Chapter 1: Introduction
Hello readers! Just asking for a minute of your time before you get into the book. I believe there are a few things that I should probably point out about the MC's (Shade) character among a few other things.
You may come across moments in the book where Shade has major decisions to make and he chooses a slightly strange decision. This is due to Shade's intuition. He's a highly intuitive character and makes certain decisions based on a mix of logic and his gut feelings. You may not understand his reasoning at first but you will, later on, see why it was a good idea for him to make that decision. He's an unorthodox character like that.
For example (Just a random example. Has nothing to do with the content of the story): Shade finds a rock but he feels the rock may hold some importance later on so he keeps the rock believing it will be of use to him. A lot of his decisions will be similar to this because of his trust issues, intuition, experiences, etc.
I also believe that I should point out that it's not that Shade is necessarily a cold MC. He's just detached from his emotions when it comes to trusting and caring about others as a normal person should. He believes that living by logic is the best way to live.
Also, there may be instances where characters do the opposite of what you expect them to do. This is NOT character inconsistency. They have their reasons whether it's based on their past, secrets that they're hiding, or among other factors. Keep reading and you will come to understand their reasonings for that decision later on down the story.
There's also the factor of character development. I love having my characters grow through tough experiences instead of just having them being perfect from the very beginning. So they will have flaws. If you're the type of reader that loves the cliche "All characters are dope from the beginning and need little to no character development" then sadly, I'll just warn you that the book isn't for you. I hate cliches (though I borrow some when necessary) so there will be a few annoying characters that grow into lovable ones later on. If you have a problem with that then *shrugs*, book ain't for you.
Simply, I'm the kind of author that likes to implement many foreshadowing, hints, etc to tease the reader into thinking and trying to figure out "Why the character did this or that".
Thanks for reading the introduction! Enjoy reading!!
PS: If you have something to say about the story in the comments then I can assure you that 90% of the time, I will reply and see if I can address your issues!