

My  Blessed Psychic System

My Blessed Psychic System





Supernatural creatures, Master cultivators. Psychics, magic users, and humans with unexplained superpowers called Elites. Reveled themselves all at the time, at the end of 2020. The humans that ruled the planet were abusing it. So  The seven, the most powerful beings on the planet, came together to overthrow the world governments. They create a new  government called (Infinite). Within just ten years, all major world problems were gone- hunger, disease, Globe Warming all gone. After everything was resolved, the only thing left was selfish desires, greed, and jealousy above all else . The 7 were challenged for their positions. Yet, none could stop them. They decided to create a school to grow the next generation of rulers of the planet. They Called it Infiniti Prep Academy.

	Isaiah Greenwood was raised in a somewhat normal life, for a Psychic at least. He discovers his father is a being made of pure Psychic energy and that his parents manipulated his memories as a child. Struggling to live up to his father's name, Isaiah is tasked with Protecting the god-host and the Earth itself.  In return, this god-host blesses him with the ultimate weapon, a system.

I do not own the cover

Top Reviews



Status: c1 3yr
hard finding spiritual stories with action in them, I'm glad i came across this, the cover could do more work,  the kinda novel that lets you believe in magic, the world build is done quite well, the pace is a little slow towards the end but I'm looking forward to read more because the topic is of great depth! POWER STONE, WORTH IT HAH!


Status: c2 3yr
Hey author it took me little longer but I found it very interesting to read , I'm still reading ,it looked completely different to me , well done.. keep updating.


Status: c4 3yr
Authur review: In the begining you wont Know a lot about the main characters past but the longer you read the more it will be revealed.

There is some romance but just enough not to be overbearing.

Power progression can Make sense most of The Time. 

Also if your not  Use to reading slang You might struggle at first but i promise it will make more sense once you get Use to It.

Some chapters will be short due It beinG the introduction  oR me it mIght be me  just being lazy. 

Tell me what yall think leave a comment.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Clone

"I'm technically not your father." The few words that changed Isaiah's life. The world is at a time of peace and conflict. While all the world's problems have been solved. The only thing left is to fight for who's going to get to take control over it.

The 7, the most powerful beings on the planet, now actually rule over it. After 10 years of leading, they told everyone ,that their seats were up for grabs; all you had to do was kill one of them to claim your place. So naturally, many came, and many died. Still, it's been 25 years, and no one has claimed any of the thrones. (Note they were the 7 kings, but it's not all men, so they changed it).

The 7 realized they didn't want to rule forever because eventually, everyone wants to retire. While some already had so-called "magic schools." They didn't have one together. This is why Infinity Prep Academy was born. The graduates would have the potential to replace one of the 7 if needed.

That was everything Isaiah read in the brochure his father just handed him. "Who hands their Kid a brochure to boarding school and then tell him you're actually not even mine, so we're just going to send you here." Both Isaiah's parents looked at each other. They were in their favorite diner at a booth.

"It might be better if I tell him," Isaiah's mother said, grabbing his hands.

"Baby, your father is Professor Greenwood, and the man right here is his clone. He holds about 2% of your father's actual power." Isaiah started to look around in the diner with all the fan art and merchandise with Prof.Greenwood. Isaiah looked back at his parents awkwardly.

"My dad is living Psychic energy?" Isaiah looks at his father. Then looks at a picture of Prof. Greenwood. "I don't see it, wait. Can you glow green?" Isaiah asked his father.

"Actually, I can," Isaiah's father said. Isaiah's father's eyes glow green then his whole body does. Looking exactly like the picture on the wall. Isaiah makes a shocked face.

"My dad is the most powerful Psychic in the world and a member of The 7," Isaiah thought out loud with a shocking voice. "Wait, mom, you're ok with living with a clone?" Isaiah said, turning to his mother. "Well, this is actually more of the guy your father was when I first met him. Before he got his powers", Isaiah turns back to his dad, reading the funny pages in the newspaper, cracking up with laughter. "Right," says Isaiah.

"Isaiah, you're getting really powerful over these past couple of years, and not only has your Psychic father noticed, but other powerful beings have noticed as well." Isaiah's mother said with a concerned look. Isaiah sighs. "And that's why you recommended the Academy," Isaiah said, connecting the dots. "Well, it doesn't sound too boring at least," Isaiah said, looking over the brochure again. "MARIANA TRENCH? it's at the bottom of the Ocean?"