked and shot him I swear I just panicked.
Ray: you know what? keep the money alright, just don't shoot anyone think about it, more money for you and we'll stay out of trouble.
Garry(slowly reaching for his gun)
Brodie: I'm sorry ray, I really am (bang!)
Blood rushing out of Garry's neck as the pistol peirced through his skin. Sam and Ray were able to find cover while returning fire. Garry's body stays motionless as blood soaks his clothes and shots echo through the walls of the parking lot, staring comotion as people run away from the sound of gun fire.
(Few blocks away)
Steve: gun shots!, we need to move faster.
Nash: they must have run into other cops while trying to make it to the station.
Carl: I don't think that's what happened, it's most likely they all got greedy and tried to take each other out.
Steve: that way they'd keep all the money to themselves, that's really stupid they should've waited until they got to safety.
Nash: I don't think waiting would've been a good idea. what if you're waiting but the other person isn't?
Steve: good point.
Carl and the others get to the parking lot only to find Garry's dead body laying on the floor, bullet holes in cars and walls. They see a figure sitting on the floor with clothes soaked.
Carl:(Carl walks over and examines the body) he's still alive, call an ambulance he's injurys are fatal.
Steve: what the hell happened here?
Nash: I'm on it.
Steve: put your hands up!!!.
Ray: don't shoot, don't shoot I'm unarmed my gun is on the floor.
Carl: judging from your outfits you all robbed the bank.
Ray: we did but now they're both dead. (sobs) Sam and Garry that bastard killed them both. I brought them into this mess, I convinced them to go through with it now they're dead.
Carl: the other one is still breathing, we'll get him an ambulance but you'll be coming with us you need to tell us everything you know.
(Sirens can be heard getting closer and closer)
Steve: cuff him and take him with you.
Nash(:pheew ) whoever did this must have real shooting skills. Alright buddy let's get you all cleaned up.
[Police station]
The first view harbors an information desk with a male who looks to be in his 40s, tall,skinny with pale skin, and Gray hair. Can be seen sitting and facing the entry of the police precinct directly, a tag that says can be seen on his uniform. the precinct contains a bullpen with lots of cubicles where detectives and cops work on cases and do paperwork. Carl and Jones can be seen inside the deputy chief's office that contains a desk with a mug and a framed picture on it, three chairs, a shelf with awards on it, a board on the wall, with pictures and articles of cases on it. A dark skinned man with a low cut and a muscular looking sbody sits on a chair with a desk separating him from Carl and Jones carefully listens to Carl narrating the incident that occurred.
Alex Barton can be seen boldly written on his tag.
Carl: That's everything sir.
Alex: you're telling me that a rob a bank and then successfully escape from the bank, but then proceed to shooting each other's brains out?.
Jones:yes sir, that's what he just said.
Alex: There must be a reason behind this, I don't think they'd just shoot each other few minutes after getting out of the bank normally they'd wait until they've gotten to their hideout.
Carl: we were able to get two of them, the other one is in a hospital and considering the kind of injuries he had I don't think he's going to last long.
Alex: we need to find out what's happening, do whatever that needs to be done and get to the bottom of this. Robbing a bank few blocks away from a police station is a crazy stunt to pull, there must be something else they came for.
Carl: yes sir we'll get on with it
Alex: Good job detectives.
Carl and Jones both walk out of the deputy's office and start heading towards the interrogation room.
Jones: I'll be the good cop this time.
Carl: (laughs hard)
Jones: what's so funny?
Carl: Bad cop or good cop you're just gonna choke slam him if he doesn't answer our questions and I'm gonna burn a few calories trying to stop you from killing him.
Jones: If it keeps them talking I don't see why we shouldn't do it.
Carl: human have rights that's why.
Jones: well animals do too but we eat them anyways.
[Interrogation room]
Carl opens the door of the interrogation room a single table with two chairs each at the end of the table can be seen the room has one way mirror with cops on the other end of the mirror watching the suspect.
Carl: Mr Raymond crayford born July 8th 1988 to a crayford Boston and a Sarah keate. You've been convicted of several armed robberies and a few auto theft. oh that's ugly, you're wanted for a few assaults too. Recently you and three other men robbed a bank today and got away with a few thousands successfully but then proceeded to shooting each other's brains out.
Jones:( cracks knuck) you better start talking or I'll....
Raymond: his name is Brodie, Brodie creek he brought us an offer said he had a plan to successfully rob the community bank without even having to confront the police. He showed us his plans , told us about an exit from inside the bank that led to a parking lot which led to a subway station through which we would escape by boarding a train from stolkom to ring city.
Jones: atleast let me punch you in the face first before spilling out everything.
Carl: where in ring city did you plan to stay low
Raymond: he left that part out said it needed to be classified in case anyone got caught.
Jones: nice trickery.
Raymond: Before the shootout he said something about a special package he needed to deliver to a special client, he said we all needed to die because that's what the clients wanted. That's all the information I have.
Carl: we identified the two other men Samuel mannix and Gary Archer, Sam is an upcoming musical artist who grew up in south bardwin. He has petty criminal records and Gary is an
mechanic in downtown who has his very own auto shop how'd you get them to follow you.
Raymond: Sam needed money to get his career started and Gary owed a few thugs a couple of cash, he was running out of time so I convinced them there would be no confrontation I explained everything to them and they agreed we were supposed to grab enough cash and get out before the cops could get to us.
Carl: I see, thanks for your cooperation
Raymond: wait, Sam, is Sam going to be alright?
Carl: he is in a critical condition but the doctors are doing their best to save him
[Outside the interrogation room]
Jones: he sure has a big mouth.
Carl: he has heavy guilt on his shoulders, it's his fault they got involved in the first place.
Jones: we need to go back to the bank, the manager never said anything about a stolen package.
Carl: yeah you're right he only told us about the money they stole.
Jones: I was Starting to think they were stupid for stealing just a few thousands I mean with all that easy escape plan and everything.
Carl: yeah I was surprised too, let's go get some answers.
Jones: hey can we stop at Wendy's so I can get.....
Carl: no!.
Jones: i just want some fries man!
[Somewhere in Ring City]
Inside an abandoned building Brodie sits on the hood of a Ford pick up, wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and some plain coloured sneakers while smoking a cheap cigarettes.
Holes can be seen on the walls of the building, chunks of debris on the floor a few torn out ceilings and lots of broken windows.
(Phone rings brrr brr)
Brodie: I got the package
Anonymous: excellent now what about the others?
Brodie: they're all dead.
Anonymous: Good, around 4:30pm go to the waiting point there you'll find someone waiting for you, the password is red eagle. Make sure you're not followed.
(Call ends)
(Car door opens, the engine revs and the tires screeches)
[Stolkom Community bank]
manager: I've already told you everything, they came in shot a customer and took some money.
Carl: did you witness them exit through the back?.
Manager: no I was knocked out cold. How did they even find out about the back.
Jones: we got our hands on one of the robbers he said something about a package in the vault?
Manager: The guy with the red helmet asked me to open the door to the vault after that he knocked me out, when I woke up all the boxes were intact but money was missing.
Carl: can we open those boxes?.
Manager: no we're not allowed to....
Jones: look here mister we need to find out what they stole from that vault, now you're gonna open those boxes and tell your boss we asked you to do it if not knocking you out will be nothing compared to what I'd do to you either way the boxes get opened.
Manager:(sighs) fine I'll take you there, I'm so losing this job.
Jones: I think we should have a team searching for this Brodie since we couldn't find records of him, not even photos.
Carl: we know where he's headed and he needs to deliver that package in ring city right? Once we find out what's missing we'll head out to ring city we're not just after Brodie we need to get his buyers too.
Jones: Getting only Brodie won't solve the puzzle he might not even know what the package is meant for, hey didn't your old man used to operate this bank?
Carl: yes he used to, I'm pretty sure every old folk has a bank account here, that is the ones that are still alive.
Jones: I didn't mean to bring back bad memories man, Mr Anderson was the love of my life you know, he took me in after my mom died even though the whole neighborhood was against it.
Carl: well yeah you did still a couple of things belonging to people from the neighborhood.
Jones: That's racist you know why you saying that? cause I'm black?.
Carl: you stole my fucking bicycle, the only one I've ever had!, and then you traded it for lame sneakers.
Jones:(chuckles) well next time you might wanna stop riding shiny bicycles, them sneakers part was racist too what else you gonna say "you ate my chicken wings?"
Carl: what do you mean by I'm racist? I'm black too plus new bicycles are always shiny, and yes you did eat my chicken wings every single damn time just like you're always eating my donuts.
Jones: yeah whatever, them wings tasted ugly anyways and you're still racist.
Manager: we're here.