

My Little Husky Assistant

My Little Husky Assistant

Sawa_nerdyjoker312 | Fantasy


Read the manga on: https://mangahack.com/comics/13657 Tachibana Nobara, a cold and materialistic selfish woman, bought a little Siberian husky from a derelict-looking shop, replacing her late companion and also a pet-friend, a black Doberman pinscher. She named the new puppy Yuu. She found out that her little puppy wasn't really a dog after comparing his extraordinary thinking-skills and habits with a normal dog's cleverness. She agreed to take him as an assistant after he showed his human's form with a condition he must be a dog all the time except when she told him too. In exchange of that, she needed to help him to break his curse as a little puppy which brought calamity to the one who admired him the most. Despite the deal, Nobara seemed to had no intention or initiative to even help Yuu to break his curse. Regardless of being cursed, Yuu also had a superpower for which he could induce electricity and even lightning bolt without the use of magic either in the form of a human or a dog. As one of the chosen hero, the great 7 sentinels, Nobara's only job was to slay vampire or apprehend them if necessary. Her current mission was on investigation of the vampire's third method of conquering humanity after they had achieved twice failures. Tag: Action, Fantasy, Military, Shounen, Comedy, Vampire, Ecchi, Super Power, Villainess, Werewolf, Demon ............................................ Cover: drawn by me (visit https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/93845353 to view some examples of my artwork) I also post this novel on RoyalRoad.com

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: little puppy part I

"Demon the God of Hell, I hereby persuade you to leave earth and return to hell," a red-haired female warrior in red armour holding a samurai recited.

"Of what favour shall we leave and return as requested by the almighty? It's considered as a retreat for we shouldst not betray the honour and our pride as demons," the gigantic hefty dark grey demon with a huge pair of long horns on its head replied in its deep and slow voice.

The female warrior raised her shimmering samurai to the air and swung it, aiming its tip to the demon's armies. Her armies marched onto the lethal battlefield with malice. The bold knight transformed into a blaze of golden phoenix and glided through the air straight to the enormous demon lord, flapping her huge wings. The demon raised its huge right hand to the air then lightning from the dark grey sky struck on its palm. The ground was shaking as a result of the enormous energy from the huge iridescent lighting and thunder. An incandescent huge and long sword rebuilt on its palm then immediately swung it straight to the golden phoenix.

The golden phoenix dodged the strike then flew closer to the demon's head. She transformed back into her initial human figure. A bright golden light radiated from her samurai then with her strength and her fearless heart, she impaled the demon's head right from the top. The armies from both sides froze, witnessing the great battle of the brave heroine and the demon lord.

The demon lumbered then its heavy and gigantic body fell on the ground creating a huge vibration around the area. The knight landed on top of the demon's head and kneeled on one knee. She stood up and raised her samurai once again to the air as the gesture of glorious victory. Her armies cheered for the victory of the war whereas the demons retreated and returned to hell.


Nobara drove her white Lamborghini Aventador on the motorway to the City of Mitsuremon, the capital city of the Kiirotori Kingdom. She glared at a couple of passengers inside the black limousine in front of her car. She was peevishly annoyed by their romantic activity; hugging and kissing each other while feasting their wine. The man was a middle aged man and the woman was a young woman in her 20s.

Nobara pressed the acceleration pedal with her foot then her car accelerated. She drove her car abreast of the black limousine and the couple instantly stared at her. She glared at them then smirked. She took out her antique gold and silver pistol and aimed it at the driver. The driver panicked, he turned the steering wheel to the left and hit the barrier of the bridge. Fortunately, they didn't fall into the sea.

Nobara smirked with satisfaction and threw her pistol beside her. There, at the end of the bridge was a huge metallic arch with the word 'いらっしゃいませ' on its tip which was made of impure gold, she presumed.

It was a huge urban city with four lanes on each side of the road. Miscellaneous luxurious cars were mostly driven on the road and the buildings were tall and made of glasses which reflected the light and the scenery of its opposite. There was a roundabout a few hundred metres from the bridge and right in the middle stood a tall and enormous limestone statue of a female Japanese warrior, raising her golden sword to the air. Her hard cape waved but not in a motion as if the time was terminated. The statue was built to commemorate her pride as a great heroine who saved the world from the demons a millennium years ago.

The kingdom or more like an urban city, was peaceful and the people were capable of enjoying normal lifestyle and accomplished their daily routine. Perhaps this was the only placid kingdom she had ever gone to but not all were able to acquire the standard life.

She stopped at the traffic lights as they glowed bright red. Massaging her forehead slowly, she saw a filthy pair of children begging for unknown purposes outside of the vet. She drove her car, following the flow of the other cars as the traffic lights glowed bright green.

"Oh please mister, I beg of you, Gin is sick for many days. He suffers from a disease and we have no idea what it is. So please, help us to treat him," pleaded the little girl wearing a filthy ragged crimson yukata embracing a poor little black puppy.

"Get lost, he won't get the treatment as you ain't got the money! I don't run a free fund service. Now, get lost before I call the police to apprehend you!" Scowled the middle aged man in white coat, the owner of the vet.

"You will treat the dog as long as they get the cash," Nobara interrupted the conversation with a bright charming smile.

She held her cash which was arranged like a fan and fanned the man. The man's eyes followed the motion of the cash as it waved up and down. He snatched the cash with his thick palms but the money was not in his palms. Nobara moved her index finger. She pointed her finger to the little puppy with a smirk. The man gave up and let the girl enter.

After the treatment, the little girl thanked Nobara but instead, the gratitude was not accepted. Nobara snatched the little puppy from the little girl proclaiming that it was her dog.

"Onee-san, why? He's my dog and I take good care of it now give me back my dog!" The little girl cried but was furious at the same time.

"Not so fast, darling. My money, my property. You have insufficient income to keep a pet, a girl of your status should not keep a pet or you're giving the dog chances of short life," Nobara held the dog firmly then went straight to her sport car which was parked nearby the vet.

The little girl sobbed, sniffed wetly then screamed in a high pitched voice. The crowds around the area froze and became her major audience. Nobara persuaded the little girl with greater exasperation. The little girl cried and her voice was even louder than before. Nobara lent the little girl her dog but she still cried and whined like a dog. Nobara lent her some cash then the girl stopped crying and smiled.

The crowds proceeded their journey. The little girl giggled and waved the money like Nobara did before. Exasperated, Nobara quickly bought a muffin from a nearby bakery shop and bunged it into the little girl's mouth. She groaned then Nobara laughed wryly with satisfaction. She rode in her car then drove it to end her journey.

A week ago, she received a letter with a royal seal marked on the red wax on the envelope. The sender was unknown but the stated avenue was at the royal palace in the Kingdom of Kiirotori. Her association with a secret organisation was uncovered thus her only purpose was to follow the sender's instructions and find out what was his or her purpose.


Nobara rented a VIP room in one of the luxurious hotels in the city. In her room, she jumped on the king-sized bed then lied comfortably. She gazed upon the golden baroque patterns on the ceiling and cleared her mind. She remembered her former Doberman pinscher, Fujiwara, who died while accompanying her for her mission with the secret organisation.

Thinking about the aforementioned little dog, she surfed the internet, searching for a pet shop in the city. The unbearable loneliness was bothering, she just needed company. She left her hotel room then went straight to the suggested pet shop.

Later, she spent more than three hours in the pet shop even though there were only a few dogs sold there. The shopkeeper was soaked in sweat and was annoyed by her lengthy thoughts.

"Miss, any of them interest you?" The shopkeeper spoke with courtesy but great anger in her heart.

"None of them are worthy to be my pet, you should have closed your shop before your business faces bankruptcy as long as these ghastly little things are here," Nobara complained with a straight face then left the shop without guilt.

"I'm going to kill that woman!" The shopkeeper yelled holding a rolling pin in one of her hands while her husband embraced her from behind trying to calm her down.

She visited another pet shop and repeated the same thing over and over again but not until she entered the tenth shop. It was different from the other shop and she could hardly see other customers wandering around. It was dark and gloomy, the fluorescent light of the middle row kept flickering. There was no sense of a living human in the shop which made it seemed vague and odd. She could hear the breathing sound of the animals in each cage along the hallway.

She strolled through the silent hall with flickering lights. There was no source of breezes but she could feel the cold air tickling her warm skin. At the end of the hall, there was a glowing green object from a cage. She walked closer to get a better view. She stopped in front of the cage and she could hear the sound of her pulses.

"Hello there," A sudden hoarse deep voice greeted her.

"ARRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!" She jumped on her feet then fell on the cold floor.

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