

That Perfect Sign

That Perfect Sign


Fantasy Romance



Her eyes flickered fast. She noticed it was still dark outside. She closed them again. 

"No..." She said quietly, her subconscious fear crept in. It started with flashes of memories playing in her mind, one by one at first, then it came all flooding in. Then the flutters started- an uneasy feeling in her chest but a thrill in her abdomen, like the kind you feel before a rollercoaster ride. She looked at the watch on the drawer, it was three seventeen am, her eyes moved to the window, the curtain was waving from the light breeze. The moonlight shining in her eyes as her fingers touched her tingling lips, reminding her stubborn conscience that it was real.

"It was a dream. It was a dream. It was a dream. It was a dream..." She chanted as she got up, turning on the lights, her eyes straight on the mirror ahead. Nothing was unusual about her- same as yesterday's evening, except her dress was wrinkled and her hair disheveled. She almost convinced herself that it was all a dream but her body was aware of all the sensation she has received. The spot below her ear prickled, she moved the hair out of the way. Her cold hand touched the pale red mark where his lips were just a couple hours ago. Her eyes blank as she stared herself.

"What the hell happened.....?" She whispered in the quiet night, surprised by the unforeseen events within twenty four hours.


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