Chapter 1: Key Phrases Within The Story
This is for those who might find certain words and phrases that are used throughout the story confusing.
I intend to give the readers a grasp on some of the important terms that will be used frequently throughout the story.
Here we go...
THE WORLD: The story is set 800 years after the relic apocalypse... The new world is divided into 5 continents with Several Regions (Nations or Countries) scattered in them.
RELICS: These are items, clothing, body parts, and weapons belonging to several mythologies, religions, and folktales. An example is a holy sword Excalibur wielded by Kinh Author.
These items mysteriously appeared in the world 8 centuries ago and began to possess humans. Every relic has a spirit within which takes over the body of any human that comes into possession of them. This led to the catastrophic event called the Relic apocalypse.
For an individual to use a relic, he/she would have to find them first. To find a relic, one needs to locate its crypt, a pocket dimension created by the relics. Each relic has its unique crypt each different from the other.
After finding a relic, one can bond with the said relic. Thanks to the discovery of ain, an individual can use a relic without being overtaken by the spirit dueling in it.
A person can only be bonded by a single relic as it would be difficult to keep two hostile spirits in check.
Relics are divided into 4 main types; Weapon, Accessory, Implant, and Beast.
WEAPON-TYPE: As the name implies, these relics are in the form of weapons from numerous myths. An example would be the one I used earlier, Excalibur.
A weapon-type relic could be carried by the user at all times or returned to its crypt and to be summoned whenever needed. The same applies to all the other types except for the Implant-type relics.
IMPLANT-TYPE: These relics unlike the other types are implanted into the body as an extra body part or they could overlay an existing body part. An example of the said relic is the "Hand Of Midas".
An individual under the possession of these relics doesn't grow two new arms. Rather if they have two able hands, they would simply be to instantly replace them with the relic hands. That doesn't mean that they lose their hands, however.
BEAST-TYPE: These relics are beasts from numerous mythologies. They are the only relics that showcase strong signs of life in them. Examples include The Pegasus, Phoenix, and Lycanthrope.
These relics are summoned by the users and have different ways on how to use them.
However, they are not to be confused with Relic Beasts. Relic Beasts do not possess the same power as relics as they are simply spawns created within the crypt of a relic. Although there might be a relic Beast with the same name and appearance as a Beast relic, they're different in every way. One is the fact that relic Beasts are like animals and can roam freely or stay in their respective crypts while Beast relics are being governed by the same laws that apply to all the other types of relics. That is, they can only roam free if they've taken over the body of a host or if their host wills it.
Finally, a beast relic user can use a technique unique to them alone. This technique is called Relic Fusion.
ACCESSORY-TYPE: These are relics that are in the form of clothing, armor, and other wearable items. Examples include the Boots of Hermes which grants the user super speed.
Like most relic types, accessory relics could be returned to the crypt and summoned at any time by their users.
CRYPTS: A crypt is simply a pocket dimension of a relic. It could be in several forms depending on the relic. It is where a relic resides in wait for a human to challenge its crypt.
To challenge a crypt means to go through several trials with dangerous levels following the grade of the relic.
Relic's a graded from the least dangerous to the most as follows; C, B, A, S, SS, SSS.
The higher the grade of the relic, the more dangerous and unstable it and its crypt are.
A crypt can be accessed by going through a Crypt Portal. These portals could either appear at random or are hidden in different parts of the world.
One of the tasks of braves is to locate crypt portals and enter a crypt to attain a relic.
After clearing a crypt, one could either bond with its relic or take it as a treasure. Some may even go as far as to trade the relics they got for money and other valuables.
If a crypt portal stays open for a certain time, relic beasts could find their way out of their crypt.
BRAVES: Several terms could be used to define who a brave is. The simplest being an adventurer.
BBraves are individuals who are driven by a sense of adventure.
They set out either in a group which is called a Clan or as lone braves.
A Common goal most Braves share is to find the Primordial Relic by going through a series of unique crypt trials which would be further explained within the story.
RELIC MEN: Relic men are people born from the power of the crypt. Most of them have an appearance identical to normal humans. Some of these relic men are people found in myths and folktales while others are their descendants.
One of the 5 continents of the new world is a land populated mostly by relic men.
RELIC BEASTS; These are creatures from several folklores. Examples include werewolves and vampires.
Relic Beasts are either created by a crypt or a relic of both. They are not to be confused with Beast-type relics as they hold several distinctions which were stated above and will be reviewed in the course of the story.
AIN: The core power system of the story. Ain is the power within every life form, it resides in the air, sees, and living beings.
During the relic apocalypse, a certain individual found the secrets to harnessing this power and used it to control a relic. He became the first person to successfully use a relic without being possessed by the spirit within a relic.
The art of using ain is classified into three main categories; Doping, Senses, and Aura.
DOPING: In doping, one concentrates his ain and lets it flow through his blood to acquire numerous buffs. One could develop a boost in strength and speed through this technique.
Doping is divided into two categories; Power doping and Spees doping. The former has a sub-category called Hard doping which causes the skin of the user to become as hard as steel or more depending on several factors.
SENSES: Now, senses are a different case and have dozens of forms with upgraded versions. The most basic is the seismic sense and its evolved form, seismic insight. Their difference would be explained in the story.
Prana Sense lets one have a glimpse of the future.
Mental insight lets one read people's minds.
AURA: This is the most versatile category of ain. Ain is the power within oneself, aura is the visual representation of that power. But it is more than that...
There are more aura techniques than there are for Doping and Senses. One reason is the intangibility of aura.
For instance, An individual with aura control could make his/her take the form of a blade and harden it to be able to cut through steel.
Aura can also be used for defense by using a technique called "Full aura coating" which leaves the user with a layer of aura over his/her body at all times. This technique also provides buffs similar to doping.
The strongest and hardest aura technique to use is the aura burst.
An individual with a strong ain reserve and willpower could expel his/her aura to cover the surrounding area providing several effects depending on the power and will of the individual.
One such effect is the ability to negate the power of relics. Although this will not affect relics of higher grade due to them also possessing an aura and thus being shielded from the aura burst.
Another means to avoid this is by shielding one's relic with aura as well.
An aura burst can also be used to psychically attack an individual by exerting a strong will onto the target and thus making them lose consciousness. Although this technique could be easily avoided by the target if they have a decent level of aura control.
I hope this gives you all an insight into what to expect from my story. Once again, this is my first book and I'm an African, English is not my native language thus my grammar will not be up to par with top authors.
I hope you would enjoy the story and shower me with your much-appreciated supports.
Now... "Let's do this thing!"