

World Devouring System

World Devouring System

JustLetMeSleep | Sci-fi Romance


"Host has gained 10 Genodes" "Host has reached the maximum amount of Genodes, would the host want to proceed with evolution?" "Yes, please" I was kind to those who were kind and was even kind to those who were not but I also have my limits, they have broken that limit and now it's time for them to pay their dues, with the systems help I can finally have a bit of hope to exact vengeance. First things first though, I need to become bigger, nobody will be terrified of a 3 inch house lizard!!

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Disclaimer

Any names or information that may relate to the readers are highly coincidental and shouldn't be taken seriously.

The world might have the same nation names but the cities and streets shall be renamed, history might stay but it might also be changed.

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