

The Red Soul Reaper

The Red Soul Reaper

JacobMWierzba | Anime & Comics


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here story begins

Chapter 1: Enter the Red Reaper

You might have heard of the substitute over in Japan, but this story is not about him. This is about my story of when I became a Soul Reaper and how I appeared in his story from time to time. My Name Is Jake, Willow and I'm from the U.S of A and I'm not like the substitute at all, even though I and he gained our powers around the same time. So let's get right into the main and first moments of when I found her.

I was on my way home and I felt the air was different, I couldn't tell what was going on. I heard a roar and felt a pressure I've never felt before. It was like waves hitting me over and over, but there was no water. I saw an explosion in the distance and it was bad, I saw a building collapse while someone hit a piece of it.

I saw it was a girl and she was in trouble, without thinking I began to run towards her to see what was going on. I came to this corner and saw a huge monster holding the girl in his claws. This monster looked like a giant monkey and he was just out of a nightmare. I ran up to him and threw a punch to get him off of her. The monster laughed a bit and the girl stabbed him in the face with a weird looking sword. The monster disappeared and she looked over at me with a scared look in her eyes.

I saw a bunch of the monster like the other one right behind me, she was hurt and dying right in front of me. She looked at me and said, "You have strength and I have one thing I can do, What is your name young man? " She asked me in a low tone, I looked at her with her white hair and black color in her eyes beginning to fade. "My name is Jake Willow and I will fight to save everyone." Just when I said my name she pressed her sword into my chest transferring her remaining power into me.

A surge of energy hit me and I felt my hold body change, like I died and was brought back to life at the same moment. The girl was on the ground and she seemed to be asleep, but I knew better than that. I looked at what I was wearing and it was a red samurai GI, there were black beads going from my left shoulder to my right hip. Then I saw I had a sword on my back, it wasn't like a normal sword I'd seen before. It was half of a tear drop looking Sword with the hilt on the side instead of under the sword and It was really big but it was light. I lifted it and for some reason the monsters in front of me were really slow.

In a flash of a moment I charged at them and started to cut them down with my reflexes. I jumped into the air and flipped down in one move taking out a bunch of once. Then I threw my sword in the direction of another group killing more monsters. I was doing really good for not fighting before this moment.

The girl that I thought died was still conscious to see me take down a horrid monster in a couple minutes. She was sitting up and saw I was walking to her and she was released it was over. She coughed and blood same out of her mouth, I put the sword on my back and ran to her after I saw that. I went to her side and picked her up, she fell asleep in my arms while I walked to my home that was near by. I lived alone and I had no family around, I had just moved recently.

I placed her on my couch for a moment, then I found a book in my GI's pocket, it was a book of spells or something. I saw a technique to heal those that are In just had to put a bit of my energy into the spot that is bad. I didn't know what that meant, but I tried it anyways, I saw a green light over her belly and he scratches and cuts started to go away. I felt tired, but I kept going till I couldn't hold it anymore.

I fell to the floor and saw she was fine now and I went to my lazy boy chair and sat in it slowly. My muscles hurt and a bit and I didn't know why I was in this GI or why I became whatever this was. When I rested my eyes for a moment I actually fell asleep for a couple hours, the girl who I brought back from basically death was fully awake. She was wondering why I was asleep and saw her wounds were healed by someone.

"He didn't do this did he?" She said out loud while she saw how big my sword was, it was on the side of the chair. She then saw how odd my GI was with how red it was and she good feel I was stronger than she was expecting me to be. She put something on me and I returned to my normal looking body. Well, I was in my street clothes from before, She still sat and waited for me get up but it was almost the next day when I finally came to.

I sat up and saw she was good and healthy now, She smiled at me when I was fully awake. "What is your name miss? " I asked her and she stopped smiling at me when she noticed my tone was serious. I stood up and headed to the kitchen before she could answer me, I could feel how hungry she was for food. She looked Japaness for the way she was, she was pale though she had the Japaness features. The Japanese samurai GI didn't make it any better, she followed me and then she told me her name and other things that I didn't believe right away.

"My name is Tsuki and I'm a soul reaper, my job is to make sure souls get to move on in this world to the next and I kill monsters." She said to me and I smiled when she said soul reaper, "Yeah, like those people exist." I said making Tsuki mad at me for a moment, then she slammed her hand on the table. "Why do you think you gained those powers!" She yelled at me making me jump and bit, I was much taller than her but she was scary when she got mad. I placed a plate of steamed veggies and some cheap stake I was making. She looked at me and you could hear her stomach growl at me.

I sat in the chair across from her and lite up a small cigar, she looked at me and smelled it before she took a bite. "So, you're a soul reaper, You gave me powers and last night was real?" I said going through all of what I had been through. Tsuki shook her head yes as she opened my window behind me with her powers. My cigar smoke began going out there and she then told me the whole history of the soul reapers.

I was the next substitute soul reaper and that the soul society may not like that I exist. She was friends with some in Japan and heard her friend had done what she did. The society was more focused on that sub for the moment since it was closer to the main underworld gate. She then told me if I was to be left alone that I might need to forget about her and don't use my powers.

I looked at her and then I slammed the table as she did. " You expect me to sit by and watch monsters take souls that I can see now. I can't let innocent people dead or alive me be put in harms way while I can do something about it. " I said to Tsuki and she was surprised that I would take up the responsibility of a Reaper so quickly. What was about to be suggested, was going to be a harder trial, then I was expecting from how easy it was to gain my powers.

I had to get permission on becoming a full fledged soul reaper like Tsuki and be put in a squad like she is involved with. I agreed with what she was telling me and I set my sights on becoming a reaper and becoming a hero for those that might be forgotten. I closed up my home and put all the money I could spend on a deployable card and headed to the closet portal to the underworld. It was time for me to leave for Japan, more direct to Karakura town in Japan.

I was on the verge of locking the door when I read about some damage reports of the town I was heading to. "Ah, sounds like the other Sub is having some trouble over there?" I said to Tsuki, she looked at me and then she told me to stay out of that drama. "We are to meet with the head captain and to have you to be put in a squad for training. I laughed and then told her that I knew that, " Yeah, but if we get.." She stopped me from talking for a second, "If we get attacked you can take out whatever is in our way. My friend can handle herself and we can sneak by all the chaos with them fighting.

We made it to the plane and Tsuki had a concern look on her face when we took off for Japan. "Say, how can you afford a plane ticket like this, aren't they expensive?" I laughed a bit as I sat back in my seat, " I am a private Chef for a bunch of wealthy families, I work for a lot of money and I get to choose when I want to work. So you could say I make enough to do what I want for a while so this is like a vacation price for me. " I said as I took a nap for the plane ride was going to be long for us, Tsuki did the same but she kept her mind focused on our objective. I was to become like her or even better, made a new captain of my own squad some day.

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