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Chapter 1: chapter 2

'I really don't like repeating myself Ms Senchez' he saying glaring.

'I also don't like having a one sided conversation with myself' Suddenly I felt like crawling in a hole and not coming out.

'I-I I am a-also a-a' I say stuttering not looking at him I mean he was scary when I walked in here but the man just got scarier.

'Cat got your tongue' he asks with no humor.

Suddenly all the words I wanted to say to this obnoxious man died in my mouth.

So I decide to keep quiet.

'That's more like it Ms Senchez and before you go running your mouth remember who you are talking to' Still looking down biting on my lips afraid to look up at him.

'Now am I chear miss Menchez' he says I can feel his eyes glaring.

'Ye-yes' I say clearing my throat.

'Good now your resume is quite impressive, I would like to ask a few questions'

He says and I just nod afraid my voice will betray me.

'when I talk to people I expect them to answer me back Ms Senchez'

'Go ahead' I try to calm my voice but I know I am failing miserably.

'Now are you married Ms Senchez'

I don't know why everytime he says my name it sends chills down my spine, girl what are you thinking he is disgusting and rude and ignorant I try to convince myself that.

'I'm sorry what' too deep in my thoughts I didn't hear what he said.

'Ms Senchez I thought I to...' I interrupted him.

'I know you don't like repeating things to peo-'I stop midway realising I said that out loud oh bacons I am so not getting this job.

I waited for a nasty come back but non came. I looked up to find him looking at me. I gulped nervous. Then he said something I was not expecting like expecting at all.

'Congratulations you got the job' He saying still looking at me.

'I... You... I... Really'

'Yes now here is your schedule I want you here at 8am sharp everyday and you can knock off when I tell you to and if I want you to stay then you fucking stay and on weekends you are free unless I need you in the office so you better keep your phone close to you at all times, I drink coffee in the morning no sugar I want it black, now as for lunch I need my lunch at my table by 12 and it better be warm and you always buy my lunch at Cristy's and you always add something sweet doesn't matter what now am I clear'

'U.. Um yes when do I start' I ask.

'You start tomorrow and remember 8am I don't tolerate people who are late Ms Senchez' after a long pause 'that will be all you may go now you are delaying my work'.

With that he turns to his computer and like totally ignored me like I wasn't in that office with him so I decide to leave well that was one heck of a day.

As I reach the elevator I see that blonde girl who was putting on makeup earlier, the receptionist I think flirting with a man who was clearly not interested but she continued pushing her boobs towards him. I chuckled then looked away boy is she desperate.

'Hey you' A voice boomed mm it's familiar but can't recall where I heard it from.

I turning around to see this tall hunk of a man bacons he was tall and all muscle he actually kinda looked like Mr Melendez he had blonde short hair, his eyes blue and boy could he wear a suit, also was all muscle and no fat man do these man eat or what I thought to myself.

I looked behind me and saw no one well I guess he means me. He got closer and had a killer smile that I'm sure brought many girls to their knees.

'Hey' he says again.

'Um hi' I say awkwardly.

'you don't remember me do you' he asks tilting his head to look at me.

'um should I' confused.

He chuckles 'well we had a little incident earlier' huh incident ohh

'oh I'm so so sorry about earlier you see I had this job interview and I was late so I had to like run you know, I can pay for any damages I made'

I say oh who am I kidding I couldn't afford anything right now but I was just being friendly.

'No no it's okay I'm Rodrigo by the way'

'oh I'm Zoe' I say shaking his hand.

Oh bacons I just remembered my blouse was stained and I walked into the interview with it oh god what did Mr Melendez think of it, I mean he did look at me with disgust just for a moment oh my... My thoughts were interrupted by Rodrigo.

'Look it was nice meeting you Zoe despite our little encounter I hope you got your job but I really need to get going I'll see you around' with that he kissed my cheek and left me there I don't know what made me look to the right but I did and let me say the look at receptionist was giving me, if looks could kill I'd be 6 ft under.

As soon as I got out of the building I called the only person who matters to me.

'What's up bish' Cece says

'you are not going to believe the day I had' I say sighing.