Chapter 1: Prologue
Once upon a time their was a king that forced his seed upon many fertile females. Looking to gain a heir, to take over his throne.
Many came and gone, but only one of the random girls in a random village the king had invaded for fun managed to be impregnated with a female babe.
This drove the king mad with greed, taking over more territory then anyone in his family royal blood line. Developing a habbit if talking in third person was a sign of his declining mental state.
One of his advisers suggested going back to the ran down village of the girl that birthed him a bitch before. Maybe their may lay some chance in trying again?
Tragedy struck the kingdom when The poor village girl was forced out of her home into the kings private bed chambers for daily breeding.
So many female babes were born and none stood a chance to the kings wicked rage. The poor towns people gossip and say the kingdom gets it's power by sacrificing them babies.
The towns people didn't have much say In the law but they did hold some influence with the church. Soon gossip spread that what ever child born form the whore will never be right in the eyes of god.
The pope demanded the king marry the poor village slave girl at once. Or else she would give birth to Lily her self. Maybe the old man knew what he was talking about and saved us before it was to late.
She manage to give birth to one male destined to be prince before she took her last breath and died.
Over joyed with achieving victory over his ancestors the king held his crying baby over the corps of his recently deceased wives bed.
Her wide eyes frozen forever bearing witness to the kings insain prophecy rant of what rhe prince's life is to be .
In the door way of the room standing behind the scared birthing maids was a girl maybe 5 or 7 years old.
She watched the king give prophecy and immediately became bewitched by words she didn't quite understand yet .
One early morning pray session the next day the pope told her to thank God. For god aloud her mother to sacrifice her life to bear this kingdom a prince, thus making her a princess.
The young girl that once stood in the hallway and bore witness to the bloody birth of her brother the prince and death of the recently made queen grew under the watchful care of handmaids.
Now standing flimsy at 5'1 with long chestnut hair and dazzling green eyes the young girl grasped quickly onto the greedy world to find her place. She rarely seen her brother the prince and it seemed like she was more of a ghost to any of the adults including the king.
She became a observer of people around her. Watching how they talked and how they lied to one another. Court was no place for a a young girl but she was still a princess. No matter how much some of these nobles wished to belittle her, her status held and was never diminished by the king.
So naturally she also seen the subduction of the court as well. How women wore tight corsets pushing their breasts up for veiw, showing off how small their waist line was. The girl seen this as demeaning but affective for the women.
She stayed adamant with her studies and in the church. All Ways the first kneeling to pray and last to leave the chapel. She had so many questions but very little room to ask them.
It was expected for her to be seen and not heared so it was Always shocking people when she did decide to speak up. Being a natural observer of the world around her did not help her fit in either.
If anything it exiled her more from everyone plus othere children that lingered around the royal daycare. She bearly spent anytime their though preferring the silence of the chapel to study in.
This had a aging affect on the young girls mind, making her want to aspire to be something of worth. Feeling a tightening feeling in her gut when she here's the whisper of praise for her young brother.
She tripled her study's and came to the conclusion that if anyone is going to bring her to her destiny it had to be herself. Growing jealousy was a burden she didn't wish to bear. She seen what it dose to the weak people of the court.
Going to court scared and intrigued the girl. The colors and festivals all ways dazzled in her eyes. The fine food and sparkling jewelry the women wore she loved taking note of. Everything just seemed so light and peacfull when a room full of people come together to celebrate.
There was a shadow casted under all that happiness she would feel during a dance.
She didn't like to dance much because of how pushy the older men could be or even worse how the younger men some times could act when Drunk on wine, smelling of hot sweat from dancing the night away with pretty women. They Always seemed to never know how to keep their hands from wondering to more private places.
Gratefull to mostly be the shadow of her king and brother she didn't have to worry to much yet about them. The females of the court gave the girl bad vibes. She felt they were mostly jealous of her position in life, even though she herself was unsure about that exact thing.
So normally she avoided them like everyone else. In addition to that all the women ever talked about was marriage and that was the last thing from her mind.
Her stomach all ways threatened to expose what ever her last meal was when ever one of them would bring up her own destined marriage.
That was a real fear for her as well to have her life be handed over to a strange male then to be expected to bend to his whims.
She wanted to be something more, more then a wife. More then a mother to children she might die giving birth to.
It would seem selfish to other's if she were to complain about wanting more because that would just be ridiculous to them. How much more could a princess really ask for?
The girl that used to crave for something more grew into a blossoming teenager. Chestnut hair grow longer with more defines curls at the ends. Her emerald eyes looked more polished with intelligence. A calculating intelligence she developed over the past 4 years, being exposed more to the life she was forced into with out a say.
It forced and pushed her to grow in any way she could. The shadow she was used to being in grew wider and darker as her brother grew older. He took the shape of the king more then she.....He captured the kings attention from beginning of his birth.
She had to fight for a simple glance over from the king. Rare occasions though he would give her a simple compliment and she took that compliment and ran with it.
Once During a hunt she was allowed to attend the sidelines of the king and his party with her own horse. He noticed how well she handled her own stead.
Told her on the way back to the castle after a successful hunt that she had held a nice form out their almost as strong as a male. He said with a chuckle before swaggering off back to the front with his party.
From that day on she took a personal interest in working out. She didn't like exposing any amount of skin so swimming was out of the question. Which meant she was going to have to find something to do to make her sweat.
She stalked the guards practice and found a fencing instructor their tutoring some young males from the court. One day she cornered the instructor after one of his sessions and told him he will be her own personal instructor and that he was ordered to also find the young males a new instructor himself.
Turning around on her heel afterwards she held her breath as she walked away. Leaving the man standing there, shocked not able to get a word out in response to her demands.
She watched this man train young males from the shaded back ground when she was stalking a royal guards training session. He could most definitely keep her in shape with his training.
The only reason she went about it the way she did was because she once seen her younger brother do this with a art teacher that was retired and hired on to be a handmaid to a nobles child during a festival.
Father was drunk on wine and buried deep in women vying to be the new queen on his throne. To busy letting women seduce him then to take notice in his sons bratty behaviour across the room.
The girl stood in the farthest corner away from all the dancing and entertainers.
So of course she noticed the small scene her brother made when he robbed another small child of his own handmaid. It wasn't the first time though he had demanded what he wanted and got it.
She only hoped it would work the same way with her. The young teenager all ready stole away the appropriate gear she seen the students dressed in and using.
In addition to fencing she took to mocking the work outs she observed the soldiers do. For the most part she do push ups and as many sit ups as she can before bed. The results were shocking after awhile the girl
started developing muscle and her stomach became very toned.
She stopped minding so much wearing the heavy dresses and could keep up better then the males while out riding the horses.
It was a warm evening day when she decided to approached her father's throne room expecting him to be signing off on important paper work during this time.
A knock sounded on the door then she entered when she heared him respond to enter. He was on his throne as expected but with no paper work just a big goblet with rubies decorating the huge rim of the cup. Most likely filled with wine as she noticed he had a audience allready.
From the looks of the male in her father's presence she would say he was a foreigner adviser sent to advise over treaties in place of his own king.
Her fencing sword had broke and the girl couldn't dare steal another one. Not having much of a choice but to ask him to buy a new one for her.
The feeling of regret was starting to nibble away at her mind. The man had short black curls framing a tan face and light brown eyes. His chest was wide and looked like a he worked out at least daily
She didn't care he was attractive appreciating the looks he was passing over her body. Thin green material of her dress did nothing to hide her defined hips and ass. Her shape had changed and maybe not for the better like she thought. The neckline was wide and open but tight against her chest. Strapping them in so they don't fall out of the revealing dress.
She bowed to her father then immediately went into why she was their.
"Father-king , thank you for seeing me on such a abrupt notice but I'm in need of a new fencing sword" the girl didn't dare try to care that she was being extremely rude by just demanding her new item.
She needed it and if she wasn't quick about this then he might start asking questions as to how she started needing one in the first place.
The foreigner adviser let out a quick string of Spanish mixed with Latin she believed at the end.
The understanding over the blunt sexual notion he just suggested in his home language was written in shock on her face.
"Wow and she talented in language, tell me girl can yo-
What seemed to be a drunk king was now suddenly a sober king when he cut off the man.
"You are free to pick from the storage" his voice was clear cut no suspension detected at all. For his attention was now locked on to a different aspect about his daughter.
He didn't know she had learned more then her own language and was curious just how far her education went.
"It seems oh daughter of mine has been very busy?" The king sang out in question
She didn't like where this was going, she fully knows how not sain her father can be and didn't want to have to bear victim to his random whims.
Her calculating mind spun and before she could fully acknowledge what she was saying she was all ready talking.
"Yes, father I also wanted ask for more tutoring and possibly if I could go travel a bit while summer is here?"
Her mind swrilled down ward in confusion and she placed the fakest sincere smile on her face she couldn't let him know she had no idea what she herself was talking about.
She just knew what ever or where ever his train of thought was going it wasn't a place she herself wanted to travel to.
His response was fast like he all ready planned this conversation out in his head.
"And where would my princess like to go this time of the year?"
1 second later
2 heartbeats later
Another seconded later then he will know know she was stalling. He's crazy not stupid.
"East of the coast"
The only thing east of the coast is towns full of slave owners and slaves. Basically slave central father lets them keep their own way as long as they pay a small tax. The girls brain must of short circuited under the quick pressure.
Anywhere else she could have brushed it off as wanted to see the summer fashions.
Her father's eyes dazzled with interested he no longer felt the need to hide. She heared the Spaniard next to her cuss under his breath and whisper something about sheep.
A servent rushed to take her father's cup from him as he leaned forward giving her all his full attention, for this is the first time in all her life she has ever been granted that and she didn't know what to do with it.
She knew if she didn't respond before he could this could end very badly in her favor.
For his only daughter came barging rudely in his throne room demanding new things and a trip to slave land?
Her brain flashed a image of one of her old text books. It was a image of the land and their natrual reasources. Seemed to be the answer to her delema.
She knew he was about to speak but she cut him off because she needed to control the conversation, before the king spins a web to big and catch's her in a lie.
" I would like to travel their because of their fine jewelry they have around this time of year. The miners should be out working the grounds for fresh gems"
Her voice kept a light tone not crack or giving any hint to the lie she spun randomly.
"You mean the slaves will be working the fields this time of the sure you don't want to get a slave of your own maybe?" The joking tone was their with her father but his eyes was way to interested for him to take this as only a joke. He was clearly taunting her, damn near egging her on to carry out this nonsense conversation.
Regret was a tolerable feeling to her but this feeling that a snake was going to swallow her whole did not. But she was the one that walked into the snakes den asking for things.
She let out a practiced laugh and showed fake embarrassment by covering her face with her hand .
"OH dear me father, I was only focused on the sparkly things.." Her voice trailed off hoping he just buy what she was selling because she didn't have anything else to offer.
With a nod of his head the king sat back and waved his hand out "Okay this is my princess dema- wishes to covet all the finest gems their then so be it. You can leave tomarrow"
He stated this so abruptly the girl all Most fell over. Summer just started and now she's supposedly spending it with the company of slaves.
Instead of recanting She hurriedly bowed and said her thanks then scurried out the room not wanting to risk anymore attention to herself.
Feeling dirty from the foreigner advisers sexual stares at her she went to her chambers and called for a bath. That night she sat in her bath recalling the rapid events of the day.
She wondered if she would be able to find anything of use to her in slave land. Why would her father agree to let her go their....maybe to humble her of selfish ways? Since she demanded to go their so she could take the wealth from their land.
The next day she woke early and packed. Dressed in a nice blue free flowing gown. With a diamond embedded sash tied around her waist into a ribbon resting on her lower back. It made her feel silly placing the sash around her in this plain dress but she loved the heavy weight now. It gave her a mini exersize through out the day.
She was called to have breakfast with the king for a announcement before she was due to leave for her trip. When she entered the breakfast hall she felt a odd sense of not belonging.
Which she should honestly be used to at this point but it always stung her a bit. She took in the long wooden table filled with fresh meats and fruits. The smell of the fresh bread sitting on the table made her stomach growl in appreciation.
The king was sitting at the head of the table with his son on the left and some women with long blond and basics blue eyes sat on the right of him.
This women has full pink lips and eyes the princess would say were a bit to big for her face and button nose. Her breasts were practically sitting on the plate in front of her. Spilling out a sheer looking white dress. The smile she showed gave her as her presence was acknowledge was obviously fake.
The girl took a couple seats down from her brother and started placing a couple peices of bread on her plate then with a nice peice of meat. Reaching out lastly to one of the bowls of fruit and places on the table she moved it next to her plate of food.
She dug into her food with out giving anyone so much as a side glance. It wasn't tell she was done with her plate and moved on to the bowl of fruit did she notice the kings and females attention on her.
It was just to early for her to give a shit about what anyone thought of her at the moment. Breakfast was her favorite time. She only ate by herself or with her estranged brother, who never said anything while they ate.
She quickly finished off the food and went to go dismiss herself so she could leave for her trip.
"Your going to leave before I can tell you the good news daughter?" Her father said calmly
Before she could say anything the women next to him spoke up.
"All that food you just ate you might want to take a minute before moving around anyway" she said smiling with fake politeness
The princess took a deep breath and sat back down not giving a shit if she was being extremely rude. She just wanted to leave.
She sat their and stared at them tell it became increasingly uncomfortable for them. Father finally cleared his throat cutting through the silence.
"Gregory and Ivy I would love to introduce to you your soon to be queen and new mother Oris."
The girls brother the prince choked on air, staring at the table after he managed to calm his breathing down.
He probably didn't want another mother since that would mean more children and possible threat to his future throne. She could care less the throne was never in her grasp to begin with.
She couldn't lose something she never had. So she smiled instead and welcomed the whore as the new queen leaving out the mother tittle. Not wanting to poke at her brothers sore feelings anymore then necessarily she quickly showed her self out.
Again not caring about how rude she was being, just wanting to leave. Needing space from all the people they had made her feel outcasted.
She left the castle and entered her packed carriage being tugged allong by strong stallion horses at the front.
Ready to explore a new side of the world even if it was slave land. Maybe it would help guide her. The pope all ways told her to not look a gifted horse in the mouth.
So maybe she should just go along with it....not like she had much of a choice not since she was in her packed carriage allready traveling down the road. The girl just came to more of a acceptance of the circumstances she found her self in.
They traveled for hours tell her and her party reached a Inn on the side of nowhere. Her handmaids and tutors split up to share rooms while she had her own.
The room she was placed in was very plain but clean. Nice queen sized bed with white sheets and a white blanket, nice fluffy pillows was all that sat in the room. Not even one dresser or a desk and chair.
A knock and announcement of one her hand maids was heard and she called back out to let her know it was okay to enter.
A older women entered her room with grey hair tied up being her head in a braid. She had a bit of a hunch in her back but she could still move around easy. The maid wore a long plain grey dress that covered her body well.
" I was ordered to give you this letter from the king once we arrived at are first stop on the trip to the east" the old women told her as she placed the folded letter on the bed and quickly left after, shutting the door behind her.
The princess held her breath and snatched up the letter. Just one piece of paper folded neatly in half. Gave the girl a chill down her spine. How could one paper gave her such chills of anticipation? She couldn't just hold it a moment letter and opened it.
I'm sure you reached your first resting stop with out a hitch. I must admit the shock I felt when you asked to go to the east coast. I honestly wasn't going to let you go...even though your behavior as of late has been less then polite and sending you their as a punishment instead would serve to deal with that.
I just couldn't after this mornings breakfast. You where so nice to Oris, I should be sending your brother with you for how he acted after you left the table. I just wanted to say thank you for being so accepting. Please enjoy your trip. For it costed a pretty penny, that's why I decided to let you stay their for the next two years.
Don't worry about writing me a thank you letter. I allready know how appreciative you are and when you come back we can discuss your future marriage in more detail. In the mean time enjoy the sun and them sparkling jewls in the ground.
Love the king,
Ps. When you return we can find you a new fencing instructor, to go with your new fencing sword.