Peyton has always loved going to football games with her parents and traveling to different countries so when she moves to Hawaii alone she doesn't really no anyone and she's really nervous. Peyton misses her small town country life and going to football games on the weekends but she decided to move so she can get her YouTube channel going and add more exploration videos there. Sam and Colby have been doing exploration videos for years now so when they meet another YouTuber who does what they do they decide to help her out and Kickstart her channel by being in some of her videos and showing her cool places to go and explore. Will they find more haunted places to go to and will one of them fall for the girl they barely know or will they just remain good friends? Read to find out
Peyton's POV
Peyton had just finished unpacking all of her boxes and gotten changed into a tank top and cutoffs then went out back to lounge around and relax. She closed her eyes and just about doses off when she heard a lot of loud laughing and yelling next door that sounds like a bunch of guys goofing off. Peyton got up and walked towards the fence that met her neighbors yard. She was trying to make out what they were saying but couldn't really tell but she recognized all of their voices. "Wow I guess I moved near the traphouse." she laughed "This should be interesting." Peyton walked back towards her house and lounges for a few hours. After she finished lounging and once it was getting dark she grabbed her camera and a backpack with a flashlight, some water, batteries incase the flashlight died, and some snacks then went out of her front door and to her car. The boys were headed out as well and she noticed they had book bags and cameras as well so she figured they must be going somewhere to shoot a video. Peyton got into her car and drove for about twenty minutes to a abandoned building that was near there and then got out. She put her long thick curls into a messy bun and walked inside taking out her flashlight and flipping it on. She did her intro and explained what she was doing and then looked around the house. It was really dusty and had marks etched into the wall and floor and as she walked father it she felt the atmosphere change as the markings grew creepy. She heard a car pull up and then heard Colby's voice. He was telling his friends what they should do. Peyton tuned the out and went to the next room and vaguely heard the guys walking in when the door slammed shut behind her. She turned around and tried opening the door but it wouldn't open. Peyton started to panic and started screaming for the guys to open the door. That's when she felt a sharp pain go through her and she stumbled back falling to the floor. It felt like people touching and grabbing her which just make her panic more. Peyton covered her face and continued to scream for help. They finally opened the door and she felt someone gently pick her up.
Colby's POV
They had just gotten the the building they were about to explore and barely made it inside before they heard a girl screaming. Colby had instinctively ran to the door and grabbed kept working with the door until it opened. Once it was opened he saw the girl. She straight brown hair and had fair skin with dark brown eyes. Colby picked her up and carried her put of the room and only then did she open her eyes. His eyes met the biggest brown eyes he had ever seen, brown eyes full of fear. "You're safe now." he said and then gently sat her down. The girl nodded and put her flashlight back in her backpack. "What happened?" Jake asked earnings him a slap upside the heard by Sam. "It's okay....I don't know I was locked in there and something attacked me." the girl said in a quiet voice. Colby gave Sam a knowing look. "They could have attached themselves to her...we should leave before they hurt someone else." he said and they made their way to the cars. "Where are you staying?" Sam asked looking over at the girl who Colby couldn't stop staring at. "I actually live right next door to you." she said and Sam noticed how Colby's eyes seemed to light up. "What's your name?" they all asked im unison making her laugh. "Peyton." she said taking her hair back down as her stomach started to growl. Sam laughed and then looked at Colby. "Why don't she just come eat with us since we were headed there after we explored here anyway?" Peyton looks at the boys wondering if she should take them up on there offer or just go home. "Okay let's go." she said then got into her car while the boys loaded up into theirs. A few minutes later they were all sitting down in a booth and ordering what they wanted. Colby still couldn't take his eyes off of Peyton. He's been wanting a serious relationship ever since Sam met Kat but couldn't ever find a decent girl to date so he hoped to get to know her and maybe eventually ask her out. The boys had to admit she was hot but Jake and Sam was in a relationship and Corey wasn't really looking for another girlfriend because he had just gotten out of a relationship recently. "What time was Kat supposed to meet us?" Colby asked Sam who was constantly looking at his phone. "She's supposed to be here soon." Sam replied as the waitress brought there burgers and their drinks. A little bit later Kat came and sat beside Sam then they all started eating. Peyton told everyone where she grew up and about how her dad named her after his favorite football player Peyton Manning. Colby held onto every word she said and everyone gave her their number though Colby figured he'd be the only one that messages her all the time.
Peyton's POV
Later after Peyton had got home and got a bath and put on her pajamas she curled up on her bed and turned on Netflix scrolling around to find movie. She got a text from Colby later that night asking if she wanted to come over tomorrow and hangout. She had quickly said yes and then snuggled under her covers and watched TV until she fell asleep.