Chapter 1: Chapter 1.
I was sitting in the hospital's waiting room what was – being loyal to its name – filled with patiently waiting patients. Most of them were patient. However, my sister, Rose was like an electromagnetic field, radiating all her tenseness toward me, and I was afraid if I touched her right now, she would shock the hell out of me.
"Can you please calm down?", I turned to her, raising one eyebrow in question. She fixed her deep blue eyes on me, which as Granny used to say are the exact reflections of mine, but that's not entirely true, because mine are prettier, and also raised an eyebrow. Her legs were bouncing incessantly and she was nibbling on her lower lip. She looked like the embodiment of a vibrator. I said what I said.
"How could I calm down are you insane Daisy you're insane we're waiting for your results how can you be so damn calm", she said it just like this, without any commas or points, not mentioning the void that the deprivation of the question mark left in me.
"How can you be so tense?", I asked, struggling to keep my eyebrow on the top of my forehead, all this because I wanted to see which one of us can keep it there longer. "These are my results, my life's going downhill not yours."
"No, no don't say this", she shook her head no so rapidly I really considered holding it before it's flying off of her neck. "We don't know anything yet. It can be nothing. And your life's not going downhill you're not the one who sent a message to her ex, saying "I can't live without you, Eric, let's get together again", so don't complain", she gave me a look that somehow felt condescending, but also reassuring at the same time.
"Wow, you really know how to change the subject quickly", I snorted and let out a soft laugh as I eyed my crazy sister rocking back and forth on the uncomfortable plastic chair that was barely holding onto its wretched life and now had to carry Rose's weight, too. Poor chair.
"I'm sorry, it's just that- It's just too much", she sighed.
"I know", I nodded, but honestly, I didn't care much at all. Rose was always the one to overthink and worry, and I was just kinda going along with things, following the flow, vibing. Whatever you wanna call it. Getting to know my results was just another thing I wanted to get over with and live like nothing happened regardless of the outcome.
"Jeez, for how long have we been already sitting here?", Rose glanced at her watch impatiently and started chewing on her thumb. It was rather disgusting.
"Could you maybe stop doing that?", I grimaced and she finally stopped doing it. "Thank you."
Now, that she wasn't as tense as two minutes ago, I had a chance to look around in the waiting room. There was only six people including us and two of them came in after us, so there was only two people left before our turn. Simple math, but useful. Who would've thought that my elementary school teacher was going to be right? You need math in real life.
Suddenly, the door opened and everyone in the room raised their heads so fast that I could hear a few bones crack. Ouch. The coming of the doctor triggered some primal, weird reaction that reminded me of Pavlov's dogs, except there wasn't as much saliva involved.
Rose even hopped up from her chair, making me jerk in surprise.
"Ms. Jenkins", the doctor looked up from a bunch of paper he was carrying around and traced his eyes around the room to fix them on the old lady sitting opposite of me. She was like a messed up chemical reaction. And what I mean by that is that she had no reaction to the doctor's words at all. She was just sitting there, hands clasped together tightly on her lap, and tapping her feet in a slow but rhythmical way. "Ms. Jenkins", the doctor reiterated, but still got no answer. He shook his head in disbelief, rolled his eyes and eventually stepped to the lady and put one hand on her shoulder. The lady jerked in surprise just as I did a few seconds ago, and looked up at the doctor with widened eyes. "Ms. Jenkins, come with me please", he said and helped her to get up. For some reason I imagined this a little different. In my version, the lady doesn't wanna get up, accuses the doctor of wanting to kidnap her and beat him up with a stick. That doesn't happen (unfortunately), and they just left. Rose made a soft, disappointed noise as she lowered herself down to sit on the chair.
"We're never going to get in", she sighed as she leaned forward, arms resting on her thighs to prop her chin on her palms. She pouted.
"We are", I nodded again. It felt like I was nodding too much lately. "There's only one more person before us."
"Really?", she asked as if she didn't believe me.
"When did I lie to you, Rose?"
"Last week", she looked at me scholastically.
"No way", I needed to contradict this information with every fiber of my body.
"Yes, you did."
"About what?"
"Not eating the last piece of cake", her gaze gave me a feeling like I was being involved in her "The Ultimate Betrayal" show.
"I did not eat it", I snapped at her, because we've already been through this several times and she still didn't believe me when I presented her "the story of the piece of cake that accidentally fell off the counter and I had no choice but to catch it and devour it immediately".
"You did eat it!"
"Not on purpose!"
"How can you eat something 'not on purpose'?", she mocked me, changing her voice so it would sound like mine. Note: her attempt failed miserably.
"Would you rather put me back it on the tray after I touched every inch of it with my filthy hands? I doubt it", I quarreled and I think she got my point seen she just scoffed and turned her back at me.
I knew she wasn't mad at me, she could never be, but I also knew she needed some time, so I just let her be.
Soon, the doctor came back and he brought a big, hairy and chubby man with him. I saw a hint of fear in his eyes before he closed the door behind him and the man and I wanted to give him a reassuring look, but he avoided my gaze.
"I'm next", I whispered to Rose who now turned back and I saw her muscles tighten. She was so nervous I couldn't ignore it anymore and it made me feel unsettled. Thanks, Rosie.
"It's going to be okay", she told me and put one hand on my arm. Her palm was sweaty and uncomfortably warm but for once I restricted my words and let her leave her hand there.
"Yeah. And it's gonna be okay with you, too", I smiled at her and looked at me utterly confused, so I added. "Eric."
"Oh", her lips trembled and she let out a soft sigh. "Yeah, I guess. He hasn't answered me yet, so there's a slight chance that he didn't see it", she said and she sounded like she really wanted to believe what she had just said but was doubting her own words.
"It's gonna be fine", I repeated myself and a soft smile curled up on Rose's lips.
We sat there in silence for a while, I mean we were quiet, and then there were the erratic, irritating breathing of the other two people and the unhinged ticking of the clock on the wall. I contemplated throwing rocks at the direction, but those people really didn't do anything to hurt me. Oh yeah, and throw the rocks at the clock, too, but that was the smaller frustrating thing.
I watched as the hour hand hit four and sighed. I really didn't care what was gonna happen. I didn't, did I? I lost my train of thought when the door creaked open and first appeared the hands with the bunch of papers and then along with it the doctor attached to his hands. How soothing to know that the big man did not kill him viciously.
"Daisy Thompson", he said and looked right at Rose. Because she hopped up again. I started wondering whether there were spirals sticking out of that chair, because damn, was she nervous.
"That's you", she nudged me so hard on the shoulder that a painful moan escaped my mouth involuntarily.
"Yes, Rose, I know that's me", I got up, smoothened out the creases on my shirt because suddenly I wanted to appear appropriately. I don't know why, though.
"Please come with me", the doctor beckoned and I started toward the door when Rose suddenly screamed. Well, maybe not exactly screamed but her mouth was right next to my ear and it hurt me.
"Wait! Can I come?", she asked the doctor, looking at him with puppy eyes and I could tell by looking at him that he had enough for today.
"I'm her sister", she said almost proudly as she yanked me closer to her. I truly don't know if she loves me or not.
"Yes, she is", I forced a smile on my face but I knew it was more like a snarl.
"Do you want her to come in?", he asked and I tried to give him signals with my eyes to help me get rid of her, but his face was so tired and bored that I gave up and just shrugged.
"Then come with me please", he said again and left before he even entirely could finish the sentence.
Rose headed to the door, dragging me with her but when we reached the door I stopped her.
"I have to tell you something", I tried to sound as serious as I could and it seemed to be working since she gasped.
"I won the eyebrow game."
The concern on her face quickly got replaced by confusion and I couldn't blame her for it.
"What are you talking about?"
"You know what? It's not important", I shook my head and walked out the door, leaving her behind with that stupid, confused look on her face and oh boy, was I smiling like crazy.