

Boy, bye!: His Wife Is Hot Like Fire

Boy, bye!: His Wife Is Hot Like Fire





With Pepper Hart, you can count on two things - She always get want she wants and you will most definitely cry yourself to sleep after encountering her.
Her life is perfect. She got class. She was fun. She is the boss…Kind of. 
After draining her life savings to buy a beautiful house at the right side of town with hopes of a promotion, Pepper was passed over.
Now she has two missions, making the man that got her promotion cry as often as humanly possible and getting the perfect roommate.
 Except her grandparents were board certified crazy and are going out of their way to set her up with a man...or woman, If Gigi and Gramps can find a hermaphrodite they would set Pepper up with them. 
Now, Gramps is dying and all he wants is a son in law and Pepper has to pull a one in a lifetime miracle…find the perfect man.
But the perfect man wasn't Pepper's dream; all she wanted was the perfect roommate. But after her best friend jokingly suggests she enters in a contract marriage with her roommate in exchange for a reduced rent. Pepper hart jumped on the offer.
It was the perfect solution except there was a teeny weenie problem. Pepper Hart forced the wrong person into marrying her and now he wants a real marriage. Can Asher tame the wild beast or will Pepper burn him to crisp?
"Honey… I am home" The man Pepper got married to earlier said with a big old smile.
Pepper screamed louder.
Asher watched the woman in front of him and he watched his wristwatch. 
Great! It's been two minutes and her mouth was still open and his eardrum was about to be damaged.
He grabbed her shoulders and he rubbed his hand in a parallel motion on them.
"Stop. Screaming!" He begged her but Pepper just kept on screaming.
Taking a deep breath, Asher pressed his mouth into hers to shut her up. It was night and people might call the cops if she kept yelling like she just saw a cockroach in her oatmeal.
Pepper’s eyes were wide open as the shock of being kissed without permission went through her. She simply stomped Asher's foot as hard as he could and he stopped kissing her.
"Ouch! That really hurts" Asher complained while he hopped on one foot.
"You don't kiss me without prior permission, pervert or touch me or breathe. In fact right this moment, you should minimize how much air you take in, in my expensive apartment" Pepper waved her hand as she talked.
"God! You must have been a general in the army in your past life. That or you were Cinderella's stepmom" Asher finally stopped hopping.
"What are you doing here?" Pepper asked him.
"Yeah! I think we got married...for real" Asher whispered to her like it was a secret he was trying to keep from getting out.
"I know I was there" Pepper yelled like she was disgusted.
Asher waited about two seconds for her to feel whatever she was feeling before he made his proposition.
"I want an annulment, darling wife. Staying married to you will reduce my lifespan considerably" Asher had a straight face and he nodded like it made perfect sense.
Pepper clasped her hand together as she thought of a solution to their dilemma.
"Annulment...no, I can't give you that until Angel Michael let's my Gramps into heaven. Apparently, he is unfulfilled and…" pepper was interrupted by Asher.
"Wait! Gramps is still alive?" Asher asked her.

Cover is not mine. Credit goes to the rightful owner and if the owner wants me to take it down, just say the word.

Top Reviews



🤣🤣🤣 I couldn't help but laugh....Wow, Pepper Hart is a one in a kind. she's funny and independent. Asher is just a perfect match for her sassy attitude.
keep it coming!!!


Status: c2 2yr
Five stars. I mean it literally. I love the fl she's so cute and funny 🤣. Great story you have here. Good luck and keep up the good work dear author 💖


Status: c176 2yr
Everything about this book is amazing, the writing style down to characterization is a bomb, if you've not read this or it's not in your library then you are missing a lotttttt. And please author can you do a mass release because I'm sitting on pins and needles just waiting for the next chapter🥰🥰

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Pepper and Asher

Chapter 1: Pepper and Asher

Pepper drove at a speed she didn't know she had in her. She had to get married in forty minutes and still make it back for her presentation in two hour. So romantic!

It was unlike her but she honked on the car in front of her.

Her groom whose name she needed to ask her best friend for was probably waiting for her.

This wasn't how she thought her life would be but she was desperate...so desperate that she was about to get married in a gray suit and flat shoes so that Gramps could die.

Pepper drove into the courthouse and found a spot to park her car but some idiot she didn't know managed to squeeze into the space before she could.

Okay! That was it for pepper, she finally found her tipping point. She got down from the car and walked to the person that cut her off.

He was exiting the car.

"Hi" she called out and exhaled "my life is a mess"

The stranger looked at her like she had lost her mind. She probably has, because nobody walks up to a stranger just to tell the said stranger that her life was a mess.

"Why are you telling me this?" The man in joggers pants and t-shirt asked her.

Pepper looked at him like she was investigating him. He was probably jobless and maybe homeless.

Or maybe she was just looking for things to distract her from the fact that he was rude and the most handsome man she had ever seen.

"My life is a soap opera. So, I am twenty six years old and this is basically considered old by my grandparents since they have been bugging me to get married for...well, since I was legally old enough to consent!"

"I am sorry?" The man's apology sounded more like a question.

Pepper continued, there was nothing like turning a stranger she had just met in the parking lot into a free therapist to encourage her to talk faster than usual.

"Gramps and Gigi...in case you are confused, they are my grandparents. They kept setting me up with boys...and girls, I am almost sure that if they found a hermaphrodite to set me up with they would. So..."

The man cleared his throat.

"If I move my car, will you stop torturing me?"

Pepper pushed her hair to the side "I am sorry, am I boring you? Did you just call my life torture?"

The man looked like he would rather be anywhere else except where he was "I am very sure, I did not say that. If you move your car, I will just be out of your hair right…"

"Gramps is dying..." Pepper declared and threw her hands in the air.

"Gramps is dying?" The man asked her.

For the first time, he was interested in her tales.

"You are smiling. Are you happy my grandfather is dying?" Pepper asked the weird man.

"Of course not...the story is finally getting interesting" The man answered.

"What is your name?" Pepper asked in a mellowed voice.


"Are you a jerk or were you born dumb? It's not a story. It's my life!"

Pepper turned around and walked away. She didn't want to waste anymore of her time with the man.

"Wait! What happened to Gramps? You can't just not tell me the whole story?!" Asher yelled after the crazy woman.

Pepper wanted to show him a finger but there was a child close by. She simply parked in another open space.

Pepper locked her car and took out her phone from her bag. She sent a text message to June, her best friend.

(What will my soon to be husband/roommate be wearing?)

Pepper walked into the courthouse. She was five minutes early, thank goodness!

As soon as Pepper had that thought she rolled her eyes, because being early to a scam wedding was not an achievement.

(Probably joggers and T-shirt, I don't know…. Sorry Pepper but planning the whole fake wedding while you are away was too much. Can you take it from here?)

June's message made Pepper exhale.

She called her instead.

"Junie, thank you for planning everything. I just came back this morning from a business meeting. Are you sure he is gay?"

"Yes, I am…"

"Send his picture to me, now please" Pepper demanded.

"I will be right...crap!Okay...I got to go, pepper. Good luck" June sounded like something came up on her end.

Pepper looked around as she waited for her gay soon to be husband/roommate to show up.

Good lord! This was crazy. Marrying someone she never met in exchange for a lower rent was the definition of crazy.


Asher watched the girl walk away. He was amused, his daughter was right. This ridiculous game of make believe, his daughter made him join, was turning out to be interesting.

Asher took out his phone and called his daughter.

"Hey, Daddy"

"Stardust, do I really have to do this?" Asher asked her.

"It's fun. You hardly have fun and you promised we will do things my way"

Asher exhaled. He was defeated. A promise was a promise. God knows he had broken a lot of those to his seven year old.

"Fine, I will play along. Is everyone here a player because I just met this interesting crazy woman…"

"Is she pretty?"

"Did I say pretty? I said she was interesting. Stop trying to set me up with someone, Starr"

"Okay. Remember you have to stay in character and play along with your partner. Remember you are a poor man looking for accomodations and she offered you one in exchange for a contract marriage" his daughter reminded him.

"Where did you even find out about this?" Asher asked her.

"Uncle Keller is here. I have to go, goodbye" Starr ended the call before her father could pry the answer out of her.

"Stardust!" Asher was frustrated.

This wasn't what he spent most of his days doing but it didn't stop him from entering the courthouse.

Pepper looked up as she saw the man walk in. He was the only one in the courthouse in joggers pants and t-shirt.

"Oh, come on!" Pepper was flabbergasted.

She moved closer to him.

"Hey, it's you...again" Asher said and took a step back.