Chapter 1: Chapter one
"Samantha!"Alison growled in annoyance as she scribbled on her draft.
Samantha noticing her mother's glare gave her her signature cheeky smile, her eyes dancing in pure mischief.
"Baby! What have you done?" Alison came forward to her work desk surveying the degree of the mess. She gave Sam her toughest glare but the little girl's expression was indifferent.
She noticed the tug at her gown looking down Samantha looked at her Mom in a needy manner.
"Mom, Sam is hungry," she said rubbing her tummy.
Her anger reduced a whole lot as she could not punish Sam for ruining her work. Samantha was not aware she ruined mommy's work.
"Come." She ordered softly and Samantha followed. Entering the kitchen she collected the bread slices and rubbed a generous amount of peanut butter on them.
Pouring Sam's favorite apple juice in her juice cup, she placed her on her desk and was about to feed her.
"Stop Mommy, Sam would feed herself." She said proudly.
"Isn't Samantha a big girl?" Alison cooed lovingly.
"Don't make a mess Okay?" Alison said and went to her work desk and cleared the mess Samantha made cleaning the red dots on her polished wooden surface.
The scribble ruined the drawing for the model of the hotel she was designing. Putting the remaining wastes in the trash can beside her desk. She sighted her scissors she gasped in horror, relief washed through her as she was happy that Sam did not play with it. She needs to be more careful next time.
Scrolling across her phone, she dialed a familiar name.
"Hi, Paige."
"It's Alis, please I need you to send the draft of Mr. Wilson's hotel project."
"I sent you the draft last week and I can't give you any paper draft now. What happened?" the voice from the other line said.
"Sam happened."
"Oh no, what did she do this time?" Paige's voice was filled with curiosity. This wasn't the first time Sam would ruin Alison's work.
"She scribbled on it. Please send it." Alison pleaded.
"Okay I will, for Sam's sake"
"Thanks, send it to my email." Alison reminded.
"I will, promise," Paige assured.
The next morning Alison hurriedly dressed Sam.
"Here, no...Yes your arm should go this way"
she directed as she helped Sam with her flowery princessy dress.
Brushing her caramel hair with the hairbrush, she made it lush and silky by rubbing her hair cream on it.
Placing Sam's favorite squeaky shoes on her feet, Alison smiled as she managed to get Sam prepared in time.
Leading her downstairs, "Mommy are we visiting Gran Karen?" Sam asked.
"Yes, Love," Allison replied.
"Yay!" Sam's bright blue orbs brightened, she talked with her favorite doll Doris about how excited she was about seeing Gran Karen.
Her cute chubby face is flustered. Packing Sam's things in her bags. She led Sam to the driveway, opening the boot she placed the bags in it.
Buckling Sam with the seat belt she entered and drove away.
Living in western New York helped her to be punctual to work but Gran Karen's home laid further west away from the urban town into a small quiet town. So it took about an hour to drive there.
Gran Karen was Alison's grandmother and only surviving relative. She took care of Alison when her parents died from a ghastly car accident, money was never the issue for Gran Karen when she raised Alison. Her late husband Adams was a very rich merchant before he died and left most of his wealth for her. He bought the little mansion she lived in now and had different other properties scattered all over the country. Alison faced no real hardship except the fact she missed her parents dearly.
She promised herself that the child she will bore will have all the emotional love in the world from her and her husband.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for her as Richard her ex-husband divorced her just when Samantha was about to be born and got married to his mistress.
Feeling devasted and devoid of any hope, she could not get over the feeling of loneliness and the overwhelming thoughts of taking care of Sam on her own, Gran Karen told her to get used to being a single mom and supported her in raising Sam.
she had to shuffle between her job and taking care of Sam to make ends meet. She hated being dependent on Gran Karen during the first year of Sam's birth even though she was grateful. She used her architectural degree to get suitable work.
She got one in a very popular architectural company and rose the ranks gradually due to hard work and sincerity. She was highly respected but she found it hard to balance her work life and personal life.
She always finds herself feeling guilty about neglecting Sam even though her little girl acts so independent.
It was at these times Alison would love to have a partner and companion to help her and to love her.
Remembering Richard, she believes that one can only dream but can't turn it into reality. Richard's actions tore through her thick skin and left a scar on her heart.
With the wrought-iron gate opening slowly at the detection of a car, Alison drove through and packed in the Garage.
Sam bounced excitedly on her seat, "Yay! mommy we are here."
Smiling briefly at her, she got down from the driver's seat and opened the passengers' door, and helped Sam to remove the seat straps.
Finally, Sam got down clutching hard to Doris and watched as her mother removed her little utility bag that contained all the things and clothes she needs for the weekend.
"C'mon Doris let's go tell Gran Karen that Sam and Mommy are around." Running off to ring the familiar doorbell.
Each time Alison dropped Sam here she felt nostalgic, she lived here too all her life, and seeing Sam blend in with the surroundings makes her happy.
Walking to the door where Sam stood to her tippy toes and attempted to ring the bell, she frowned at her failed attempt to ring the bell. With her shoulders slumping a bit, she watched as Alison walked to her climbing the porch.
"Mom, Sam is not tall enough." She complained, her blue eyes glistening in tears.
"Aww, Baby, don't cry, Sam just needs to eat more proteins."
"Protins?" Sam muttered.
"Yes, you know omelette and Salmon."
"No Mom, Sam hates eggs" her face turned in disgust.
In the time they discussed, Alison rang the bell twice.
She saw the gleam on Sam's face as she saw her great grandmother.
"Gran Karen!" Hugging the old woman tightly at her knees.
Gran Karen was tall, age did not disturb her straight posture as she still looked elegant and beautiful.
Her gray color hair with streaks of dark in them was braided in a French braid. Her green eyes creasing as she spoke, "My sweet, sweet Samie. How are you?" she cooed lightly fondling her softly.
After checking on Sam, she smiled at Alison lovingly. Engulfing her in a hug,
"Allie, sweetheart how are you?"
Alison muttered"Fine grandma, how are you too?"
Twirling a bit, " I Feel Great!"
"Come in," Gran Karen offered to hold the door open for them. Samantha rushed inside talking to Doris about all the games they would play in the house.
Alison handed Gran Karen, Samantha's bag.
"How long would you be gone for?" Gran Karen asked concerned.
"Two days," Alison said.
"Please take care of her. I feel so guilty leaving her."
"Ah... you worry too much she is in safe hands." They glanced back at Sam who made herself at home already digging into Gran's pie noticing their stare at her, she blushed at being caught.
"See, she made herself home already. Take care of yourself okay?!"
Alison nodded feeling content.
"Samie dear come kiss your mother, goodbye!" Gran called tucking her hands in her back Jean pocket.
Sam ran to her mother, "Will mommy pick Sam up today?" she asked.
Alison squatted to Sam's height, "Mom would be traveling for her work so, mom won't pick Samantha today," she said softly coaxing her hair.
Sam's eyes were glistening, "Sweetheart, don't cry. You are a big girl, right? Big girls don't cry." She consoled Sam.
"Yes, Sam is a big girl." She wiped her little teary eyes.
"Sam dear be good to Gran Okay? Don't trouble her, take care of her." Samantha nodded, coming closer she whispered something to Alison's ears.
"Samantha!"Alison exclaims, shaking her head in disapproval. She made her eyes water again.
"Okay, I will tell her and promise I will buy the box of caramel chocolate. Can mommy go now?"
"Yes, Mommy can go. Gran Karen! Mom asked you to bake Strawberry cake, Doris and Sam would help." Her tears dried instantly.
She constantly blackmailed her mom into doing things for her, this wasn't her first. Pecking her mom's two cheeks she went upstairs with Doris.
"Typical Samantha."Gran commented.
"Come, let me walk you out, be fast about it so you can catch your ride"
Hugging Gran Karen for the last time she handed her her car keys since they won't be useful.
She waved and got into the car she rented with the driver sitting in the front.
He greeted her cheerfully responding to his greetings, she wondered what Miss Rebecca wanted that seemed so important.