She was all herself, what we call living on her world without any restrictions. She made her self from scratch. she was something which no one could question or argue, cold bitch with attitude of mountain. it is said that we are born as an innocent babies in this world by God, but our attitude changes with the event in a life growing up, which makes us what we are now in the present. this mountain of cold ice is soon going to melt with a cheeky smile. A love which no one could have imagined it would be possible, is now taking its ignite to be dynamic in future. it's a long journey of a love with a ending which will satisfy all. Give it a try, you won't regret it. Thank you.
I have been told many times that I should act like who I am, a lady a woman, being more respectful to the only leading so called human that is " men ".
This is what inspired me to what I am now. Before this all drama in my life, I use to be same cheeky and lovely girl everyone like around. But life is not fair and everything doesn't last long.
We are humans and we have ability to survive in every tough and rough environment, it doesn't matter if it's natural or man made, that is life to us.
We have heard that the worst and unbearable pain in world is giving a child birth. A new life in world given by a woman- the toughest solder cries with this pain but a woman bears it in her heart. But wait let me tell you, child birth is not the worst pain in a women's life that's the reason why we bear it easily because, the worst pain of our life is living our life, that is being a women is worst pain, that no one in the men kind can do. Trust me we live it we know it.
Starting from birth of a baby girl till its death, changes in her life is sometimes undesirable, Unpredictable, uncertain, unreasonable and list goes on.
But still we are been told to act like a lady when our all life we are living like it. And trust me that's frustrating when someone tells you to do something, which they have no idea about it.
We go through immense pain just to be and live ' like lady' still we are the one that have to be respectful and bow down our head to the world. Such a shame.
But I'm not something to be easily pursued or twisted according to the will of others. I'm what they called their worst nightmare. They want me to be ' lady like' I will be like a lady but full with dignity and let them experience what I have been through - pain.
I am Emily Arora, CEO of EA-Fashion in New York . A female CEO surprising but true. In this world of competition and leadership, where no one can believe each other and the so called arrogance of male to be on top of the world, I am the one to shut them up.
Hard but true I female can also be ignorant, and cold. I'm true example of it. As I have said before it was not me to take such a cruel path of personality it was situation and need to survive in this cruel world that made me to it. I'm mere surviving like others just differently being a dominant and not the subordinate like every other being.
Today was like other usual day, waking up early, ready for work, working my ass off, shouting, and getting back to building which I call house not home remember that. To say my life is boring unlikely to other people at my age of 27. But all five fingers of our hands are different now how can we assume every human with same age having same thing and being same, Now can we? Answer is nope!!
For me life is all about achieving success, competing, and setting different goal every day to lead concerning the world while people at my age would be working yes off course, but their life would revolve around work, and dating with wasting of life and time.
27 is quite young age to achieve such immense success, yes but this success was not hand over life a cut out cake, it was developed from scratch and built to mountain with my own bare hands. At the age of 22 in my college itself I had an idea of this industry of beauty and fashion, a topic and trend which is all around the world. By age of 23 in a year I established my company - EA-Fashion. And by age of 25 EA- Fashion was a success and running on it's own pathway with an unknown owner which everyone was eager.
When when I was introduced to the world, as a CEO and owner of EA- Fashion, it was blast out there. A women running a billion dollar company at such a young age was quite a shock I must say. I was not that 'male' but opposite a ' fe-male'. But now at just success and authorised position no one have ability and talent to question me, my work and my company. They may be cunning and plotting demons but I'm the Queen of my world and no one can touch a hair of my body.
This was the position and success I was looking for all this years where no one can order me or use me, but instead give a respect even it its mean to be forced.
We have heard to every successful person their always someone behind them, for me it was support and courage of my one and only best friend Isha Mehra an Indian design girl, bubbly and cheeky. Always there to entertain and support me in what's so ever condition and position I am in.
Me being cold and distant doesn't me I don't let me make friends easily be she was something else. A creature out of this world. Trust me she is. She was the one to come forward and speak to me 1st. Always running behind me chirping and bragging about her day and forcing me to answer all her stupid questions or pulling me out with her to different places where I won't dream go even I would like to. They say we all need one person in our life that ease us in all situations and she was that one person to me.
For 8 years of friendship, I have been open to her like a open diary which I kept deep in my heart. We have seen each other's ups and downs. Cried together and smiled together. Have fought with each other and made up also. Like trust bestfriend we have travelled together and saw the world around.
She is my secretary and now Co. partner in EA-Fashion, which she doesn't know now, that's her surprise for her birthday. She was with me in start of this company till now working as hard as I have. Bearing my all mood swings and cheering me to life.
She is someone who can hide her pain with a innocent smile and move on without a trace. But as we know every person has a past, a story behind them, she also does. And that makes two of us inseparable friends. Though sometimes she's annoying as hell and to authoritative like a mom. But she's all I need in life yo be sane.
With the time when hit at 9 am I was in my building way to my office. Its was like a regular busy day with little bit tense of completing the due date for the runway fashion show which was in 2 months. The annual fashion show was always organised by our company form last 3 years now. Always a success and everyone looking forward to it. It was not just the fashion show this time but the launch of my new beauty products. I always had a dream of owning my own beauty line a cosmetic line of my own and now it's the 1st step for it. For others it's just a new beauty products and project for them but to me it's my actual dream.
Without giving a glance to anyone in the lobby I made my way to my office with a bold and cold face. My office was on 5th floor with just 2 cabin, one for me and other for isha and one reception, out receptionist Ms kai an old 43 year lady with was more like a family to us, that's me and isha.
When I entered my floor I was 1st greeted by Ms kai with the evergreen worm Holly smile " good morning my dear, I see all bold and hot again" she said with her regular greeting line making my smirk " morning kk, as usual what to say." I replied with the pride smirk. " isha in there" is asked her directly. " yeah she just came like 5 mins ago." she replied "very well" saying I enter isha ''s cabin where she was already preparing for the meeting which was going to held at 1: 00 pm in our building with Worth company the most successful and leading in all over the world. They were the financer for our beauty line. And to say I was 1st time in my life nervous was no reason. " ish...!" saying I entered her cabin. " Heya buddy, morning" she said with smile on her face. " morning, I see you are all set up, quite impressed" I said giving impressive look and being proud like another for the success of her child. She giggled and said " of course, or else I would be the next target to my devil boss, don't won't to get fired" said willing raising her hands in dramatic way making me smile. " of I see your devil boss, don't you afraid she would hear you cursing her behind her back" I acted along her in a dramatic way. " ah! Don't worry, she deaf, won't hear a thing, trust me" she said as if she's tell some kind of secret. And at the end we both laugh along.
" OK OK now it's enough, so what's the status " I asked being back to a serious mode." off..! I was having fun with my beastie bestie " she sighed dramatically making me to roll my eyes. Seeing me she said" OK OK back to Baby business, all set presentation is done and reviewed, I will send it to you through mail in say 10 minutes and about them, I think they will pass our dream project cause there is no doubt and problem " she said in one go and the took a deep breath continuing" according to my statistics and knowledge we are in there criteria and budget, so no reason for them to cancel it and more over we are in top in our work and it they are as smart as news show then they won't say to to work with us or else they are just shit pieces with not brain " here she ends with a simple smile confirming all set at ready to go." woh! Your statistic are something, I see learning from best hmm. " is said and continued" OK cool, mail me in 10 mins and yeah we will jaye head down to see once more if every thing is set along with sample, yeah QA and QC person in charge I want them in meeting along with us, that will give an impact " I completed my sentence and took a deep breath. She said OK and we both got back to our work. Wait for the meeting and checking the product and presentation making sure there's no mistake.
Cause I don't make mistake. I am looking forward for this meeting with Worth, hope it's Worthy. :)
{Notes :
Heya! Guys this is my 1st time entering such contest, hope you all like my 1st chapter of this novel. I'll do my best to upload every day with a wonderful chapter.
Do comment below if you like it or not, and comment positive or negative will do cause it will help me to improve my work and help me to write more and revised way.
Thank you. }