


Stupid devil(Znooas) awalys show stupidity. She trying destroy human life . Stupid devil lead a lady character. This vedio games 200 levels.Znooas lives Sanacity. Sanacity people called her false angel. Stupid Devil(Znooas) is a lady criminal. Znooas heartless person. Znooas don't like human . #Author notes :Awareness I pepersonally avoid the stupid devil (Znooas).Everyone avoid stupid don't . I don't like stupid devil.(Znooas.Remember everyone this is a video game. Author don't like this video game character stupid devil (Znooas).Everyone don't like this character stupid devil (Znooas) of this video game.Only we know her (stupid devil :Znooas) stupidity of this video game.I really avoid, ignore stupid devil (Znooas) .Stupid devil character is harmful for us. .....Finally Follow & collection stupid devil http://wbnv.in/a/1dfhyhc Author :Social Account : #Instragram :@_soft_heart____ _chat Author discord account :@soft_heart#6019 server link : https://discord.gg/Ss5X5eu4.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Stupid Devil Information( vedio games )

Stupid Devil(Znooas) is a lady criminal. Znooas lives Sanacity. Znooas trying to destroy the human life . Znooas heartless person. Znooas don't like human .

Reader tell me this story book cover is great.

Stupid devil book cover show some level. Now this cover character (Yrovj) is hero. He has gun he shot the enemy save sanacity.

He wear a nice dress. He change his dress .He looking good but not handsome. He is handsome to the people of the sanacity.

Our main character Znooas wear dress show next level.

Stupid devil Znooas coming soon . Now She Show wear her war dress and Stupid devil (Znooas) has two wings. The head has two devil horns. She (Znooas) has a spear in her hand. The spear is covered in blood and the city is drenched in blood.

Guys read this story, notice this stupid devil video games .Follow stupid devil.

for next update.

#Author notes :Awareness I pepersonally avoid the stupid devil (Znooas).Everyone avoid stupid don't . I don't like stupid devil.(Znooas.Remember everyone this is a video game. Author don't like this video game character stupid devil (Znooas).Everyone don't like this character stupid devil (Znooas) of this video game.Only we know her (stupid devil :Znooas) stupidity of this video game.I really avoid, ignore stupid devil (Znooas) .Stupid devil character is harmful for us.

New announcement :

Change cover photo of stupid Devil character's cover.

stupid devil (znooas) upcoming level 8

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