


19 years old sophomore student, Yun Juan Aka White Virus, just wanted to carry on with her life in Bieyang university of city G but ends up in a dangerous situation with the Most richest bachelor in China and country M, Gu Shen. Little does she knows that her life is not as simple as she thinks with unexplainable things happening around her and the mysterious Gu Shen who seem to have double identity after he stole her first kiss by claiming her to be his fiancée. Turns out that they've met a long long time ago at a bitter circumstances that prompts him to leave her in order to save her from the evil he'd created. ... In the ancient ages where strife for power between the Dark side and the light side of beings, The two rulers of the realms fought vehemently for power for ages until they decided to take an oath to maintain balance by creating a being born with the power of the Dark emperor and the light Emperor to be called the double Kings as a balance. Vexed with the sudden arrival a new ruler, the lower beings from the dark side and light side were bent on ending the double Kings as they wished to dominate solely. But the two rulers fell in love with the double Kings ending in a bloody battle entangled with pain and betrayal just for the conquest of her heart and power resulting in the Dark emperor killing the double King breaking the oath that cursed him with his demise. A child of the light side, a child of the sun. In order to free his bondage before the time of his demise, he set out on a journey to find the child of the sun but the evils he had created were bound to turn against him to find the child and end them both and rule the Dark side. ( Note: book cover strictly does not belongs to the author and is subjected to copyright.)

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