Craig_Watson | Action
Sex starts in chapter 11. And every chapter after. Please read the first 10 real quick. And if you like my smut add to collections. vote on "The Isekai Game" so I can continue writing smut. New Scene in Volume 2: Abby is finally leaving. Due to a personal conflict with using a model (that I really like) as inspiration without permission, I feel guilty and is deciding to end my use of her as a character. Not to mention I wasn't liking the story of her. I did use some new techniques for this scene. So tell me how did you all like it. Also, imma pull away from Instagram models and use more 2D waifus & angels for inspiration. This is due to personal reasons. I've recently I followed almost all cosplayers on Instagram. lastly, thank you everybody who voted for "The Isekai Game". im in #12 of new releases because if you guys and I look forward to making this my career. Writing that is. Talk to me more in the comments or on my Instagram @The_Isekai_Game Also, I write a shonen called, "The Isekai Game". Please vote on it. I'm in a competition. The continuation of my smut thrives off of how well my main story does. It is an action type with strong gaming-elements. You will have to type it in the search to find it.