

3 Words, 1 Script

3 Words, 1 Script





Emily Frost's steady life takes an unexpected turn when she is forced to work with Lucas Scott, her narcissistic ex boyfriend who is now one of the top 10 Male Artist in Big Time Entertainment.

"Life is like a story, a film, a movie. We are the actors and there is only one writer/director. We all go by the role that is given to us. All part of a script that was made for us. It has a beginning, but like all good books and awesome movies, it all comes to an end. There are two endings that we have to choose from, tragic or happy? There may be a script, but we have a choice to make, which path will we take?"

Top Reviews



Status: c1 5mth
I hope the beautiful writer continues where she left off in this story, it's good and I can't wait to see who the script writer chooses in this novel. ;)


Status: c1 5mth
So far so good, It was short for 1 chapter, but yeah Lots of potential can be seen. TBH i like where this is going to lead the readers to.
It's a good written chapter.
I hope for more.
Thank you for your hard work.
Keep up the good work!

Chapter 1: Meet the Director

"What's the problem? I mean, what's OUR problem?" The girl sat down, confused as to what is happening between her and this other man in front of her.

The way things are organized right now is truly satisfying inside the set, like a korean drama with cherry blossoms falling in their place. The breeze was cold and only the moonlight and a few stars served as a guide to see each other.

"Problem? Nothing, it's nothing." I watched as they shifted through the small area they are in, carefully, not blocking any light nor any important details. Just like how we rehearsed for the past few weeks. Hell, doing movies isn't a walk in the park.

"I thought I'm your best friend, and yet you can't even look at me in the eye and tell me what's wrong." Misha, the female actress, started to rub the now forming tears on her eyes. Which on queue, got her leading man's attention. The background music slowly shifted to something sweeter, as they turned and locked eyes, Ray, the leading man, wiped the tears off her face.

"That's the problem, I don't want you to be my bestfriend." I signaled the cameraman to shift closer, as the best part of one of the world's most cliché scene is about to come. "I want you to be more than my best friend, Mei."

"Aaaaaand, CUT!"

As I said the magic words, the lights slowly turned on and the music stopped. The set became lively with a few claps coming from some of my co workers. Who wouldn't be happy when after a straight 72 hour shift is met with a weekend off. Right?

"Okay everyone! Let's wrap up and reward ourselves with a gift of rest this weekend." I said as I slowly climbed down my throne— my Director's Chair.

"Finally! Weekend is here. I really need that rest." Misha said, while gathering her things. Ray immediately approached her, "That being said, are you busy tomorrow? I kinda know this new Chinese Restaurant just around Coloway Rd."

Misha's smile went from ear to ear as she responded, "Sure! Pick me up at my house?"

I approached the two love birds with a playful smile, "Oh you two, the camera isn't rolling anymore, yet the chemistry still remains." I teased.

Misha's cheeks flushed red while Ray chuckled at my statement. "You can come with us, Director, I heard that people gave great reviews about the place."

"Oh, I think I'll have to say no this time, I have a meeting with the agency tomorrow."

Misha's smile turned to a sudden puppy eyed look as she clung to my arm. "Are you really going to leave?"

Her words stung a bit at the deepest part of my chest, for a moment I felt rather cold. This'll be my last day working as Director here in Terelach Entertainment, my contract ends next week due to a ruckus that happened months ago. My head hurts a bit just by thinking about it.

I gave Misha my sweetest smile and hugged her, "You'll still see me around. Might apply as a script writer or publish my own book, who knows?"

Ray tapped my shoulder and said, "Well, we're just one call away."

"Thanks, guys. Don't give your new handler a hard time, alright?"

"Hmm, we can't promise." We laughed at Misha's statement before I waved goodbye.

I went towards my red Honza Civic car. One beep and it's sides opened upward for me.

I took the busy C-8 main road. There are still a lot of people even at night. I can still see some little kids that are still running on the road. Questions popped in my head such as, where are the parents of these children? Don't they have curfews to follow?

I sighed as I remembered my childhood. I came from a strict family which by the way, helped me grow even better. It worked well for me.

I just looked up and saw the large billboards lighting up the city. The different faces of the artists I have worked with before. There were billboards of shoes, bags, watches, but one certain billboard model grabbed my attention.

A man with a big smile and mesmerizing eyes staring at the camera, unlike others, his pose is simple, he promotes the brand of clothing he is wearing.

He's undeniably good looking and famous. One of the most popular male model that made a debut 3 years ago. Truly influential, and holds a millions followers on social media.

I know him. Not just as an Actor, but more.

I haven't worked with him, and I will never dream of working with him. The so-called Face of The Male Modeling Industry because of his good looks actually has a stone cold heart. Looking at his angelic smile that fooled millions makes me nauseous.

My thoughts were halted when I heard a sudden beep coming from behind me. How long was I staring at his billboard?

I clutched my handle and tried to maneuver my car when I saw a guy walking towards me from my rear mirror. He was wearing shades, SHADES in the middle of the night. Like, who does that? Is he blind? Okay, dumb question. He's obviously not blind, but still, what a questionable choice of glasses.

He tapped my car window and started yelling at my face. "What the hell are you doing? No wonder you suck at driving, you're a woman! Are you sleeping here or something? Do you know how stupid you are for being-"

I cut him off, the nerve of this guy!

"First of all, I am not sleeping. Second, my femininity has nothing to do with driving a friggin car, you sexist! And third, sir, you don't own even half of this road to act out and shout at me like that. Aren't manners taught to you at home?" I spatted. He was still for a moment, while me on the other hand was calming down after my outburst.


The voice sounded softer. So soft that it almost sounded like someone I know. Then it hit me.

The guy slowly removed his shades, revealing the pair of eyes that once made my heart skip a beat.

The guy on the billboard.
