Chapter 1: In the mini picture
San Isidro dela paz national high school? why not home school? because it's my adventure to the society... they said the curriculum and the facilities are grate! students can also be my friends and the school would love me.
I am wearing a green uniform with oval collar exposed in my gray sweatshirt and my necktie that the background is color pink and white in a grid pattern same as my long skirt. I yelled.
"IS THIS THE OUTSIDE? IT'S SO COOL!!" while waving my hands and jumping in joy.
I walked in my neighbor's house to ask about the old picture of my parents, but of course I knock the door first. She replied.
"Wait! Coming!" when she open the door we talk a little.
"I just want to know about my parents?" she gave me an old picture and she said that they we're classmates in collage. No wonder my mom looks like me when she was in collage.
"Aren't you in love to my sister's boyfriend?" she replied.
"IDIOT!" grabs the photo.
"Gave me that! I will pass this to our reunion! They said there will be a price from who ever can keep an old photo." I grab the photo and run. She yelled.
"HEY!! KEVIN! GAVE THAT BACK!!" I replied.
The jeep I caught was full so I just hang at the hook from the entrance and went down to the grocery store to walk until school.
There I saw a girl same as my uniform wearing an earphones so I ask her where's my section.
"Excuse me! Do you know where's the section amethyst is?" she replied.
"From the higher floor, here there's a stairs going to the guidance, turn left then walk straight you will see the faculty then go up to the another stairs and once you walk straight in the third room that's the section amethyst."
"Thank you!" I raised her my head.
Before I enter the door someone ask me.
"Are you a gay?" I replied.
"SIS! Are you okay? My hair is short and I wear an eye glasses! I also have a skirt! GAY?"
I sat near the aircon to feel the cold temperature, I released immediately my notebook and write all the schedule my teacher was writing.
And while they are waiting for the teacher to finish writing my classmates we're making some noise. I cleaned my eye glasses a little because my eye sight are still getting blurred every time so I think the lens is the problem.
The introduction has ended and the bell rang immediately. now my classmates are taking their recess and after that we signed a form about our chosen clubs, and I suddenly thought of science or Math, but since there are so many people who join there coming from the second section I choose the science instead.
The class dismissed in in 2:00 PM since it's introduction and it will end in Friday and teacher's would also gave us some tasks.
The sun is so beautiful even tho it's hot, it looks warm and the rise is blending through the window so I take a selfie first when I saw a note on a desk.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Kisses for me?
And I wrote it back with FUCK YOU and stick it again with my lungs where it was placed and when he got it, now he know that I hate a dirty guy. I suddenly remember what my teacher told me so I texted Florida to bring some inhaler not to get an heart attack