

Misadventures of Fayn

Misadventures of Fayn

storywriterman | Fantasy


Fayn. A university student awakens his power in telekinesis and sets off to have strange encounters. He soon discovers that the world around him was not as simple as it seemed.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Behold! Superpowers!

It was a refreshing afternoon when I awoke to the glory of the sun! Or should I say... something more along the lines of me procrastinating the time of my awakening.

Regardless, I headed off to the showers as usual to begin my usual morning routine.

Turning the tap on, I feel the cool water trickle against my body, the refreshing liquid of life just causes me to shiver uncontrollably in this great Sunday afternoon. It can't be helped, the water that's cold is cold after all.

My shower was located just a few steps away from my room, such that I could see my bed from where I stood and washed myself. Life has been old and mundane for a fresh university student like me. If only I could somehow obtain supernatural powers and fly out of this horribly stale life into another world. Just out of pure curiosity, I looked at my bedside table. Atop of it, was a novel that I had been reading just the night before.

"Moveeee" I mentally announced as I tried with my best effort to lift the book off the table. As expected there was no result...

Just when the disappointing taste of reality was about to hit me. I noticed the cover had lifted slightly. Wait. It moved?

Doing a double take to confirm myself with the new reality I was facing. I mentally willed the first page of the book to move again. The cover shivered a little once again. Wait... wait a minute. Is this what I think it is?!

Thoughts of becoming the greatest telekinesis user in the world and juggling buildings filled my mind.

Just to be sure... once more.

I willed it to move as hard as I could and this time for sure. It moved! The book moved!

Just once more...Yes!

Just once more...

And again!

Before I knew it, my brother who shares the same apartment as me (ands owns it) found me collapsed in the showers.

"Fayn! what happened?" I could hear his voice fade out in the background. "Superpowers!" I tried to announce to him as my consciousness fades to black.


As a wise man once said. "Don't trust what I say". So, should you trust the wise man?

I awoke to see a familiar ceiling and a familiar light. My brother whom I can assume to have helped me put on my clothes sighed in relief.

"It's a good thing that I was home, you could've drowned in the showers" he lamented.

I smirked internally. That was the last chance the world was ever going to be able to defeat this telekinetic prodigy!

"I bought you some food, do heat it up if you need to." he continued on. I noticed the take-away bag from WcDonalds placed at my bedside table.

" Anyways, I have to head off to work now. You should find something to do during this winter break as well." my brother nagged before taking his leave.

Working on Sundays, I guess being the professor of Deraton University wasn't such an easy job. Regardless, as the greatest esper about to grace the planet, I immediately begin to test my abilities. I targeted the fries from WcDonalds he bought for me to consume and attempted to lift it up and bring it towards my mouth. To my dismay, the difficulty was intense, causing a splitting headache as I tried.

Alright...let's try something else.

Instead of lifting the fries like I had intended, I tried imagining my ability as an invisible hand. Except that this was weaker than a baby's hand. If I were to put it into words, maybe a rat would have a stronger grip strength.

Instead of lifting, why not try...tossing?

Like a blind man with disabled arms had shot the piece of French fry at me, it flew halfway to my intended target(my mouth) with close to 0 accuracy. Alright... at least the power is somewhat... there? I looked at the lone piece of fried potato stick that fell onto the ground.

Counseling myself, I played around with it for a moment before the splitting headaches got to me again.


It was late into the night when I once again awoken from my post-ability overuse slumber. Seriously though, when can I master the arts and start flying through the skies.

All fantasies, aside, I once again tried to flip the cover of the book at my bedside table. To my expectations, or to no one's surprise, the cover barely moved a quarter and fell back to its original position.

There's progress... I guess?

Or at least I'm hoping.

I swear that I'm not coping.

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