Chapter 1: A Day Before Life Changing Destiny
A fifteen-year-old boy stands at 1.85 m tall. Gazing at a little garden. He has an arrogant vibe and Stoic expression. His eyes gleam with intelligence.
The wind breeze, blow his long luxurious garment. The air is filled with the sweet smell of different flowers.
His thoughts are straight and full of confidence. But deep within, he knew achieving his goals are close to impossible.
Because the road is full of competition and unimaginable amount of danger.
But that is the only way. A path in which to be different.
In this society where a commoner has something to show, let alone a Noble.
A Society of Abilities and Infinite Possibilities!
A smile appears on his handsome face. A thought flashed in his mind about what his mother told him a year ago "Little love do not overdo yourself. Take your time to ponder things before you act. Choose diligently not blindly."
This thought makes him hesitate about his decision. 'Well if I can do it, then, I will do it."
He turns his head toward his right side. He ponders while gazing at his brothers and sisters that number up to Seventeen. Is it a most that a person of his caliber to have many children??
'It doesn't, 't matter, since He doesn't, 't play any favorites. Besides, if you are a child of the three wives, that enough. One will have a special standing among the siblings'!
"SHABBAR, come over here and tell us if You have any enlightenment "
Shabbar's gaze focuses on the person that yells his name.
"Thou shall do what thy self feel safe" answered shabbar.
A laugh echoed from the siblings. Murmuring follows after. Shabbar himself laugh a little. What he did is mimic one of their strict language teachers.
Shabbar walks towards the group. Smiling while saying, "Father's desire might suit us, but the truth is that we shall choose from our best capabilities... Black mamba, what path will you take?"
The person's name black mamba. Look at Shabbar with a bit of angry gaze. Replying, "Although I don't like that nickname. But I think, I will do with it. I already have a suitable path. I going for Creation and Life specifically Snakes." There is a grin on his face, that ooze confidence as if he saw his future self at the pinnacle of all.
'He earns his confidence, if you relate, it to his Mother." Thought Shabbar.
A soft melodic voice sounded from the innermost part of the garden. Saying" I think we should all try to do what Father asks us. If we couldn't, then a new path is always open"
"We need to risk our lives before we took appropriate steps" an Angry voice from one of the persons.
"Amanda please don, 't instill your ideals on us.'' Another person interjected.
''Obeying Father is imperative in certain matters, but in this matter, we get to choose.'' Another added.
''Among us, there are those who already have their specialty. For those who wish for the long road. Good Luck." Black mamba concluded.
Amanda walks out of the garden. With steady steps. Smiling and saying " Am not discouraging anyone. But only a suggestion I give. I hope for everyone's success."
While they were discussing a thunderous sound quake in the air, a flash of light pass in the sky drowning the sunlight, disappearing as fast as it comes.
The children there age is between 13 to 24, has a complicated expression. Their mind carrying different thoughts.
"Hahahhah let go. Since He is back!!!. We all know it is a luxury meeting him. We might as well take his lectures as a way of good interaction " The eldest says while prompting others to follow.