Chapter 1: Chapter 1
A newborn's cries echo's throughout the room, healthy, and weighs 7 pounds, 1ounce/3.2kg. Kade cradles his wailing daughter in his arms, he turns his back on the dead women's body-she had done her part already. All that mattered now is his daughter, he wouldn't need the women to feel loved anymore.
''What do you want to name her doctor?" the nurse asked
He remains silent while still staring down at his daughter with a smile. She was so tiny-she inherited her mother's black hair and her brown eyes, as she got his nose and forehead. He thinks about the life they will have together- just two of them, he wouldn't let anyone else have his precious daughter-her love, attention, time. He was going to decide her fate, write her story, and make her happy.
He looks up to the nurse with an odd smile, and says
"Her name is Genora."
18 years later...
Straight black hair that reached just above my shoulders, chestnut brown eyes, short delicate nose, small breasts yet petite body, pale skin, thin coral lips, and 5ft height.Im not so bad...
I roll my eyes and sigh as I turn away from the mirror in annoyance-i love my dad but sometimes he calls me for useless things. I know it's my last night at home before I go to college but he needs to give me a break, I have been packing all day.
"Yes, Dad?" I asked while entering the living room. He is working on his pc as usual.
"We need to have another therapy session before you leave tomorrow"
"I thought you said yesterday was the last one?"
"I know sweety, but this is just for precaution, and you know it's for your own good," he says while turning to me. He reaches for a box on the table and gives it to me.
"Since your going to college I found it right to give you your first new phone"
I jump up in excitement and hug him tightly."Thank you Dad, "I say while smiling. He hugs me back as tightly and murmurs "No problem sweety"
My Dad never allowed me to have a phone before because he said I wasn't ready yet, but I did have a custom built pc to do my school work since I was homeschooled. It never bothered me because I knew my dad knows what's best for me. He has been my doctor, therapist, and best friend...well only friend. For some reason I never yearned to interact with other kids, I am an introvert and spent the last 18 years of my life indoors either studying or watching home movies and series my dad always brings back with him from the big cities.
My dad is a medical doctor and he had additional training in hypnotherapy, he originally wanted to study for a Doctor of Clinical Hypnotherapy (DCH) degree but the degree is unaccredited in the United States so he settled on being a general practitioner. My mom died when I was born according to my dad she did not want me and her family despised me and wanted nothing to do with me.
After I was born we moved to Mackinac Island Michigan-a secluded town with over 500 residents. The closest mainland town is Mackinaw City towards the south. The only way to the island is by ferry or private boat thats in the summer and snowmobile or airplane in the winter. The island does have an airport. There are no cars on this island, residents visitors have their choice of transportation horse bikes, or walk in the summer. In the winter everyone drives snowmobiles.
"How are you feeling about tomorrow? He asks while he sits me on his lap
"Nervous," I say while I lay my head on my dad's chest close my eyes in thought
I am going to the University of Michigan to study accounting to one day become a charted accountant. My Father told me that was the best path for me. I was initially worried about being away from my dad but he decided he was going to resign from his job at Mackinac Island Medical Center to work at Beaumont Health is Michigans largest health care system and it's 60min, 93.44 km/ 58.06 miles away from my institution. He also said he wanted to be close to me and I could not stop my therapy sessions with him so instead of only seeing him once a month I will see him every weekend. I have a fully paid scholarship and will be staying in a single room.
My father taught me that friends are bad, liars, selfish, and only want to hurt-im not looking to make friends. I just have to study, get my degree, and from then on move back with my dad and start working.
"Yes, sweetie?"
"If mom survived, Do you think she would have eventually liked me"
"No, your mother was a cruel woman, her family was even worse. She tried to abort you, but I said no-I wanted you".
"Do you know where her family is?"
He pauses for a while, hesitates to answer.
"No, I don't, "He says with a small smile
I yawn as my dad start carrying me to my room
"I am going to miss this place"
I drift off to sleep and I feel my dad tucking me in bed and kisses me on my forehead.
"Genora my daughter, I love you"I hear a women voice echo all around me.
"Hello, who is there?"I am standing in the middle of darkness-nothing but endless space.
"You must be strong, things are not as they seem",
"Where are you?" I shout, turning left to right but all I see is darkness.
"Remember this-There is no such thing as truth in this world. That is our reality. Anyone can become a God or a Devil. All it takes is for someone to claim that to be the truth."The voice says while fading.