

Shiya, The Dreamer

Shiya, The Dreamer





Shiya met a strange old lady on her way and was given a sacred stone~the Zyll. It certainly leads her to a curse of obligation. Ever since that day, sleeping will wake her up in a different world where she was destined to marry a Prince who carries the same face as her lover who betrayed her. Shiya, from the mortal world, will enter the world called Eriland.

Eriland is a world of Enchanted creatures and they were called Erilians. Eriland was divided into different Kingdoms also, from the smallest to the biggest lands and tribes. The battle for the powerful Kingdom to rule Eriland is very ominous. Everyone is risking their lives to conserve each other's Kingdoms. There is no peace... no sovereignty. Throughout the years, each has lost many people. The Eri Kingdom which is the strongest Kingdom alongside the Vryles Kingdom has proposed to put an end to the war. The rulers of each Kingdom created the "Book of Prophecy" where everyone jotted down their plea and created two powerful stones as a sign of their Unity~ the Phyrinx of hatred and the Stone of peace called Zyll. The two stones were created by incorporating the powers of each ruler to conserve the symmetry of Eriland. Each has to relinquish their Hatred inside the Phyrinx and Dreams to the Stone of Peace. But, during the creation of the powerful stones~ doubts and the change of the heart from the Vryles ruler arouses which caused an impact on the Phyrinx. Vryles was outcasted and their descendants have schemed out of vengeance. The Eri Kingdom was chosen to keep the Book of Prophecy. Every Kingdom acknowledged the Eri Kingdom for bringing peace to Eriland.

Years had passed and Vryles had come to make up with other lands and they all welcomed them around. Vryles has pleaded to add their plea in the Book of Prophecy~ to "Bring a Child of the Will" to form a stronger unity of two Kingdoms. The tradition was followed by the next generations. The Eri Kingdom and the Glacer Kingdom create a big unity thru the friendship formed by King Grezin and Eri Kingdom's Ruler. And it gets even stronger when Princess Erin from the Eri Kingdom and Prince Ornaphendreul has fallen in love with each other. But, due to the convention from the Book of Prophecy~ their love has become crucial. The Eri Kingdom is accountable to pursue the tradition. Blue Scales was chosen to bring the Child of the Will to the Eri Kingdom thru Prince Kyler. It wasn't acknowledged by Prince Ornaphendreul and so was Princess Erin yet they can't do anything about it. Prince Ornaphendreul was determined to attain more power (by possessing the Phyrinx) to get a chance for altering the notion. The two stones have the will to choose their protector yet it is too risky to withstand the Phyrinx power. Vryles learned the consequences of possessing the Phyrinx of hatred and they did scenarios to awaken its power.
Betrayals and vengeance arouses as everything gets entangled.

"Our scheme is slowly coming to its success!"
 Kingdoms were forced to protect their Castle by putting up barriers. King Grezin has fallen during the war and more hatred comes to Prince Ornaphendreul. The Kingdom of Glacer turns into the Dark Castle and Dreuls were created by the power of Phyrinx.

A lot of things will change Shiya's life on her journey but, will she be able to go back to her normal life or will she choose to stay in the other world where she met the love of her life?

Top Reviews



Status: c2 2yr
The story got me confused a bit, because it's like the character was in a wonderland HE HE. Anyways, thank you for the free read, I enjoy reading the character that's like Alice in the wonderland although the plot is too far to compare :)


Status: c7 2yr
A very nice story. The writing is done well with its pacing and creating the atmospheres. I really like the MC a lot here. Keep up the good work


Status: c1 2yr
Amazing, lovely book. It is really great. More knowledge to your ink. Keep publishing, it is good. This book has managed to catch my attention