

Ray's Happiness

Ray's Happiness

rising_darkstar | Fantasy


Caged up in the curse of an evil spirit, all he wishes to do is die. In his thousand years long journey will he finally a solution to reach death? What will he do if he does find it? Who would help him? Only the time would tell.

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here story begins

Chapter 1: Prologue

Human greed for luxury knows no bound. Each human is subsided with at least one or two desires they are willing to kill for. The ravenette was no different. In the past being a witch was seen as a curse, someone who would do nothing but harm mankind with their unnecessary fiddling in the unknown territory called magic. Witches and wizards however, loved researching. They were no different than any normal human, they were just normal human beings accepting the possibilities of life. Practically seeing things and only believing the factuals. Sooner than later, people accepted them but they became the heroes of society who aided the king in each of his conquests to conquer something with their vast knowledge and great control over magic.

Or so the children were told in their bedtime stories. With time, magic became a regular life thing, wizards and witches formed guilds to pursue their own wishes and to earn money. After all, not all wanted to be the King's helper unless it was an official request. As the time moved forward, even the magician categorized themselves, many belittling others.

The elementals: who used worldly attributes as a force and the base of their magic. Every wizard or witch had an element they can use as the base of their magic to develop a type of style. But elementals only use several types of elements as offense or defense. They mostly work as the defense or offense force of the country or work in guilds. Taking up missions given by citizens, completing them and earning money as a reward. Very much of a freelancer.

The creator: who crafted things with the help of magic. An engineer who enhanced his skills through the help of magic.

The healer: Mostly works in the medical field or as a support in guilds. They are known for enhancing magics and extraordinary healing abilities.

And so on. There are many other categories but there was one which stood out the most- in a wrong Light. 

The historians/researchers: These were the type of magicians which spent their whole life dabbing into many unsolved mysteries of magic and history which involved magic. They weren't seen in a positive light, not by the public anyway. Even the imperials saw them as tools who would risk their lives in their place when in turn came to discovering or creating new magic. When in reality, they were just people infatuated with history and the mysteries of the world.

A world where not only humans existed but the demi-humans too. Cross breeds between humans and mythical creatures. Fairies lived on the same land but their king prefered contacting humans only when necessary. The pixies from their breed liked humans, they would respond to humans who were in need of magic and aided them but-.... regardless of the kindness, they could be harmful and dangerous.

But have you heard about the truth of the Imperial prince? The imperial prince was cursed by a demi-human, a demi-human who was half wolf and half human. She fell in love with the crown prince and confessed her love to him. The crown prince kindly rejected her. She who was madly in love, almost mentally ill, so infatuated with the prince's beautiful face, charms and kindness- couldn't take the rejection. Being a half mythical creature, she misused the privileges given to demi-humans.

With her leisure canine peeking from her rose lips, she tainted the untouched lips of the crown prince. Giving his lips a last lick was the only last luxury god had given her, she had tried forcing a contract of becoming the prince's familiar.  Demi-humans were blessed by gods because the mythical beings shared the blood of divine gods, if they so choose to support a human in his life's quest, they can bind themselves forever to that person as their slave. Just one command from the human and the familiar would even slit their own throat. She wanted to be by the prince's side forever and not let any other woman enter his life. 

But, rather naturally, the prince refused. He gave her the punishment of never coming near him, he told her to withdraw from the force contract or else he would reject her contract which would end up killing her. 

But the demi-human was more insane than the crown prince. She didn't withdrew from it, expressing her innermost desires, attempting to seduce him by suggesting all the sinful things she would allow him to do as his family- servant. But, unconsciously the prince's heart grew a hateful emotion towards her- disgust. Her heart was crushed, each bone in her body cracked and later all the blood in her body started draining. A punishment for misusing the privilege. As she fell on the carpeted floor, she menacingly laughed. Her blood slurping voice sizzled in air as she looked at the prince and smile, ever so endearingly. Her last words being "Not even you can stop me now." 

Three days later, the soon-to-be crown prince's fiancé died of choking on air, screaming in her last breaths "I won't go near him, just let me live!" desperate but nothing helped her. Eyes rolled back in her head and life escaped her body that caged it. Three more women died the same way who had been chosen to marry the prince. Slowly, one by one, every woman in the castle started dying of unexplainable causes. Cause always being someone killing them but there was never a single suspect.

Prince forbade the castle from hiring women and fired every woman in the castle with a recommendation letter. If that wasn't enough of a curse to the prince, another followed him. 50 years passed but the prince did not age. The castle became a cage of horror. But the prince was different, he had no intentions of giving in to the dead. Though he was able to hear her near his ear every day and night, he never succumbed to her.

After years of hiding, he consulted the church's saintess, requesting her to visit him because he did not know what would happen if he went there. Soon the Saintess arrived at the castle. Pale skin, Ashen white hair with matching lashes and forest green eyes, A kind smile on her face. She almost looked like the Crown prince's younger sister, with the same skin and hair colour and smile, only the prince's deep Silvery metallic coloured eyes differed from them. The saintess had given the long-suffering prince a motherly hug, as a gesture of God's kindness and love and spoke encouraging sweets in his ears. She was god's vessel, a being not permitted to age or die, she was to watch over humanity for all eternity and aid when the time comes. She was a mother figure in her entirety. For the first time in fifty years, the prince cried for the first time and told her of his troubles, and asked her for a solution.

But to a prince whose coronation never occurred and whose bloodline was dying, a man who was desperately begging for help did not receive an answer worthy of his patience so far. The prince's time had stopped. When the demi human died, she took a hold of his time and threw it in the underworld, his time was eaten by a newborn demon who was destined to die the day it was born. The new born was living off of his lifeline. The prince asked the Saintess why he hadn't died yet, whether his time was taken away, if not that then he should've reached the end by now, no?

Bitterly but regrettably so, The saintess explained. Humans are born with a limited time, time which cannot be cut short or extended. For the prince, the part of time that was taken away was the half end of his life. If in his life there is no end written to it, no disease or calamity or even an accident can kill him. The laws of nature will keep on naturally healing his body to keep him alive until he reaches the "written end" for him. Since he has none, he is not allowed to die. A forced immortality, forced on him so that the once who called herself a mythical creature would be able to haunt him for all eternity and kill anyone who would try to aid him.

Thousands of years passed, the crown prince who only had one sister had long died. Being the only one left of the blessed yet cursed bloodline, he announced to the public that his time had stopped, telling them the god had blessed him with immortality. For a world progressing in supernatural things, a miracle like immortality was accepted easily. So for 1000s years he expanded his country, fulfilled his duties and didn't give up- or so he told himself but his emotions slowly died out. Someone who would value life more than anything didn't bat an eye over corpses. Sarcasm always laced his velvet voice, once the responsible prince became a prankster king. 

He lost the desire to rule.

An endless life full of loneliness. Full of exhaustion and misery, no warmth nor comfort ever came to his chambers. If anything did, it was the obsession-driven lustful ghost. Each day gawking his body like the hungry wolf she was, his divinity not allowing her tainted soul to touch him. Still, just that was enough for her. But for him. no. he was dying inside but ironically he couldn't. He hired all the historians, asked them to find out everything they could. To search for a solution.

To this day, the search is on.

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